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A New Kind of Strength

A New Kind of Strength

-  Gifts of Crisis  -

September will start on a high-energy note with a Pisces Full Moon, setting up a month of elevated-intensity happenstance and many new things coming to light. Seat-belts are suggested, not only for witnessing the craziness of the world but for personally navigating the highs and lows. Continue reading for a big picture of what's ahead and suggested advance preparations.


As we know, planetary energies in 2020 tend to be amplified and some of the conjunctions are game changers of historical proportions - the likes of which haven't been seen on Earth for hundreds of years. These line-ups point to a mega shift in awakening and a combination of tearing down unworkable systems and building new infrastructures from the ground up. This is beyond messy, and the sheer magnitude of so much transforming so fast can be unnerving.

Pisces Full Moon

The Pisces Full Moon of September 1-2 will put a spotlight on trust and values. Both of those themes are now center stage globally as citizens in our divided society evaluate incoming information. We're witnessing a "war on truth" in which facts are either disputed, ignored, or distorted.

The "us vs them" dynamic has intensified, too, spilling over into business and even families. Decision-making and real solutions to our world's dilemmas have become compromised. A growing number of problems - like racism, income inequality, outdated infrastructure, healthcare and climate - are like a ticking time bomb. This dynamic adds a sense of urgency and crisis to living now.

Crisis Energy in the Air

Indeed, the energy of crisis is in the air. So much of our daily existence has been turned inside out. The chaos is palpable, stirring unrest and uncertainty within us. This is the case, even if we feel relatively insulated from some of the world's problems. We're all connected, after all, and on a spiritual level there's an energy line connecting all things and all beings.

Our level of awakening prevents us from going back to sleep and pretending that we aren't involved in revolutionizing our world into one that works for everyone. At the very root of things, all injustices and imbalances are connected. There is no separation.

Dreams and Intuitive Insights

A bonus of this week's Pisces Full Moon is how it can help us connect more tangibly with dreams and insights that come from inner planes activity during sleep. Those insights may come the next day or days later as an intuitive flash of wisdom helping to solve a life riddle.

Pisces energy is quite psychic, so don't be surprised if you come up with a solution that opens doors and perhaps changes the course of your life. The key to this outcome is being present to your intuitive nudges - whenever they come - and taking action. As we know, so much of life is divine timing and divine orchestration - pieces of a puzzle fitting when we act on our intuitive knowing.

Coping with Crisis

As we begin a new month, we continue being impacted by the pandemic crisis and the countless ways it has upended our lives. For perspective, the crisis is much more than a virus that spread globally. It's about a host of issues involving how we live together on Earth. We now have a magnifying glass on some of those, seeing them in a new light. Examples: the state of health care and a generally unhealthy population. The pandemic is temporary, but the other crisis issues will remain until resolved.

Advance Team of Souls

We incarnated now to be part of the advance team of souls witnessing a mass unveiling of societal dysfunction and actively participating in a mega transformation that will shift things into balance.

Yes, sounds like a humongous task and it is. Yet we are wired at a DNA level to fully participate in this.

We're in this together, too, so remember that when you feel overwhelmed or wonder if you're making a difference.

Gifts of Crisis and Being Here Now

Feeling weary adjusting to the growing list of 'new normals' during our pandemic - you're not alone. There is at least one key silver lining to this crisis. That is a new form of strength we are developing as we make repetitive adjustments to brand-new norms. The sheer magnitude of what we are needing to adapt to - and the fact that we are adapting with lightning speed - is helping us to become more resilient.

Two of the must-have qualities to master and embody in the 2020s are adaptability and resilience.

Any such inner qualities of a spiritual nature are honed over time through repetition, happenstance and gaining wisdom. They don't come automatically or easily. It takes perseverance and dedication to stay the course. Most enlightened qualities take lifetimes to develop, in incremental stages. In this life, we're getting a crash course of sorts, the universe forcing us to evolve more quickly.

It's still up to us how quickly we evolve. There are no guarantees. We have an ago, after all, and many lifetimes involving our ego dominating our expression. Fast forward to now when awakening and embodying our spiritual selves is part of our purpose.

In this rare time of mega changes, our conditioned ego-self rebels and prefers the status quo. When that happens, it's like a battle of the wills - our ego vs our higher wisdom. In the 2020s we must remain vigilant to this dynamic and choose the wisdom path.

Consider this. If the pandemic or some other global crisis had been only 6 weeks or 6 months - and it was the only crisis needing attention - we wouldn't be in this auspicious position. We wouldn't be constantly forced to adapt to new things. We therefore wouldn't need to adapt so much or to become more resilient. So therein lies our gift.

While I realize that such a gift isn't typically recognized as the blessing it is until much later after hardships have passed - let's embrace it and use it for our own enlightenment and transforming our world. We can do this.

I look forward to your feedback on these themes and knowing how I can serve you in an expanded way in 2020. Feel free to contact me at my website.

Selacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2020 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

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