Reiki Healing for Standing in Your Power
- Details
- Written by Julie Geigle

Hi, I’m Julie, Geigle, and this is reiki for standing in your power and we're going to invoke the masters.
I work with welcoming in Archangel Metatron, Dr Yusui and God, whom all healing ultimately comes from, and inviting in your spiritual team, so that you may receive whatever is in your highest and best good.
Now go ahead and rub your hands together if you're reiki-attuned or if you want to tap into that universal life force energy.
And then you can place your hands on your person wherever you need healing today, and if you can't reach the spot, you need healing, or if you want to focus on mental emotional, you can go ahead and place your hands on your lap.
Now our power center is the third chakra which is around the belly button right above the belly button area.
So, if you'd like to place your hands on your power center, that is near your heart chakra or your solar plexus, it is the third chakra, it's yellow.
So think of the sun, though, we're going to go ahead and clear out any blocks for your personal power right now: and just imagine that chakra spinning, bright and vibrant, yellow feeling stable, secure and solid. And just imagine that mental emotional symbol going into your mind, clearing out any negative chatter and being able to stand in your power, strong, confident and secure feel that release anytime you sigh or yawn.
It’s an indication that the release is working and the affirmation for this third chakra is:
I am worthy.
I am worthy.
I am worthy.
I am worthy.
I am deserving.
I am loved.
I am an infinite, magnificent being and I am worthy.
I can really feel your spiritual team around you right now, adding to this power adding to your power.
I am capable.
I am capable.
I am capable.
Julie Geigle is a Spiritual Coach, Reiki Master Teacher and gifted channel of Archangel Metatron. With a Masters in Education, Julie spent 10 years teaching middle school and is now honored to work with the spiritual realm helping those on a spiritual journey end suffering and create a beautiful life. She has traveled to India's Enlightenment Center, Ekam (formerly Oneness), studied mediumship at the renowned Arthur Findlay College in England and has visited Brazil’s spiritual center for healing. She holds certification in hypnotherapy, meditation & is a Reiki Master Teacher and Ordained Minister. Ho’ponopono is her favorite healing technique and she is a member of SriAmmaBhagavan's Golden Age Mission. One path Julie has always loved in her life is teaching. She now offers an online Lightworker's Academy: Become a Spiritual Coach in 12 weeks and Reiki Series: Heal Self & Others. Source Here
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