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Removing Fear And Allowing Sacred Light

Removing Fear And Allowing Sacred Light

So much fear mongering is happening in our world—from threats of nuclear attacks to reports of economic collapse to warnings about worsening viruses to dire experiments being conducting in certain scientific arenas, and more information that tends to stir-up nervous systems.

It is enough that LIGHT is soaring into our realm for clearing, cleansing, and illumination that causes physiological, emotional, and mental experiences without humanity having to also contend with mankind’s disharmonious thoughts, words, and deeds.

Many prayers and rituals have been offered along with their historical significance.

Some are rather lengthy involving prayer malas, mantra-chanting, candle, and incense lighting, etc.

There are times, however, when we may desire to connect with the INFINITE REALMS in a brief but potent way such as while we are driving or in line at a market or bank, etc.

Anchoring to SOURCE does not always have to involve a long ceremony.

In fact, when we have properly chanted a specific mantra into our prayer malas (which is called “seeding”), and then we wear them, we are “wearing our prayers” because a mala continually vibrates throughout our auric fields and makes its way into our cellular records.

Thus, it develops a type of “consciousness” or “life force” because everything is “energy.”

As mentioned, however, what if we need to make a swift “call” to SOURCE FREQUENCY for some reason—healing, protection, courage, etc.?

Here is a method that can never fail that is short but POWERFUL!

As many people now know, the holy mantra “AUM” (also written as “OM”) is called the “Pranava” in Sanskrit, and it translates as “Cosmic Sound.”

This one word is the most potent mantra, and it begins and ends many other mantras. Scriptures teach that this was pronounced by SOURCE when all things were brought into being. 

Whenever you need to feel better during the high energies coming from the cosmic realm or if you are anxious about a meeting or doctor’s appointment or if you see a traffic accident or if a friend or family member is health-challenged or if you are fatigued and need a boost of energy or if you have watched television news and it has disturbed you, for financial aid—for any reason and need—“AUM” will work miracles.

Take a deep breath.

Envision LIGHT surrounding you (or the situation you may have witnessed) and say aloud “AUM” several times—as many times as you desire.

Your HIGHER SELF—your SOUL— will let you know when the “Divine Connection” has been made. It must be pronounced with a relatively long duration such as: “AUUUUUUUUUM.”

Many people are used to reciting the mantra as if it is simply pronounced like “OHM,” but this is incorrect.

In true Sanskrit, it is pronounced like: “AHH OHHH MMM.” The “AHH” sound is like when a doctor tells you to say this sound when he or she wants to examine your throat.

The “OHHH” is like when you are saying: “Ohhh, I love your new coat.”

The “MMM” is like when you have tasted something good or when you enter a kitchen and smell a wonderful meal cooking, and you are excited to partake of it.

These simplistic examples help the novice to properly pronounce the sacred word. — “AUM.”

If desired, of course, a mala can be “seeded” with this mantra, and when the beads of the prayer mala are rubbed during the day, a sensation of calmness is created because the mantra “seeded” into it is healing, protective, and manifests whatever is needed at a particular time.

Suggestions for specific malas are an Amber mala anointed with Amber oil, a Rosewood mala anointed with Rosewood oil, a Sandalwood mala anointed with Sandalwood oil, a Boddhi Seed mala anointed with Sandalwood oil, or a turquoise mala anointed with either Sandalwood oil or Agarwood oil (also known as “Oud”).

However, with or without a mala, “AUM” is one of SOURCE’s most powerful “phone numbers.”

No modern technological device is needed—just your creative utterance.

After all, the term “HU” is from ancient Medu Neter and translates as “Creative Utterance,” and the word “MAN” is from the Sanskrit “Manas” which translates as “Mind” and as “Consciousness.”

Thus, to be “HUMAN” is to possess the powers of “Sound” and “Mind.”

The word “MANKIND” refers to having a “type of consciousness” —either harmonious or disharmonious (good or not good).

Let us, therefore, be “MANKIND” with a type of mindset that focuses upon SOURCE LIGHT at all times for “MANKIND” is both a feminine and a masculine manifestation.

For those who wonder why “WOMANKIND” is not mentioned herein so as to fight against a male agenda in the chaotic “3d” world, the phonemes “WO” and “MAN” when placed together is from the Old English word “wifman” and refers to being someone’s “wife” and specifically translates as “manwife” which further refers to being the “property of a husband”.

The term “wifman” dates back to the early 900s. Thus, technically, for my sisters in the struggle for feminine equality with our masculine colleagues, we do not need to focus on the words “WOMAN” or “WOMANKIND due to their root meanings because male or female, everyone has a “MAN” or “MIND” or “CONSCIOUSNESS.”

Sometimes it is necessary to add intellectual teachings from history, science, linguistics, etc. to spiritual information.

LIGHT also increases the desire for HIGHER KNOWLEDGE as it clears-out old programming.

As women, we are not the “property” of our husbands nor are they our “property.”

We all are of the DIVINE if we so desire.

We can disconnect with our free will.

I choose to stay connected.

How about you?


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