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Protecting The Auric Field

Protecting The Auric Field

Everything in creation has an auric field or a vibrational frequency of energy surrounding it.

For human beings, this can be several inches from the physical vessel to several feet according to levels of consciousness.

Persons who have a daily spiritual practice have a larger auric field expanse than others.

This field provides both protection from disharmonious incoming energy from others or from dangerous radiation situations, and it also attracts the SACRED LIGHT that is necessary to transform DNA to a multi-stranded crystalline power.

Thus, it can attract harmony and also repel disharmony.

The auric field can be disrupted in the following ways, however, if we are not wise as to our habits:

  • Too much energy coming from opposing energy fields such as cell phones, computers, laptops, televisions, micro-wave ovens, medical and dental x-rays. These procedures short-circuit the healthy normal frequencies of the human body, destroy DNA, and causes what is termed “auric bleeding”.
  • Being in cluttered, dirty environments.
  • Being around people who are always angry, critical, and fault-finding for no reason.
  • Being on an airplane for an over 10-hour flight because planes fly into high-powered radiation which causes interference with clarity of thought, major fatigue, upset stomachs, and bodily aches and pains when the planes fly at what is considered to be “cruising speed” which is 35,000 to 40,000 feet. Such flights are out of the vibrational pulsation of our planet while it is receiving necessary cosmic LIGHT. The symptoms that most people think is merely “jet lag” is actually radiation poisoning.
  • Taking chemical medications. The bodily cells, which have consciousness, do not recognize chemicals that are not natural, and therefore, attempts to remove them from the system which causes side effects to begin and to increase as more and more medicine is taken over a period of time. 

To protect the auric field from harm, do the following:

  • Wear the metals of gold and copper daily and also an Amber necklace, bracelet, or pendant.
  • Take mineral salt baths and showers.
  • Commune with SOURCE daily via prayer and meditation.
  • Pronounce the sacred sound “AUM” (“OM”) aloud several times daily (even while driving).
  • Play the 528 Hertz “miracle tone” around your body daily with either a tuning fork or a Tibetan singing bowl.
  • Increase water consumption.
  • Smudge your living and work environment often with Frankincense or Sandalwood incense.
  • For one week on a daily basis each autumn, take one teaspoon of the following— all of which you will have placed in a quart of spring water: 6 cloves of garlic, 3 tablespoons of freshly cut ginger, and a cup of apple cider vinegar. This potion also strengthens the immune system against colds, flu, and “pandemic” attraction.
  • Wear or carry either Schorl (Black Tourmaline), or Rubellite (Pink and Red Tourmaline), or Siberite (Purple Tourmaline). These have lots of “lithium” which not only is emotionally calming and alleviates stress but also annihilates harmful radiation.

SOURCE LIGHT is assisting us, but with our free will, we are allowed to receive it or not and have been taught to employ the blessings of Nature and not to tamper with them.

Obtain these suggested resources this weekend as LIGHT penetrates our planet and continues its cleansing and illuminating actions in continually upward surges without resting from its mission.


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