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Live Longer In The Beautiful New Age

Live Longer In The Beautiful New Age

150 is the new 100 on this planet according to my top alien Galactic Federation leader and soulmate friend. So many of you who are in your late 60s and 70s reading this are really only entering into the early stages of middle age NOW. Humans can now live to be 150 years of age in this planet.

150 is the new 100. 150 is the new 100. Believe it. And if we can lift the oxygen rate up by using bamboo forests and other measures to grow forests in deserts we can probably get lifespans on this planet up to 350 years fairly quickly. Not now of course, we can't do 350-year lifespans on this planet. BUT definitely 150.

Yet if we can get the oxygen rate up quickly via planting massive forests in deserts and other areas to lift the oxygen rate to 50% we can certainly get to 350-year lifespans on this planet. So that could be done within a generation (feasibly).

Dear readers my views on the USA have been expressed many times. Please don't think I'm this vehemently anti-American dude. I'm not at all. I LOVE THE AMERICAN COUNTER CULTURE MASSIVELY. I grew up in the epicentre of the Western counter culture. To me THE WESTERN COUNTER CULTURE offered some of the most advanced thinking and lifestyles available to this planet........SPIRITUAL SOCIALSM. 

The hippie communes of the 1960s and 1970s to me were PERFECT MODELS for development on our planet. I lived on communes and grew up as a boy hippie.

I am an expert on American culture, having read all the major poets, philosophers, physicists, writers, journalists, novelists and others of the AMERICAN COUNTER CULTURE. And that includes the NEW AGE MOVEMENT in its entirety which to me is simply another arm of the counter culture but of course was totally fused into the worldwide hippie movement. 

The problem I have with the western world is the Illuminati and western capitalism and western imperialism and western endless wars. And they run governments and kill tens of millions of people around the world. AND in fact it was the AMERICAN AND WESTERN COUNTER culture who fought on the front lines against this EVIL and in some cases put their lives on the line. 

SO I WORSHIP THESE BRAVE WESTERN PEOPLE. TRULY. They stopped the Vietnam War. That was an extraordinary achievement. 

AND THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT AMERICA IS THE CENTRE OF THE WORLDWIDE NEW AGE MOVEMENT. And as many worldwide New Age leaders write, THAT extraordinary COUNTER CULTURE New Age American SPIRIT was probably overshadowed by Archangel Michael and other positive archangels.

Yet having said that the USA is certainly an evil monster. Its governments consistently terrorize the world with their $1 trillion-dollar military budget and 800 military bases.

And having said that the USA is the New Age centre of the world I say this with some clarification. Average American Society knows about the alien and New Age agenda but they never act on it. So really the hardcore New Age movement - the definitive NEW AGE MOVEMENT- is in fact quite small. That is because there is so much disinformation out there.

And countries all around the world now have utterly amazing New Age cultures and lots of alien/ET discussions raging through their societies. Europe is a hotbed on New Age activity and London is very much a central area for alien/ET activity with many groups and healers promoting this.

And of course Asia is absolutely New Age because their entire civilizations are based on central New Age religions such as nonfundamentist elements of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism (especially Taoism via the amazing Chinese medicine), Confucianism, animism plus other areas.

And in the past 30-40 years the alien/ET agenda has exploded right across Asia with many websites and stories of journalism. China publishes a lot of ET stories. Japan and South Korea have been hotbeds of alien/ET activity with lots of groups. And now south-east Asia is also coming alive with the New Age/alien/ET agenda.

India of course is New Age central where anything goes.

And just to carry on from my previous point about not being totally vehemently anti-American. I was a friend of left-wing Hollywood actress Shirley Maclean for a while after she read my New Age alien book outlining the Galactic Federation from my PhD called THE NEW IDEALISM........and really IT was Shirley Maclean's book published way back in the late 1970s called OUT OF THE BLUE that introduced the GALACTIC FEDERATION TO THE WORLD.  As the book outlines the Galactic Federation used her for her fame to start spreading the word via a genuine Galactic Federation contactee that had become her best friend. She is a very underestimated writer and her views on group karma and countries accruing karma through negative events is spot on. 

The Galactic Federation is comprised of human aliens from other advanced civilizations in this galaxy and they now surround our planet urging ET truth. They can and will stop all nuclear missiles and have saved this planet from being destroyed 20 odd years ago by evil reptilian Reptoid aliens. But our planet is constantly under threat from being destroyed so I try my hardest to change the minds of governments around the world and to join us in the Galactic Federation. The USA Government via the Pentagon recently said officially they have ET spaceships and pilots.

Readers must know there are three main alien/ET groups that have been coming to Earth.

They are the good Galactic Federation aliens, 60% of whom are human, and they now surround this planet, and want a world government in China's Sichuan province based on nation sovereignty. Then there are the bad evil reptilian aliens who have 30,000-year lifespans. And lastly the grey aliens who are not powerful at all and only have 200-year lifespans.

I have had long and extensive communication with good human aliens from the Galactic Federation and one of their leaders in a human body on this planet with super power is one of my closest friends. She can telepathically read my mind anywhere on the planet and contact me. All governments know of her amazing power. 

All people born 2002 and after are all human aliens called starseeds dying on their home human planets and being reborn on earth to help change the planet. I am also a human alien StarSeed from a Chinese human looking planet on the other side of the galaxy with 10,000-year lifespans. Human planets across the galaxy can live for just 200-400 years to a massive, long lifespans of 30,000 years. Sirian human aliens look European and have 5000-year lifespans on their home planet. Hydran human aliens look African and have 500-year lifespans. Arcturians look Chinese and have 30,000-year lifespans. Pleiadians have 700-year lifespans. When a Galactic Federation human alien dies on their home planet they then usually reincarnate back on their home planet unless they are sent out as a StarSeed.

More than 500 lower-level Galactic Federation human planets with lifespans between 200 - 400 years were recently attacked by bad Reptoid aliens just like earth. Quite a few of these human planets were totally destroyed. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE DANGER THAT EARTH FACES? We don't have time for the alien politics of the grey aliens or this planet will also be destroyed. Earth governments must stop playing this stupid dangerous game of doing nothing. You either join the Galactic Federation or you will be destroyed. SIMPLE. That is my message to you. OUR galaxy is in a giant war with these evil reptilian REPTOID aliens and it is vicious, utterly deadly beyond your wildest dreams, and here. EARTH CAN EASILY BE DESTROYED. The Galactic Federation is our only hope. Of those 500 lower-level human planets that have survived many many speak English and use oxygen for their atmospheres. I have been told many Earth people could move to these planets permanently via mass evacuation.


But we are all being placed at risk until we formally join the Galactic Federation. It is as simple as that. There is no time to waste. You must remember also that 40% of the Galactic Federation are non-human aliens including GOOD Reptoid aliens, dragon aliens, insect aliens and more. Reptoids have 30,000-year lifespans. The grey aliens are totally non powerful with just 200-year lifespans. All the aliens in the Galactic Federation work for LOVE and their leader is Archangel Michael. The Leader of the bad Reptoids is Archangel Lucifer. Humans were first formed on the Vega star system 7 million years ago and then developed to a high sentient level and set up human civilizations across the galaxy. Earth was established 2 million years ago with Hybornea. This was destroyed by Reptoids. Then the Galactic Federation came back and set up Lemuria and this was destroyed by Reptoids around15,000 years ago. That is our true history.

Yet I just want to return to discussing America and the USA.

I was also very friendly with Valentine Miller, daughter of the famed American novelist Henry Miller. I love Henry Miller's writing as I am a very serious Avant Garde novelist myself and eventually got friendly with Val. She was an utterly lovely person. I felt honoured to be her friend. YOU CANNOT GET MORE AMERICAN THAN HENRY MILLER.

I would also like to mention my views about the world-famous American healer called Anthony William whose alternative medicine theories are sweeping the world. He gets this information from angels. My views on Anthony WIlliam as I have outlined before in previous pamphlets I've  published is don't rely on him as a one stop shop. His views on meditation are wrong. Meditation, especially Ian Gawler meditation which developed from Shiva Pura Baba (who lived to be 137 and was Queen Victoria's yoga teacher as Buckingham Palace) can cure/heal cancer with whole food veganism. STILLNESS MEDITATION IS A MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH. And it comes from Shiva Pura Baba. My alien friend strongly confirms its abilities. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY IT WAS REDISCOVERED FOR THE WORLD by Sai Baba, the world-famous Indian guru and human Galactic Federation alien with super powers (he could teleport, bilocate and bring back people from the dead) who supported Ian Gawler when he was dying of cancer. I actually believe that Sai Baba set Ian Gawler up to use this technique to cure his cancer as a way to promote it. 

I am an alternative doctor (natural medicine oncologist) and one of my Master degree theses examines Ian Gawler and Shiva Pura Baba and the whole STILLNESS MEDITATION medical revolution where even many terminal brain cancer patients were being fully reversed on this regime. I am an expert on this. 

William claims meditation is not a core healer (he calls it a band aid but supports it). I think this is dangerous. My alien friend has said Anthony William is the real deal and his views on celery juice, the heavy metal detox (EXTREMELY IMPORTANT) and most of his other recommendations are very accurate. His angels are not just giving him the full picture on ENERGY MEDICINE...............and basically people (aliens) like me are energy medicine experts. I urge all readers to have a look at Ian Gawler meditation as described in my books/pamphlets and learn it if you wish. They are on my website.

These are my views on SPIRITUAL SOCIALISM......I strongly support spiritual socialism or spiritual communism. Galactic Federation HUMAN planets don't need ownership. It is all about love and sharing. LOVE AND SHARING. Not money and materialism. They don't own houses. They don't own farms. They don't own industry. THEY COLLECTIVELY SHARE IT. Collectively. There truly is no need for ownership. The only thing I personally love to own are DIRT CHEAP OLD YACHTS OR CHINESE FISHING BOATS because I love to live on them and their price value is virtually nothing anyway. But I'm sure if I was on another HUMAN planet I could do this without owning it. There is no need. MY ALIEN FRIEND HAS CATEGORICALLY SAID that highly developed Galactic Federation human planets have extensive "HIPPIE COMMUNE" type arrangements WHERE everything is collectively owned. So you get clusters of communes (usually in pristine forests) that surround a small or medium size town. And that's how it works. The lower human planets with shorter lifespans such as the 500 human planets with lifespans of just 200-400 years still retain cities and industrial landscapes similar to earth. WHAT I WANT TO SEE ON EARTH IS GOVERNMENT OWNED COMMUNES. The land is government or publicly owned and massive hippie communes are established growing lots of beautiful organic foods (which could be sold outside and profits used to fund alternative medical hospitals) Generation Z starseeds could live in their electric VW Kombi vans.....and they could contribute to these communes offering their labour and helping older people. And these communes could be mixed into the existing unhealthy system in a bid to get people thinking and to give relief from the current grind of fascism. Anyone would be welcome on these communes. All you need is a teepee, tiny house, yurt, Kombi or tent. And lots of free organic vegan food. JUST LIKE A BIG SPIRITUAL ASHRAM BUT GOVERNMENT OWNED. And lots of farming. No private property. My vision is like a mix of total NEW HIPPIEDOM mixed with MAOISM and Maoist communes. To this day you are not allowed to own anything in CHINA.

All land in China is publicly owned. Nothing can be privately owned. You can only take out leases. So China is easily the most communistic nation on this planet. It still has Mao communes. But more importantly although the commune tradition has been stopped the villages still retain complete "hippie Maoism" because all the land is publicly owned and people just farm the land and share. 

I love Chinese village life and culture. It is truly quite amazing and many of the ancient Taoist and Buddhist elements are fully retained and mixed with communism. CHINA IS A HOOT. I love the place completely but plead with the CHINESE GOVERNMENT TO MAKE FORMAL FULL SPECTRUM GALACTIC FEDERATION ALIEN ANNOUNCEMENTS AND TO START THE WORLD GOVERNMENT IN SICHUAN EVEN IF AMERICA DOESN'T WANT TO JOIN - YET. We need this world government to even join the Galactic Federation and planet earth is under the threat of TOTAL DESTRUCTION from Luciferic REPTOID reptilian aliens without Galactic Federation military protection.

And if the leaders of this planet keep treating the Galactic Federation badly obviously this planet will not get military protection and be destroyed. SIMPLE. IT IS VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE AMERICANS COME ON BOARD AND JOIN US IN THE GALACTIC FEDERATION. And I am urging all veteran AMERICAN New Age leaders in America and some of whom with some groovy contacts to put pressure on the Government in Washington to join the Galactic Federation. WE ALL NEED TO START WORKING TOGETHER OR THIS PLANET WILL BE DESTROYED.

I have an intense fear of death because my home planet has 10,000-year lifespans. Very high-level human Galactic Federation ALIENS such as Sai Baba and my alien friend have mastery over death..(no fear).....they come from planets with 20,000 to 30,000-year lifespans. I COME FROM A MIDDLE LEVEL HUMAN GALACTIC FEDERATION PLANET WITH 10,000-year lifespans.

Our light quotients are between 68% to 72%. So my soul cannot accept these terrible short lifespans that earth has. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? So for my mission here on Earth I am requesting that I live to 140 to 150 years (if I don't die of some event before then or through illness) remembering that 150 is the new 100 (on this planet) and then to get on a GALACTIC FEDERATION spaceship and go back to our mothership near Neptune for a year or so and THEN GO HOME..........that's what I'd love to do is go home (to my home planet) IN THIS BODY. But it's up the Galactic Federation space fleet picking me up. Yet totally possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to see the smile on the faces of my beloved BRETHREN on my home planet when I returned this way. "Hi guys I'm back".

Love, Archangel Michael Blessings, Sai Ram from Michael Dargaville to all those who have read this article.

Submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Michael Dargaville, All rights reserved. 


Michael Dargaville


Michael Dargaville is an international journalist, poet, quantum theory scientist, philosopher, university professor, punk singer/performance punk poet/musician, natural medicine oncologist and general clinician, pioneering skateboarder, surfer, New Age expert, visual artist, and Avant Garde novelist who has been based in Asia and China for the past 25 years. He has taught at more than 20 universities around the world and especially in China. More than 200 million people have read his alien/ET journalism on the Internet (with many going outright viral) and has been translated into 15 languages. Michael has produced hard copy many books and pamphlets with more than 70 works of poetry, five major novels, four major works of philosophy including The New Idealism plus many works of journalism. He has played in many punk bands around the world. Michael is an StarSeed alien/ET from the Galactic Federation who are the benevolent human aliens/ETs surrounding Earth in their spaceships and appearing widely around the world urging official ET truth.

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