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Global Elevation Meditation (G.E.M.)

Global Elevation Meditation (G.E.M.)

On Saturday, April 30th, 2022, there will be a Solar Eclipse in Tropical Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus, and profound photonic LIGHT will exude from the cosmos as the Sun “seems” to darken.

A vortex will be opening.

According to scientific calculations, the eclipse will begin at 2:45 PM (Eastern Daylight Time—18:45 UTC) and reach maximum energy at 4:41 PM (Eastern Daylight Time—20:41 UTC) and end at 6:37 PM (Eastern Daylight Time—22:37 UTC).

Uranus governs powerful electromagnetic frequencies, intuitive messaging, collective mindsets, unexpected happenings, and revolutionary ideas and their activations.

As we know, protests and revolts are happening against controlling and manipulating forces, and this will continue.

The way in which to bring our planet to a spiritual elevation is to alter the way in which collective consciousness is focused.

Uranus has 27 Moons; one day is 42 years; it is the only planet that spins on its side; it has 13 rings; and it has the fourth largest mass in our solar system.

Its primary atmospheric components are hydrogen, helium, and methane.

The methane causes it to have a bluish coloring.

Taurus, an earth element sign, desires stability, contentment, beauty, prosperity, loyalty, knowledge, and can be very stubborn regarding its beliefs.

With the Sun and Uranus in Taurus, major evolutionary transformations can occur which create workable idealisms on our planet Earth/Gaia, and purposefully connecting to the frequency of the eclipse can manifest as individual and collective shifts in ways that can thrust our planet into extremely high LIGHT ENERGETICS or LIFE FORCE ENHANCEMENT.

April 30th will open a completely new portal of sacred SOURCE FREQUENCY, and if the energetics are consciously aligned with, healings, economic solvency, global peace, loving relationships, greater awareness, and galactic disclosures can be the truth of our existence.

Therefore, as many Earth/Gaia residents as possible are asked to join the GLOBAL ELEVATION MEDITATION on April 30th at 2:45 PM (Eastern Daylight Time—1845 UTC) with adjustments made, of course, based upon individual time zones.

Please have a pen and notebook and a glass of spring water ready on your altar.

During the meditation, amazing realizations can be given, and it will be wise to record what was received in the notebook for later review as events unfold on our planet.

The water is for drinking at the end of the session for “grounding” back into the material realm because when a person is in deep meditation, he or she anchors to SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS/HIGHER SELF/ SOUL/SOURCE.

There can be visions, audio-psychic messages, and a sensation of lightness as if being lifted up and out of the physical vessel.

The water will also become “prasadam” (“healing substance”) due to having been on your altar as meditation was being performed.

SOURCE FREQUENCY will have entered you and the water.

You may also wish to light fragrant incense which represents the DIVINE BREATH (Amber, Frankincense, Rose, or Sandalwood are particularly calming and healing) and a candle in a soft pastel color, the flame of which represents the DIVINE LIGHT.  These should be lit prior to the beginning of the meditation.

Notice that the theme of our meditation has the letters “G.E.M.”—a reminder of a sparkling precious jewel. When we are in alignment with SOURCE, we indeed shine brighter within and without.

Global Elevation Meditation

  1. Be seated comfortably at your altar. Take three deep breaths, and close your eyes. Be sure to try to inhale and exhale from about two inches below your navel—pushing out the solar plexus and abdomen on the inhalation and on the exhalation pulling them back. This is the “Yogic Breath” referred to in previous lessons. Breathe in and out through your nose.
  2. Place your consciousness on your heart, and see your heart surrounded and enveloped in LIGHT. Then see your entire physical vessel surrounded and enveloped in LIGHT as the LIGHT slowly moves out from your heart center. Simply breathe in and out calmly. If scenes of daily activities and obligations enter your thought patterns, just let them come and go. Do not hold onto them. Eventually, you will be enveloped in a vibrational energy of quiet, and the thoughts of the outer world will diminish. Just be patient.
  3. Allow your HIGHER SELF to let you know when the meditation session has ended. This will vary individually. Some persons will be able to connect directly with SOURCE FREQUENCY for an hour or more and some for perhaps a half-hour. Do not be in judgment. Your HIGHER SELF knows when to return you to the material realm. As time goes along, and you make meditation a daily practice, you will find that you are able to connect with SOURCE FREQUENCY for longer periods of time.
  4. Remember to slowly drink the water at the end of your session, and to write down any messages that you received.
  5. Remain seated for several minutes longer after you have consumed the water and written in your journal. Enjoy the beautiful quietude of the surroundings and allow the elevated energetics that you have visited to settle into you.

It would be fabulous if businesses and schools were closed on this day, and if everyone was encouraged to engage in the meditation at home or if these places remained open, if at least business leaders and school administrators would encourage their employees and students to engage in meditation and prepare a special room for it.

However, we do not yet have an ideal “5d” world, but we can work diligently to create one.

This is one of the main focuses of the GLOBAL ELEVATION MEDITATION.

Let us join together and LIGHT UP the planet!

There have been (and will be in the future) special ideal days for collective meditations due to particular cosmic events taking place.

However, the conjunction of our Sun and Uranus at this eclipse point in this “Now” is the most powerful offering that will be extended to us for many years.

Uranus will not move out of Taurus until April of 2026 after having begun its transit in May of 2018.

Thus, there will have been eight years of dramatic events and changes in all aspects of planetary civilization, and Pluto in Tropical Capricorn will have added to this when it leaves Capricorn and moves into Tropical Aquarius in 2024—with Capricorn governing big business, corporate structures, the political arena, military activity, major life lessons, removals of unnecessary situations that tend to impede planetary progress, and with Pluto governing powerful weather conditions such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis—no small events, but rather complete upheavals.

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008.

Our Sun “dancing” with Uranus is a totally new, never-before in this “Now” “choreography” of possibilities.

It is the “Holy Grail”, “Krishna Arrival”, “Christ Consciousness”, “Mahdi Appearance”, “Unborn Mind of Buddha” transference of SOURCE LIGHT FREQUENCY throughout our galaxy as a loud reading of a verse from the COSMIC HOLY BOOK.

Join us in “hearing” the verse, and beholding treasures of wonder!


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