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Get Ready for the Free Energy Revolution

Get Ready for the Free Energy Revolution

The vast majority of people who discuss free energy devices speak about it from a purely materialist perspective.

There is no acknowledgement of human consciousness, nor of the spiritual planes. Thus, despite these technologies affecting both human consciousness and interfering with the spiritual planes, it is not fully understood, nor acknowledged by most researchers. In this way it is currently a half-science, or an incomplete examination of the phenomenon.

To be clear, free energy devices magnify the condition of consciousness that humanity has at the time of their use. They also can cause a kind of hypnosis, or entrainment and even paralysis, of the mind if the individuals exposed to the forces released by the technology are not spiritually developed. The effect is that the more prolonged the use of this technology amongst groups that are not yet individuated and spiritually aware, the more difficult it will become for them to think for themselves. In this way the technology may be free and liberating in the most material sense, but potentially devastating for those that are unprepared. In other words, the technology creates a hive-mind within those that are unprepared for it. It confuses and interferes with the individuals connection to their higher-self (The "I").

Many people interested in these devices see their apparent sequestering away from the public as unfair and rooted in greed, or power. It is true that that is part of the reason these technologies are held back in regard to certain groups that have them. However, other moralist groups hold them back for ethical reasons and see their early release as obviously very harmful and ironically regressive for most of humanity. Moralists value the autonomy of the human being and believe that such devices should not be integrated into society until humanity has matured and can at least acknowledge the spiritual reality of such devices. It is unethical and subversive to expose humanity to overwhelming technological forces they do not understand. Such technologies should only be brought forth when their operation, especially their spiritual effect, is grasped.

Further, the technology is not alien, it is entirely earthly stemming back to earlier civilizations on the earth. It is, in fact, united to the core and matter of the earth. The technology was created by humanity for humanity. There is nothing alien about it. It has simply been reworked for the particular forces of our era. All attempts to pass it off as extra-terrestrial are devised to change the human origin story and separate humanity from their own history and future potential. The Ahrimanic-Techno-Religion is a religion that mislabels spiritual beings as extra-terrestrials. As materialists, they do not grasp the reality of the spiritual hierarchy. The release of technology before humanity is prepared is how they seek to enslave humanity.

It should be noted, and noted well, that certain groups who worship technology, and believe that their gods speak through it and even spiritually occupy it, plan to release 'free energy devices' when humanity is at its most low, fearful and chaotic. Understanding the potential spiritually paralyzing effect of this technology, it will be done to attempt to trap humanity in a very low, chaotic and fearful state. It will be brought forth as the answer to people's prayers. It will be presented as the beginning of a much needed new kind of civilization. A technological revolution! It is nothing of the sort, and humanity has been subject to a controlled demolition to create enough desperation to blindly accept its release. It is nothing more than a well-planned trap. It is the definition of the improper use of technology. As we all know, technology can be used positively, or negatively.

In the future, more will be discussed about the true origins of this technology in earlier periods and its direct connection to human consciousness. The details of this future discussion will further support the statements made above. While the release of this technology by groups that seek to subjugate humanity is inevitable. You have the choice whether you will personally support it and engage with it. It should be understood that there is another path for the conscious release and understanding of this technology. And, we can work towards that counter path if we so choose. Two paths will emerge and each individual should strive to be fully educated in regard to which they choose.

Get Ready for the Free Energy Revolution

Gigi Young
“..It is not just my job to look at the higher dimensional strings that are pulling you along, it is my job to help you navigate them; to help you move into your highest potential. Intuitive readings fall flat if they are merely a series of predictions with no deep knowledge or guidance behind them. It is my job to help provide clarity on where you are right now and where you have been and then bring the focus on how to align yourself into your highest potential..”
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