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Cosmic Frequency - Higher Flight

Cosmic Frequency - Higher Flight

As Earth/Gaia continues to traverse the heavens, “She” has experienced today, Monday, February 6, 2023, extreme “turbulence”.

There have been 135 earthquakes within the past 24 hours, and many of them have been of a very powerful magnitude.

There has been a “6.0”, “6.7”, “7.5”, and a “7.8”—all in Turkey— as well as a “3.8” in Seneca, New York in the USA.

A “C.7-Class” solar flare, which is almost in the “M-Class” range, has occurred at 1212 Universal Time (UT), and a new large sunspot has been detected on our Sun’s northeastern limb which is gradually turning towards our planet.

Solar winds are traveling above normalcy at 445.6 kilometers per second (km/s).

As we approach the “stopover” at Pluto’s anuretic (critical, karmic) 29th degree from February 11th to March 23rd—which has been much discussed in several recent articles—cosmic events are due to reach a profound height with a few scattered days of less intensity whereby humanity can adjust to the “turbulence”.

The literal upleveling and upheaving of Earth/Gaia must happen in order for healing of our planet’s auric field (surrounding magnetosphere—the magnetic field) to happen which has been invaded by dissonance—disharmonious “noise”—from eons of mankind’s misuse of Nature and negation of Divine principles throughout the space/time continuum.

Our planet is thus, with the help of SOURCE LIGHT, throwing-off toxic thoughts, words, feelings, and actions which have been trapped within “Her” molecular structure for many ages. “She” is being regenerated, revitalized, and renewed along with those who “choose” to elevate and regenerate with “Her”.

Many people have endeavored to discount Pluto’s power, referring to it as not being a “planet”.

Though small, this “planet” will give a potent dose of power that will be surprising to those who are only believers in “mainstream science”.

Scientists of all educational degrees—Physicists, Astrophysicists, Geologists, Chemists, Biologists, etc. will all rush to research ancient teachings and prophecies and sit back in awe as they try to make “logical” sense of what is occurring on and off of planet Earth/Gaia.

However, it is not only Pluto that will be shouting during Earth/Gaia’s “flight”. Solar energetics activated by the “Great Central Sun”, the “Photon Belt”, the “Great Attractor”—all of which have been discussed in previous discourses—will also play their parts in this “Shift of the Ages” which mankind has received “prefaces” about in various ways for hundreds of thousands of years.

Now the curtain has opened on our “viewing screen” while we are in flight, and deeper “introductions” to the “Shift of the Ages” is being given in preparation for the detailed experience.

Those who rendered what Spiritual Scientists, Mystics, Gurus, Acharyas, etc. have been teaching as being nonsense or a mere fairy tale or only science fiction will now be either closed-mouthed or admit their errors in analysis and now be ready for HIGHER KNOWLEDGE. 

Many suggestions have been offered for natural and spiritual wellness “tools”, and some of the information has been purposefully repetitive in order to allow for the information to be recorded in the subconscious “brain computer” for retrieval when necessary much like mankind’s created computer machinery or satellites which can store information.

Thus, details on what has already been discussed in this regard will not be repeated here. However, the following are a few key aspects to have on-hand and spiritual actions to engage in as cosmic events unfold throughout the world.

Nobody should dare to think that his or her nation is immune to what has occurred in Turkey and in other places around the world such as massive quakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, harsh weather patterns (and more) or to terrorist activity and warfare.

In this “Now” when SOURCE LIGHT is so strong and allowing “ITS” cosmic creations to intensify and also allowing mankind to use free will for blessings or consequences, it is wise to prepare for any eventuality as SOURCE insists on getting mankind’s attention:

  1. Keep your home clean because it should be considered as a material dwelling place for Divine energies—a temple, an ashram.
  2. Have plenty of food, water, and wellness supplements on-hand.
  3. Keep spiritual tools such as prayer malas, sacred oils, and sacred texts available.
  4. Keep your gas tank full just in case there is a need to evacuate your area.
  5. Take time NOW (if you have not already done so) to write a letter to SOURCE petitioning for peace and healing on our planet , and symbolically mail it either between the covers of your favorite holy book or outside beneath a thriving tree (an Evergreen is suggested).
  6. Keep other items such as batteries, candles, etc. available.
  7. Lots of mantras have been taught for various purposes. Due to the build-up of extreme situations in coming days, weeks, and months, the following is a very powerful protective mantra which transforms disharmony and which deflects away from you any danger that may be lurking. In other words ,it keeps disharmony away from you. It contains the “Pranava” (“Cosmic Sound”) of “AUM” which begin and end many other mantras: “AUM SHAKTI SHIVAYA” (“Oh, Divine, cause thy strength and power to have transforming protective energy”).

You can recite the mantra on a mala and then wear the mala continuously or it can be simply recited aloud as many times as you need to do so. “Shakti”, as stated, is the strength and power of SOURCE, and “Shiva” is the HIGHER SELF—THE SOUL–THE DIVINE.

The strength and power of SOURCE is the transforming energy of creation, and it resides in us—often lying dormant until called forth. “Shiva” also governs our elements of earth, water, air, fire, and ether.

It is our “spiritual umbilical cord” that keeps us connected to SOURCE FREQUENCY.

If you are uncomfortable with chanting mantras for some reason, then at least recite a daily prayer from your particular path of belief that is healing and protective. However, also pray that you are able to release any discomfort about paths that are more ancient than your own because you may be missing a blessing otherwise.

Pray, therefore, to be more open to what you have not been previously taught. Your path just might be standing on the shoulders of a path that was the original Divine revelation to the entire cosmos. Keep this verse in mind that is within the scripture called HOLY BIBLE: “Study to show thyself approved”.

This shift cannot be halted, but we can move through it with calmness if we realize that it has been foretold and if we prepare for its intensity.


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