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Coming Out The Other Side

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We just went through a major planetary alignment which brought up our deepest darkest wounds. The Sun also contributed to this event with major flares.  Obviously the Spiritual and UFO community did not fair to well in this experience as other communities, cities, even countries. Minus the truckers. They are awesome teachers concerning Unity, the whole world is uniting in support of them. There are other examples, doctors, nurses, lawyers, even some politicians, people from all walks of life are coming together with a common cause. Preserve humanity. Unity is the death knell of tyranny.

The separation and division games are a very bad joke we play on ourselves and if one would attune to their highest multidimensional self we would be laughing. It is very easy to release the past and forgive from that level yet how many are operating from that level? On the ego level we perceive things through our filters. Our filters consist of wounds, traumas, wrong conclusions from past experiences, this creates our be lie fs and the reference point from which we perceive the world around us. But is this reality? How many realities are there? As many realities as there are people. Is the physical the only reality? What if imagination was real on the level of imagination? How can we say someone is right or someone is wrong? Do we base this on our observation of physical events in time on a physical world? Time is relative to the observer. We base our time on natural cycles, our revolution around the sun and the tilt of the Earth which creates seasons. What if you were on another planet, a day lasts weeks because of a slower rotation. What if they had an entirely different race, different history, different rules, customs and be lie fs.  Do we force our be lie fs on them? Do we demand they accept a 24 hour day, 12 months, the seasons of Earth? To function as a peaceful society, we do have to adhere to agreed upon behavior. There are what is called God given rights, International Rights, Constitutional Rights other basic rights we agree on yet how do Spiritually and Technologically advanced civilizations live? Most operate on what is called Universal Law. They have councils with wise masters who have demonstrated a high level of spiritual adeptness and service to others. This is the eventual goal of Earth Humanity. A potential some will realize some will not due to clinging on to the past, old reference points. We also need to honor wisdom through experience, our Elders along with the reminders, our youth that just incarnated from Heaven, other planes dimensions most much more advanced. How do we honor both? In the future we will have free energy, replicators, med beds the possibilities are endless. In the now we have to do the best with what we have. We have to work within a system where the accepted exchange of society is money while transitioning into a new system. Either system has to have an exchange. An inward flow and outward flow in balance.

I keep hearing we have to live according to a new paradigm. Yet when we go to the grocery store and say charge it to the new paradigm and walk out the door, we might experience a different paradigm. One that consists of an angry owner or present laws that have a different truth. I got my new paradigm card and tried to pay my electric bill, my taxes, gas for my car but the date on it was 30 years in the future. Card denied. I tell them this is what I be lie ve, everything should be free, I live in an unlimited universe, this is my reality created by my consciousness. They would say this is not my reality, I worked hard to purchase these things and where is the exchange? We are in the chaotic phase of two worlds merging, the old world is collapsing, the new world is not here yet. It is like sympathetic resonance. The higher consciousness, the more advanced world forces the other world to change yet are there basics that hold true in both worlds? Demanding others meet your desires and needs is dysfunctional, it creates dependencies and eventually the well goes dry. If everyone is consuming and no one is creating what is being consumed obviously there will be an end to the supply line. If no one is consuming there is no need to create, there is no purpose in creating more if there is no need. This is what we call supply and demand. What if the supply was endless, we advanced to the level of replicators for all of our needs? Again what if we could teleport goods even ourselves anywhere, delivery and transportation will be done using free energy transports, anti or counter gravity? Why would we need humans for anything other than to consume? All we would need is robots to clean up our mess.

Would there be any pride of work, any roles other than consumer? How about pride of workmanship, creating unique things over stamped out unoriginal objects, clothing, etc. What would happen to self-worth our identities? Many people identify with their work, feel good about the service they provide. Psychologists would be very busy in the conversion into a fully automated society. These are all things to ponder. The most sought out objects in the future might be a rock or branch, a natural fruit or egg from a real chicken.

So what is the answer? How do we bridge the gap between the new paradigm and our present civilization? How far do we want to go away from nature? In nature we have to water, fertilize, pick, process and cook. Now there are the expenses and demands of governments, landlords, bank payments. Land payments, taxes, utilities etc. Some of this can be overcome by simplifying yet presently it is hard to operate and keep your land, vehicle, power on, the cupboards and refrigerator full without generating the accepted exchange of society, “Money”. Especially under the now paradigm. Do we expect others, governments to foot the bill? Where do governments go get their money from? Other people of which they take a considerable lions share. Much of what is taken from the people goes to the global elite which creates an extreme uneven distribution of wealth.  The war industry also takes a healthy chunk out of other people’s money. The war and disease profiteers are the biggest siphons of money. Do they want peace and healing? Peace and healing are bad for business. We need a complete global overhaul and it is coming but there will be steps in the process. The transition won’t happen overnight unless there is a pole shift, complete financial collapse or some other global catastrophe putting everyone on the same playing field.  Eventually we will transition once the med beds, fuel-less energy, anti/counter gravity, teleportation and replicator technologies are available. Right now we just have to be patient and do the best we can to adjust and help others adjust to the changes.

James Gilliland


James Gilliland is a best-selling author, internationally known lecturer, minister, counselor, multiple Near Death Experiencer and contactee. James is recognized world-wide as the founder of the Gilliland Estate, previously referred to and commonly known as the ECETI Ranch (Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) where he documents and shares amazing multi-dimensional contact phenomenon which can be viewed at www.eceti.org. His weekly As You Wish Talk Radioprogram on BBSradio.com draws an audience from around the world who are interested in truth and Higher Consciousness.  © James Gilliland, Self-Mastery Earth Institute & ECETI Enlightened Contact with Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

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