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Ancient Egyptian Space Kings
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- Written by W. Raymond Drake

Egypt! Land of wonder, mystery and magic. For unknown centuries the massive Pyramids, the inscrutable Sphinx and those mighty temples down the Nile, have dominated the minds of men; their silent grandeur evoking echoes of a glorious, grandiose Antiquity, the presence of proud Immortals, that Golden Age of the Gods when Earth was young.
Those colossal ruins from a past far remote intrude into our present world like symbols of some Galactic Race, their aura of power and spiritual strength radiate a message men cannot read; solitary they stand in alien isolation lording the sands beyond space and time waiting for Man to raise himself to understanding. Such awesome majesty reveals a greater, nobler race of Beings transcending mortal man, the Celestials, who taught civilization to Earth, those Spacemen from the stars.
Today our sophisticated world has lost its sense of wonder, that divine expectancy of soul transmuting the cold relics of the past to warm and passionate life. Our soulless twentieth century conditioned by science and socialism to esteem our age with all its faults as the highest peak in human endeavor, derides Antiquity as dismal ignorance, forgetting that true civilization matures within the soul not by super-bombs. We, who ring the Moon with rockets and challenge the stars, scorn the Sages of the past. What if the secrets of Ancient Egypt spell some dazzling revelation transforming Man’s future? Suppose conventional views are wrong? Our world cries out for compassion. Should we not seek inspiration from the stars?
The few millennia which we imagine to mark the history of Man upon our Earth, are determined by the various objects discovered by archaeologists, dated by radio-carbon potassium-argon or other techniques, confirmed by contemporary records, if any exist; of the vast aeons of human evolution preached by the paleontologists nothing is known. Scientists now concede that civilizations on other planets are not synchronous with our own; in some star-systems people may be thousands, even millions of years more advanced than we are; it is possible that in ages past Spacemen exploring our edge of the Galaxy landed on Earth and obedient to the Cosmic Law taught primitive Man the beginnings of culture, perhaps ruled as Kings, then left to sow the seeds of civilization elsewhere. Such a claim is hardly science fiction since in the centuries to come it is the intention of future cosmonauts to scatter the doubtful blessings of Earth on every star in sight.
Egyptologists have dedicated their lives to studying the sands of the Nile, archaeologists of genius subjecting their finds to scholarly insight have revealed a brilliant panorama of Ancient Egypt, the splendor of the Pharaohs, the wisdom of the priests, the wondrous heritage bequeathed to Greece and Rome, profoundly influencing our civilization today. Champollion’s decipherment of the Rosetta Stone illumined a lost world. Sir Flinders Petrie with his spade unearthed proud history; scholars from a dozen countries patiently resurrected a glowing living picture for seven thousand years of civilization. Seven thousand years! Herodotus wrote the Egyptians believed themselves to be the most ancient of mankind. What happened in Egypt before history?
Occult traditions preserve esoteric knowledge handed down by countless Adepts from remotest Antiquity illuminating vast epochs of Man’s evolution far beyond the limited range of factual archaeology. Such revelations are not acceptable to science, which must follow its own strict methodology of facts, experience and proof, yet unless we dismiss most of the truly great Thinkers of the past as vain dreamers merely because they adopted a thought-pattern different from ours, we must surely lend some credence to their teachings, especially when it is extremely unlikely that written evidence from remote times will ever be found.
The historian today finds it difficult to understand our own troubled century; he is rightly skeptical of the wisdom of mystics outside his rational discipline, yet he should bethink that in ages to come our modem world may become as little known as lost Atlantis, a possibility frightfully real. If a nuclear war or cosmic cataclysm ravaged our Earth today, fires, floods and earthquakes might destroy all written records, topple our proud buildings to dust, and stun the minds of men in a trauma obliterating all memories of catastrophe; the few survivors would sink to barbarism in frantic struggle for survival amid a shattered world, too shocked to brood on the horrors of the past. When at last generations later scholars turned to study our twentieth century, of our proud culture nothing might remain. Troy vanished from history; classical Professors swore the City of Priam was Homer’s dream until untutored Schliemann unearthed Helen’s jeweled diadem; Pompeii and Herculaneum buried by ashes from Vesuvius, which suffocated that erudite Admiral Pliny in AD 79, for eighteen hundred years became legends. Who knows in ages to come our great metropolises today may be a myth? In ten thousand years archaeologists in the absence of artifacts may deny we existed; the only memory of our tempestuous times may lie in the wisdom of Adepts. It is wrong to ridicule the old traditions; surely science should consider them.
The Secret Wisdom teaches that tens of thousands of years ago, Lemurians, humanity’s Third Root Race, migrated from their drowned continent across India to form settlements on the Upper Nile; chronology becomes confusing. Berossus claimed that a King ruled Babylon 432,000 years before the Flood; if so, a contemporary monarch must have reigned in Egypt; a claim we may accept or reject.
The next great cycle of humanity evolved in Atlantis, an island continent in the Atlantic Ocean more than 200,000 years ago. Few subjects arouse such passion as Atlantis–unless it be Flying Saucers!–about two thousand books have been written proving its existence and almost as many refuting it; advancing knowledge in geology and climatology suggests that sooner or later science will accept the truth of lost Atlantis as it will of the UFOs haunting us today.
Under beneficent guidance of Initiates in the Solar Wisdom from Venus, the Atlanteans attained a wonderful civilization at its zenith about 90,000 years ago, based on a psychic science controlling etheric forces; Adepts developed super normal mental powers conjuring aid from elementals in other dimensions. From their Space Teachers the Atlanteans learned Sun worship, adoration of the Solar Logos for whom the visible Sun is only a symbol; they believed in life after death, reincarnation of the soul in the flesh through the Chain of Worlds to attain perfection in at-one-ment with God dreaming the living universe. Scientists mastered a power called Vril causing levitation; they wielded a titanic sidereal force producing those annihilating blasts so vividly described millennia later in the ‘Mahabharata’. The first rulers, divine Kings from Space, brought intercourse between the planets; there was possibly communication with Wondrous Beings on Sirius, which had such mystical fascination for peoples of the ancient world. Earth might have been an outpost of the Galactic Federation, as the recondite knowledge of some Initiates might suggest.
Astronomers are often astounded when their recent discoveries appear to have been anticipated by ancient primitive peoples without our modern telescopes; they cannot attribute such knowledge to direct observation so tend to dismiss the fact as unscientific, especially if there appears to be no obvious explanation. Jean Servier, Professor of Ethnology at Montpelier, draws attention to the Dogon on the cliffs at Bondiagara in Mali, south of Egypt, who have long been aware that Sirius has two satellites, the periodicity of each was known; they say that the star’s close companion is composed of a metal called Sogolu more lustrous than iron, one grain of this substance is ‘as heavy as four hundred and eighty donkey loads’. Such a belief may be ridiculed at first as superstition, then astronomers recall that in 1862 Alvan G. Clark using an eighteen-inch refractor discovered a companion to Sirius with an apparent density fifty thousand times as heavy as water, a box of matches of this matter would weigh a ton; this wonder is explained by nuclear physicists as implying that its atoms are stripped of electrons, nuclei being closely packed together, a plausible explanation not proved. Our astronomers now agree to a second satellite of Sirius but unlike the Dogon have not determined its orbit. Initiates in the Sudan venerate Sirius as the progenitor of our own solar system confirming most ancient occult wisdom. The Shilluk tribe in South Africa have always called Uranus ‘Three Stars’, a planet with two moons, yet until its rediscovery by Herschel on 13th March 1781 Uranus remained unknown to modern astronomy. The Tuaregs in the Sahara Desert share a world-wide series of legends concerning Orion and the Pleiades. Such deep knowledge of the stars handed down by generations of primitive peoples for thousands of years can surely have been obtained only from astronomers in some long-vanished civilization like Atlantis or from Spacemen?
The Atlanteans rebelled against the Space Overlords, who returned to the stars; possibly the titanic war between the Gods and the Giants revealed in the Greek legends and the ‘Ramayana’! For thousands of years volcanic activity rent the continent into islands, which subsided into the sea; foreseeing eventual destruction many Atlanteans emigrated eastward to the Nile Valley or westwards to America building colonies like their Motherland; the cultural similarities particularly in architecture, metallurgy and religious beliefs between the Egyptians and the Aztecs suggest common origin in Atlantis. Later in vain attempts to avert their doom the priests perverted their psychic wisdom to black magic, the Kings launched maritime invasion of the Mediterranean countries and North Africa to meet final defeat by heroic Athens. About 11,000 BC the last great island of Poseidon was destroyed by volcanic eruption; proud Atlantis sank in the ocean, soon to be a vague memory still cherished by many believers but derided by official science, which cannot find proofs. There are occult traditions that Spaceships from Venus winged down to save Chosen Initiates from destruction; this salvation seems perpetuated in the Christian teachings of the ‘Angels of the Lord’, who will descend from Heaven to rescue the righteous on Doomsday; which the Scriptures graphically describe like the flames and floods destroying evil Atlantis.
Little evidence of this lost continent remained for posterity. Atlantis was mentioned in the ‘Book of Dzyan’ written originally in Senzar, later translated into Chinese, Tibetan and Sanskrit. The most valuable record of Atlantis, preserved by Plato in Timaeus states that his famous ancestor, Solon, visited Egypt about 590 BC and discussing Antiquity with Priests of Sais in the Nile Delta was told by a priest of very great age, that in ancient days
. . . the Atlantic was navigable from an island situated to the west of the straits which you call the Pillars of Hercules; the island was larger than Libya and Asia put together. . . . Now, the island was called Atlantis and was the heart of a great and wonderful empire, which had role over parts of the continent; and beside these, they subjected parts of Libya as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia.
The Priest described how the vast power of the Atlanteans tried to subdue Egypt and Greece, but the Athenians and their allies defeated the invaders and liberated the conquered peoples.
But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods, and in a single day and night of rain all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared beneath the sea.
Solon wrote ‘Atlantikos’, an unfinished poem, probably based on Egyptian writings about Atlantis, which he mentioned, unfortunately both were lost; yet who knows what records may be unearthed from the sands of the Nile? Initiates believe that the Atlanteans deposited time-capsules detailing their history, when our world is ready, these secrets will be disclosed. Such an idea seems science-fiction; so many cosmic truths have been revealed to Man this century; the proof of Atlantis may be found in Egypt.
Civilization in fantastic Antiquity is scorned by Egyptologists, who establish chronology by dead-reckoning of dynastic lists of Kings found in inscriptions from some known date fixed in contemporary Babylonian history or from the Sothic cycle, a period of 1,460 years, the coincidence of the rising of Sirius and the first day in the civil calendar. Dating of organic objects such as wood or bone is affected by measuring their content of radiocarbon 14, the age of pottery by thermo-luminescence method determining the output of light emitted by the clay when heated, which has relevance to its age. Even the great experts differ. Petrie dated the First Dynasty of Menes as commencing in 4777 BC, Breasted as 3400 BC, some authorities suggest 2850 BC; Egyptologists do recognize predynastic Stone Age cultures established from pottery and flints found in ancient graves varying in sophistication from the superior Gerzean to the primitive Tasian periods, the earliest Neolithic times are vaguely estimated as 5 or 6000 BC, which seems just yesterday compared with the 20,000,000 BC alleged by Dr. L.S.B. Leakey for the fossilized jaw fragments of Kenya Pithecus Africanus found in January 1967 in Kenya.
It is unlikely that Egyptologists will extend their knowledge very much further back in time, radiocarbon dating can go back only to about 30,000 BC; the deep sands make dating by geologic methods practically impossible. While we honor the devoted Egyptologists for their brilliant discoveries, we must recognize the limitations of archaeology in establishing remote antiquity and consider the slender resources left to us in literature and legends.
The oldest and most fascinating description of Ancient Egypt was preserved by Herodotus, born to a noble family in Halicarnassus in 484 BC. To escape the city-tyrant, he went into exile and in 443 BC sailed from the Piraeus on his epic travels to the Scythians in the Black Sea, Syria, Babylon and spent some time in Egypt, exploring the Nile as far south as the first cataracts near Elephantine. His main purpose was to immortalize the conflict between Greece and Persia but with journalistic insight he discourses entrancingly on the nations of Antiquity giving a captivating, colorful, picturesque account as fresh today as when it was written twenty-four centuries ago. Herodotus, the ‘Father of History’, related such wonders that doubting scholars dubbed him the ‘Father of Lies’; modern archaeology and research increasingly prove him a painstaking reporter of truth. This wonderful travelogue teeming with personal anecdotes, tidbits, and gems from the Intelligentsia in the countries he visited, was written with such wit and sparkling narrative that when Herodotus read his work to the assembled Greeks at Olympia, the young Thucydides was moved to tears and inspired to write his own great History.
Herodotus’s shrewd observation and his witty style delight us today. Writing of the Egyptians, Book Two, Chapter 35:
The men carry burdens upon their heads; but the women carry them on their shoulders. And the women piss standing upright, but the men sitting. They seek easement in their houses, but eat without in the ways, saying that what things are shameful but necessary should be done in secret, but what things are not shameful, in public. . . . They knead dough with their feet but clay with their hands. Other nations leave their privy members as they were at birth, except so many as have learnt from the Egyptians; but the Egyptians circumcise themselves. Each man weareth two garments, but each woman one only.
In Book Two, Chapter 2, Herodotus states:
Now until Psammetichus reigned over them, the Egyptians believed that they were the eldest of all men.
Later in Book Two, Chapter 48:
But Heracles is a very ancient god of the Egyptians; as they themselves say, it was seventeen thousand years to the time when Amasis began to reign since the twelve gods, whereof they hold, Heracles to be one, were born from the eight.
Herodotus was clearly awed by the antiquity of the Egyptians for he pursued his inquiries closely, writing in Book Two, Chapter 142:
Thus far the Egyptians and their priests told the story. And they shewed that there had been three hundred and forty-one generations of men from the first king unto this last, the priest of Hephaestus. And in these generations, there were even so many; (high priests and) kings. Now three hundred generations of men are equal to ten thousand years; for three generations of men are an hundred years. And in the forty-one generations which yet remain in addition to the three hundred, there are one thousand and three hundred and forty years. Thus, in eleven thousand and three hundred and forty years they said that no god in the form of a man had been king; neither spake they of any such thing either before or in after time among those that were kings of Egypt later. Now in all this time they said that the sun had removed from his proper course four times; and had risen where he now setteth and set where he now riseth; but nothing in Egypt was altered thereby, neither as touching the river nor as touching the fruits of the earth, nor concerning sicknesses or deaths.
In the eleven thousand years prior to Herodotus, the axis of our Earth became considerably displaced four times, the sun twice appearing to rise in the west, such movement in the Earth’s crust, confirming ancient traditions of the Hindus, must have caused world-wide catastrophes. Probably only national pride made the Egyptian priests swear their country was not affected; destruction and chaos caused by the catastrophes surely account for the lack of records of civilizations in the remote past.
Herodotus mentioned that a few years earlier the priests at Thebes showed another Greek traveler, Hecateus, the historian, three hundred and forty-five colossal wooden statues, which Herodotus saw with his own eyes; all were high priests, father and son in unbroken descent. These Piromis were ‘noble and good but far removed from gods but they said that in the time before these men the rulers of Egypt were gods, who dwelt among mankind! And the last of them that reigned over Egypt was Orus, the son of Osiris, who the Greeks name Apollo, who reigned over Egypt after putting down Typhon’.
Realizing that the immense periods of time he quotes may be questioned, Herodotus believes the Egyptian Priests adding:
Now Osiris is Dionysus in the Greek tongue. . . . Even Dionysus, the younger of them, is reckoned to have been fifteen thousand years old in the time of King Amasis. These things the Egyptians say they know certainly because they have always counted the years and kept records.
The extreme antiquity of the Egyptian God-Kings is confirmed by Manetho born about 300 BC at Sebennytus on the west bank of the Damietta section of the Nile. He rose to be High Priest in the temple of Heliopolis. Herodotus in Book Two, Chapter 3 writes: ‘For the men of Heliopolis are said to be the most learned of the Egyptians’. All the ancient world recognized Heliopolis as a great seat of learning and the University of Egypt; in the famous temple Manetho must have had at his disposal records of all kinds, papyri, hieroglyphic tablets, wall-sculptures and innumerable inscriptions, and above all perhaps the advice of his learned colleagues trained in the millennia-old traditions. Manetho, familiar also with the new philosophies and scientific teachings of the Greeks, was uniquely endowed to write a ‘History’, with such abundant material and erudite critics at his disposal. He wrote this history in the Greek for the enlightenment of scholars during the reign of the first Ptolemy, Philadelphus; it contained an account of the different dynasties of the Kings of Egypt compiled from genuine documents; with such intelligentsia supporting him Manetho must surely have written with the utmost accuracy. Unfortunately for posterity the work is lost with all its sources and probably perished in the flames when Julius Caesar accidentally burned the great library at Alexandria, destroyed by megalomaniac Roman Emperors or burned by fanatical Christians and by the Arabs in AD 642, of this valuable history only a few extracts are preserved in works by Julius Africanus and Eusebius.
The extant fragments of Manetho’s Aegytica state:
The first man (or God) in Egypt is Hephaestus, who is also renowned among the Egyptians as the discoverer of fire. His Son, Helios (the Sun) was succeeded by Sosis, then follow in turn Cronos, Osiris, Typhon, brother of Osiris and lastly Orus, son of Osiris and Isis. They were the first to hold sway in Egypt. Thereafter the kingship passed from one to another in an unbroken succession down to Bydis through 13,900 years. After the Gods, Demi-Gods reigned for 1,255 years and again another line of Kings held sway for 1,817 years then came thirty more Kings of Memphis reigning for 1,790 years, and then again ten Kings of this reigning for 350 years. Then followed the rule of ‘Spirits of the Dead’ for 5,813 years.
Perhaps ‘Spacemen’ were regarded as ‘Spirits of the Dead’?
At Thebes, city of Amon, proud capital of Pharaoh’s Egypt, the Nile still dreams of ancient glory sighing for those dawns when white-robed Priests chanted hymns to Ra, the Sun-God gilding the Earth with light. On the east bank rise forlorn the shattered colonnades of Rameses II, mute symbols of the past, seven miles to the west lies the Valley of Kings, site of the royal tombs, their treasures rifled long ago, with the solitary exception of Tutankamun’s, whose golden splendor revealed the wonders of old Egypt. Amid the many ruins along the palm-fringed river stands the well-preserved temple of Hathor, Goddess of Love, at Denderah, a sanctuary of the Osirian Mysteries taught by Adepts from dim Antiquity; this Secret Wisdom inspired most of the great philosophers and broods behind our materialistic civilization today.
On the ceiling of the Denderah temple was carved a Zodiac, or Celestial Day, so remarkable that the original ceiling was removed and re-erected in Paris and a copy substituted. The Signs of the Zodiac portray a configuration of the stars about 90,000 BC for the astrological symbols according to the Precession of the Equinoxes denote the passage of three-and-a-half Great Years, each 25,800 years, so that ninety thousand years have elapsed since this ‘Star Clock’ was recorded. The original temple long since crumbled to dust but the unique Zodiac was copied by Initiates eager to preserve this witness from the past. Such antiquity staggers our modern minds, conditioned to limit civilization to a few millennia, yet similar zodiacs on temples in Northern India and on clay tablets found in Chaldea confirm this symbol of Atlantean times, the Children of the Sun colonizing old Egypt.
Simplicius in the sixth century AD wrote that he had heard that the Egyptians had kept astronomical observations for the last 630,000 years, even if he meant months this would mean 52,500 years; Diogenes Laertius dated astronomical calculations by the Egyptians to 48,863 years before Alexander the Great, and Martianus Capella stated that the Egyptians had secretly studied the stars for 40,000 years before revealing their knowledge to the world. Pre-dynastic rulers are apparently confirmed by the Turin Papyrus and the Palermo Stone.
Panodorus, an Egyptian monk about AD 400 wrote:
From the creation of Adam, indeed down to Enoch and to the general Cosmic Year 1,282, the number of days was known in neither month nor year but the Egregori (‘Watchers’ or ‘Angels’) descended to Earth in the general Cosmic Year 1,000, held converse with men and taught them that the orbits of the two luminaries being marked by the twelve Signs of the Zodiac are composed of 360 parts.
Berossus about 250 BC gives details of six dynasties or six gods, confirmed also by the Chronicle of Mabolas, who claimed support from the wise Sotates and Palaephotus, in the third and fourth centuries BC. The same source declared that in the 24th Dynasty during the reign of Bocchoris, 721-715 BC a ‘lamb’ speaking with human voice prophesied the conquest and enslavement of Egypt by Assyria and the removal of her Gods to Nineveh; about sixty years later the terrible Ashurbanipal and his hordes sacked Thebes. Bocchoris was spared this disaster for Manetho adds, tersely: ‘Sabacan, having taken Bocchoris captive, burnt him alive’.
This remarkable ‘lamb’ was said to have on its head a royal ‘winged’ serpent, four cubits in length. The ‘winged serpents’ of the Aztecs are now believed to have been spaceships. Traditions state that in the early eighth century BC the Roman King, Numa Pompilius, practiced magic arts and held converse with the Gods. Was the ‘talking lamb’ who warned ill-fated Bocchoris the ‘God’ who spoke with Numa and Elijah? Was he a Spaceman?
Syncellus wrote:
Among the Egyptians there is a certain tablet called the Old Chronicle containing thirty dynasties in 113 descents, during the long period of 36,525 years. The first series of Princes was that of the Auritae, the second was that of the Mestroens, the third of the Egyptians.
The Chronicle runs as follows:
To Hephaestus is assigned no time, as he is apparent both night and day. Helios, the Son of Hephaestus, reigned three myriads of years. Then Cronus and the other twelve Divinities, reigned 3,984 years; next in order are the Demi-Gods number eight, who reigned 217 years.
The ancient Phoenician writer, Sanchoniathon, composed a history in the Phoenician language hundreds of years before Christ. The work was translated into Greek by Philo Byblus about AD 80; the history is lost, only fragments are preserved by Eusebius in the first book of his Praeparatio Evangelica. Sanchoniathon wrote:
Contemporary with these (Taautus-Thor-Thoth-Herrnes) was one Elianu, which imports Hypsistus (‘The Most High’) and his wife called Beruth, and they dwelt about Byblus of whom was begotten Epigenus or Autichton, whom they afterwards called Ouranos (Heaven). . . .
Then follows a description of war between Ouranos and his son, Cronus. Aided by the magic of Hermes, Cronus conquered Ouranos and also his own brother, Atlas, a remarkable parallel with the well-known Greek legends.
The reference to Hyspsistus (‘The Most High’) equates with the Elohim and suggest Spacemen.
Herodotus, Manetho, Berossus, Panodorus, Syncellus, Sanchoniathon, and who knows how many hoary scribes, whose writings perished in flames long ago, confirm those wondrous tales of other lands across the world. We recall the ‘Ramayana’ of India, the Shoo King of China, the Nihongi of Japan, poets in all these countries marveled in glowing pictures of glorious Immortals warring and wenching in earth and sky; their divine dynasties ruling mankind in a Golden Age. Thousands of miles away the sands of the Nile disgorge their stones, papyri and parchments telling of dynasties of God-Kings who governed Old Egypt. Because the spade unearths no Space Kings dare any archaeologist deny their existence? Our paleontologists play with bones, can they measure wisdom from half a skull and two back teeth? The historians of Egypt like the Chroniclers of other countries agree that their first Kings were wondrous Beings from the stars.
Pharaoh was worshiped as the Son of Horus, descended from Ra, the Sun-God; Egyptian religion taught that Pharaoh was God; all the land and all the people belonged to him because he was the Giver of fertility, the Preserver of all.
An inscription of the Twelfth Dynasty states:
Adore the King! Enthrone him in your hearts!
He makes Egypt green more than a great Nile. He is Life.
He is the One, Who creates all which is, the Begetter,
Who causes mankind to exist.
The people believed the Pharaoh to be divinely born on a loftier plane and descending to Earth to rule their lowly selves. Ibn Aharon with remarkable insight reveals that Court ritual obliged Pharaoh in his personal habits to act like a God and to take nourishment and perform his natural functions in secret as though his glorious person lived in perfection.
Who were those God-Kings of Ancient Egypt? Surely, they were Spacemen?
Excerpt from Gods And Spacemen In The Ancient East
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