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What Does A Clairvoyant Or Fortune Teller See?

What Does A Clairvoyant Or Fortune Teller See?

Clairvoyance and fortune telling are subject to many clichés. Some people believe that a clairvoyant can read their mind. Others fear that a fortune teller knows everything about you and your past. But what does a clairvoyant or fortune teller really see?

Do not worry! That is not how clairvoyance and fortune-telling work. The fortune tellers and clairvoyants are also not special people with magical abilities. Mostly they are people with a high level of sensitivity. They perceive things that under normal circumstances remain hidden from others. But everyone has the theoretical potential to be clairvoyant as well. The concept of clairvoyance is misleading anyway.

The clairvoyant or fortune teller uses several channels for an interpretation

Because it is primarily not about the fact that a clairvoyant absolutely has to see something. The channels of perception are broad: hearing, seeing, feeling and knowing are the essential tools with which a clairvoyant works.

But if the clairvoyant is able to see images or visions, this is an advantage. Because images and visions are easy to interpret. Most clairvoyants don't just use one channel to perceive supernatural things. Often there is also listening. Sometimes it's just scraps of words. But it can also be very clear sentences or music. Anyone who is good at their job knows how to interpret this acoustic information.

The feelings are also a good tool for interpreting the message. The clairvoyant or fortune teller receives a feeling which he can interpret. It can be a feeling of sadness, joy, longing or loneliness. Knowledge is a tool that is suddenly there and not questioned. It is a knowledge that needs no justification or explanation. It is ideal if the clairvoyant or fortune teller can use at least two channels to receive a message. The more channels he can call up, the more extensive the interpretation.

Famous fortune tellers and clairvoyants and their methods and channels

The famous fortune tellers and clairvoyants like Baba Wanga also have "middlemen" to receive the news. This includes visions of people conveying a message to the clairvoyant. In earlier centuries it was customary for God to provide this information personally. Those who were unlucky had to lose their lives for this statement.

Hildegard von Bingen was lucky and was spared this fate. She was considered an expert in medicine and naturopathy. But she, too, spoke of seeing visions, and in her opinion these were clearly divine in nature.

The case is somewhat different with Nostradamus. He himself testified that he had also seen visions. But Nostradamus was also an astrologer. Ultimately, no one can say whether they also resorted to astrology in their prophecies.

Palmistry, card reading and horoscopes - the tools of fortune tellers

Palmistry is often used in fortune telling. The fortune teller needs to know all the signs available to get a final interpretation. From the hand one can deduce how strong the success is in life; how your love life is going and whether or not you will have children.

However, one thing you need to know: the lines of the hand change over time. Basically, it is said that changes can be read every five years. It makes sense to regularly review this interpretation of the future.

Card reading is an ancient and popular way of looking to the future. The fortune teller shuffles the cards and at some point you say "stop". The cards drawn are revealed and interpreted. Each card stands for a life topic that concerns you at the moment. Energetic qualities can be interpreted. But your deepest fears can also be reflected in the cards.

The interpretation can also be very extensive with a personal horoscope. This not only requires your date of birth, but also your time of birth. Then it is an individual horoscope that can be quite useful. Such a horoscope can interpret all areas of life and the qualities of the future. Family, work, health and love are the most common topics that are asked in a horoscope. This is not only about the opportunities and risks of the next few months, but also about your emotional state. When do you have an emotional low and when are you strong and motivated? Changes that are pending in life can also be interpreted using a horoscope. Are you moving to another city? Do you feel the need to change your job? Are new acquaintances coming into your life or even the great love?

Can you trust clairvoyants and fortune tellers?

Your future is not written or fixed. You alone are the creator of your life and you can act with your free will. It almost doesn't matter whether you trust the clairvoyant or the fortune teller. Because you should first and foremost trust yourself. An interpretation of the future can be added as additional information. But it should never be decisive for an important decision. Your rational mind needs to stay awake and make its contribution to a decision.

The author El Maya is a spiritual medium, clairvoyant and karma expert. She has published few books about soul, life plan, karma and life after death. This guide literature contains strategies to reduce your karma and find the soul center. She also gives workshops in spiritual growth and karma analysis.
El Maya @Facebook

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by El Maya!

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