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Are You A Medium? Find Out Here!

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How do you know if you are a Medium? Are you interested in spiritual and occult topics? Do you hear voices and have dreams conversing with dead people? Are you always aware of someone else in the room wth you but no one is phsycially present?

Does this sound like you?  Then please read on and check the list of 21 signs you may be a medium below.  But first lets understand what a Medium is.

What is a Medium?

Mediumship is the practice of certain people—known as mediums—to purportedly mediate communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings. There are different types of mediumship including spirit channeling, and ouija.

Humans have been fascinated with contacting the dead since the beginning of human existence. Cave paintings by indigenous Australians date back 28,000 years, some depicting skulls, bones, spirits and the afterlife. Other cave paintings in Indonesia date back a further 10,000 years.[4] Mediumship gained popularity during the nineteenth century, when ouija boards were used by the upper classes as a source of entertainment. Investigations during this period revealed widespread fraud—with some practitioners employing techniques used by stage magicians—and the practice began to lose credibility. Fraud is still rife in the medium/psychic industry, with cases of deception and trickery being discovered to this day.

Scientific researchers have attempted to ascertain the validity of claims of mediumship. An experiment undertaken by the British Psychological Society led to the conclusion that the test subjects demonstrated no mediumistic ability.

Several different variants of mediumship exist; arguably the best-known forms involve a spirit purportedly taking control of a medium's voice and using it to relay a message, or where the medium simply "hears" the message and passes it on. Other forms involve materializations of the spirit or the presence of a voice, and telekinetic activity.

Unlike the average "normal" person, mediums are sensitive to the spirits of those who've been killed or died of natural causes. Depending on the strength of the medium's ability, they can see and hear them, or, in some cases only hear or see them. As As a result, once a spirit learns of a medium's ability to see the dead, they are often hassled and asked to give messages to the dead's loved ones.

Besides the ability to see the dead, mediums are also able to receive dreams or visions from the dead. Said dreams or visions are typically specific to how the deceased may have died or concern the matters of someone they care about that are still alive. In other cases, there are some mediums who can communicate their own distress to another, willingly or subconsciously. The messages a medium can receive from either party may not be received whole or can become muddled by the medium's own personal or emotional troubles

In other cases, when concerned with the living, if someone with a visible or known disability (blindness, deafness, physical handicap), the medium by adopt those disabilities for a short period time. When concerned with the dead, a medium's abilities can be sensitive or open enough to be possessed by the dead if the spirit is strong enough to control them.

Other unique abilities of mediums is the ability to read the energy of objects touched or owned by the dead or the living. As a result, there are few times when a person without the sensitivities of a medium can successfully lie to or surprise a medium without being found out.

Mediums who do not wish hear or see the dead often go to extremes to reject their gifts.Alcohol is a proven means of dulling a medium's abilities, often to detrimental levels that end up affecting their lives as a whole as their drinking habit can easily transform into alcoholism. A less destructive means of blocking out voices is using music to drown them out or outright denying their existence.

OK, now that you know a little more about being a Medium check the list below and see if you are ready to come out!

21 Signs You're A Medium:

  1. You have an interest and belief in the paranormal
  2. You can sometimes walk into a room and feel pressure, heat, or a heaviness (clairsentience)
  3. You recall seeing or sensing spirits as a child
  4. You had a fear of the dark as a child and/or now
  5. You have a very active dream life, often including vivid ‘nightmares’
  6. You are woken up a lot at night and don’t sleep well
  7. You’ve gotten a weird, creepy feeling in a old building, cemetery, or ancient place
  8. You’ve seen things ‘out of the corner’ of your eye - perhaps white smoke, sparkles in the air, shadows, or other types of apparitions (clairvoyance)
  9. You’ve had someone close to you die and experienced a lot of ‘odd’ things afterwards
  10. You hear voices in your mind, that you’ve convinced yourself to be nagging thoughts or things you ‘just made up’ (clairaudience)
  11. You’ve pretended to have conversations with animals within your mind (mediums are often animal communicators)
  12. You’ve been getting ‘anxiety’ all of a sudden, out of nowhere (this could be a Spirit attempting to ‘link’ with you)
  13. You hear strange noises in another room, when no one is there
  14. You don’t like to be alone at night
  15. You feel like someone is watching you, even when you’ve been alone
  16. You or someone you’re related to, such as a child, has pointed out spirits or paranormal experiences to you (mediumship often is inherited through families).
  17. You’ve had paranormal experiences that you can’t explain
  18. Electronics, appliances, lights, TVs . . .tend to ‘‘go out’ around you
  19. You have a habit of delivering really profound messages to others, then after the words leave your mouth, you have no idea where or how the information came from you (accidental channeling)
  20. You've developed a nervous twitch, and it's been getting worse
  21. You’ve taken prescription pills, drugs, or alcohol to avoid any of the above feelings or sensations

Like many other metaphysical disciplines, there is simply no scientific way to prove or disprove the presence - or absence - of psychic abilities such as mediumship.

A Medium is the Human bridge between the spirit world and our living world. They are able to read energy of those crossed over into the spirit world and communicate with them bringing forward information, messages and proof of life for loved ones wanting to connect.

Is this you?  Please leave a comment below and let all of us know.  



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