Reflection #3
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- Written by Sofia Falcone

I have been asked, why sometimes I used some of my own photographs with my writings; am I not afraid to be looked down upon? My answer is simple; I know who I am–my head isn’t empty and my soul although imperfect isn’t corrupted, so why should I feel ashamed of sensuality when true sensuality is part of our very fabric?
Sensuality isn’t cheap pornography, it isn’t “girls gone wild”, thinking they are somehow rebelling against and old paradigm yet bringing forth the same old result…control and oppression.
I sometimes use some of my own older and recent photos on my posts because I am proud of them and what they evoke. As a tantric and true rebel, I don’t seek to hide from my sensuality nor do I seek to abuse it. Pornography is cheap and demeaning while sensuality is pure desire; a gift from life to all of us.
To be sensual is to respect and rejoice on the primordial waters within; everything in life moves to a rhythm which is sacred and very much sensual.
To be sensual is to respect your body enough not to let others abuse it, nor to abuse it yourself by either treating your body as a piece of meat or by lashing at it and punishing it for being cause of “temptation and sin”. Our body isn’t sinful for pure life isn’t sinful, as Nietzsche said, the spiritualization of sensuality is LOVE–and raw, sensual, genuine, open yet sacred love, is a great triumph over rigid dogmas and false ideologies of rebellion and freedom.
The body is sacred as is our mind and our soul; not in the misunderstood sense of the word but in its original sense which meant uncorrupted and uncorrupted meant free of any extreme belief; where the primordial forces of feminine and masculine live in balance– no rigid attitudes nor abuse of self.
Only when we learn to differentiate sacred from dogma, freedom from self destruction, and embrace both our light and our darkness; caring for our mind and spirit as much as we care for our body; can we say we are treating ourselves as sacred. Wild yet divine.
“If anything is sacred, the human body is sacred.”
― Walt Whitman
Sofia Falcone
Sofia Falcone
I passionately believe one person can make a difference. I write from my own experiences and interests. It is my greatest hope that by writing about my own challenges and hopes, others may feel inspired to believe more in their inner power and to fully embrace themselves.
Reprinted on with written permission from Sofia Falcone.
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