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Essence Of Spirituality For Women

Essence Of Spirituality For Women

We all aware that women are traditionally seen as mother, daughter, wife, or sister, but where is the part of spirituality? I read somewhere that females didn’t use their spiritual powers since previous 2k years. Have you ever recognized why women lack in this part?

It is just because they don’t know about their role in spirituality, and are unaware of their capacity and necessary attributes. We can also say that there is a lack of self-love and spiritual power. Of course, this required excellent counseling.

Women are very busy in their household; that’s why they can’t take out time for the gym, exercising, or meditation. Multiple tips will give a fruitful essence of spirituality.

1.   Friends Get Together

We know that women are good at gossips. But sometimes these gossips become stressful. Arranging a friend’s get together is one of the effective ways of spirituality. Plan an evening where you can discuss only one point that makes you feel happy and nourishing. Maybe your positivity will attract your colleague, and they will try to live happy like you.

Just doing good deeds like smile while meeting someone stranger, help in selecting grocery or any act of kindness makes you feel satisfied.

2.   Feel The Beauty

Feel The Beauty
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Have you ever found beauty in nature? It is one of the most beautiful feelings of life. Professor Helen Lockhart highlighted the positive effects of nature on human mental wellbeing in her study, “There is a spiritual enhancement that is linked to the human-nature relationship.”

Just imagine, you are walking barefoot on the green grass, cold air is making you realize to feel the fresh air and meditate there. You have to think that there is no one except you and nature. In the garden, you can see the creature, feel the happiness, and can imagine multiple beautiful things.

3.   Practice Patience

Generally, women are patient. However, sometimes, they overreact. Meditation is one of the great essences of spirituality, especially for women. All you need to do is take deep breaths and try to stay calm whenever any unwanted situation happens.

Many things can cause your temper high, but it is the responsibility of women to stay calm, relax, and meditate. For instance, if you think your patient’s level will cross while waiting for a person who is always late, and then plan to consume your free time for meditation or reading good stuff.

4.   Eat Whatever You Want

Eat Whatever You Want

Without food and water, it is impossible to live. Women are required to eat healthy foods that are free from Genetically Modified Organisms. GMOs are suitable for a healthy life that will keep you strong and active. Potato, Papaya, Corn, Milk, and Sugar beets are examples of such food.

Many cultures agreed that eating is a part of spirituality. However, overeating may affect it. Your food is going to affect you mentally and physically, which is ultimately related to your spiritual awakening. Being spiritually powerful gives you the ability to fight with illness and stress. So, eat food that is good for your health or keep you active.

5.   Laugh Often

We can say that women are spending a tough life. They have to look after their kids, family, and other responsibilities as well. Maybe they feel so tired after a busy schedule. They don’t even find something to laugh on. For this, women can read books or attend any social gathering where they can help others by asking them for food or other stuff.

Laughing is also known as one of the amazing therapies for a healthy lifestyle. So, take out some time for you to laugh with family members.

6.   Writing Is A Spiritual Practice

Writing Is A Spiritual Practice

Maybe you are not aware of this practice, but writing is known as the best spiritual practice ever. Spiritual writer Henri Nouwen said writing could untangle thoughts, express our emotions, and give artistic expression to life.

Writing can help us to concentrate on the topic. A writer could script a heart-touching document when she tries to write what she feels, and what is inside her mind. Many women used to buy dissertation online, but I’d recommend them to write on their own to explore spirituality. Not a particular topic is required for writing, but you can also write about your life, anxiety, or any other thing you want to.

7.   Spend Time With A Spiritual Community Group

Not only you, but many other women want to practice spirituality. But maybe they don’t get time, or company to spend time with them.

Let’s start a spiritual community group and fix a time together so that you all can practice of spiritual activities regularly. Decide a place, hang out, discuss some issues, or stress with them to feel mentally relax. It is one of the best therapies that you will ever find. Keep in mind; you have to cool yourself whenever you are with your spiritual community group.

8.   Love Yourself

Love Yourself

Do you love yourself? There are multiple spiritual effects of loving yourself. Don’t think you are self-centered, who is only interested in their own work. You should look after others, but loving yourself should be on priority.

You will find many benefits of loving yourselves that include:

  • Boost your spirit
  • You will comfortably invest on you
  • You will keep yourself in peace
  • As a woman, you will maintain your life more effectively.
  • Boosting your Living potential
  • Connecting yourself with the world
  • You will be able to accept humanity
  • The best part is you will accept failure
  • Able to handle your stress
  • Live happily in your life

What more you will need if you are happy with you and your qualities.

9.   Learn To Forgive

Women sometimes become harsh; they cannot easily forgive their enemy. It can be a reason that they can’t be a part of spirituality. You have to forgive and forget the old mishap that makes you upset or disappoints you. Just move on and live a happy life.

Let everyone think that how satisfied you are without any stress or tensions. Don’t forget that a woman has the power to forgive others. So, now you have to use your power on this point by just moving on and forgetting every bad thing that happens to you.


Above shown essence of spirituality for women will be helpful for you to live a healthy life. Keep in mind that spirituality is not only for women, but it should also be good practice for adults as well as aged people.

You have to discover many more things about spirituality as we have found that many people are still unaware of this practice, or maybe not following it because of lack of interest. Take inspiration from the above-shown tips and be ready to live a life with healthy and strong spirituality.

Author Bio

Amanda Jerelyn

Amanda Jerelyn currently works as a Lifestyle Blogger at Crowd Writer, where higher education students can acquire professional academic writing services UK from experts specializing in their subjects and topics. During her free time, she likes to try out the carpentry skills she learned during her college days and make home décor items. 

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Amanda Jerelyn.

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