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3 Ways Plants Can Enhance Life And Improve Your Mental Health

3 Ways Plants Can Enhance Life And Improve Your Mental Health

From the US to Australia, people all over the world feel stress, anxiety, or depression, as a result of the never-stopping rush to get more materialistic things and achieve success.

Thus, we constantly try to find a solution and improve our overall well-being. Well, the key is in nature and the power it has on us. As human beings, we are inherently connected to trees, lakes, and everything that is a part of the natural world. However, the truth is that it can be quite difficult for a lot of people to spend some time, each day, in the forest or even in a park. This is where houseplants help us, as they not only beautify the indoor space and get us some fresh air, but also, have an incredibly positive effect on our mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

1.    Plants reduce stress and bring joy

Multiple studies have confirmed that plants help one reduce high blood pressure, lower heart rate, and produce serotonin, which means that you feel less stress and more happiness. Simply observing your plants, but also taking care of them daily and observing them grow and flourish, will make you feel less negative emotions. You will start to find joy in these tasks and will go back to your spirituality and connection to all things and beings that are a part of our world. What is more, if you have a close friend who you have noticed that is under a lot of stress lately, give them a houseplant. This is quite a common practice among many people, especially Australians, whom we all know are very active and adventurous people who love to spend time outdoors. That is why it is no wonder that you can find lovely plant gifts in Sydney and purchase them for the people you love, making it an original and well-thought present. Indoor greenery will make your friend’s home more beautiful and green, at the same time reminding them to slow down, reflect, and take care of both the plants and themselves. What is more, even by simply keeping a small plant on their work desk, people will notice that they feel more at ease, more focused, and with a lot more energy.

2.    Plants enhance creativity

Imagination is important in every aspect of our lives, from working to preparing lunch and journaling our thoughts and aspirations. Sometimes we can feel stuck and unable to move on, but our plants are here to help us. As concluded by a number of studies, plants boost creativity, and having them in our home and office helps us find valuable solutions, fresh ideas and designs, and visualize completely new goals. Moreover, the moment of simply observing the shape and colors of a Bromeliad Vriesea, for example, can lead to connecting it to an interior design idea. Also, the calmness that one feels while watering plants can be quite beneficial for creativity. This can be the moment that you need to be able to let go of any worries and allow your mind and soul to create new ideas so that you can express them on paper and in your work.

3.    Plants improve concentration and memory

A walk in a park or the pure presence of a plant in our physical space has an incredibly relaxing effect on us. Once we are calm, we are less likely to get irritated by different stimuli and can concentrate on our work, paying greater attention to details. Moreover, this also means that we are able to retrieve information from our memory easily. Not only is this important, but studies say that being surrounded by plants significantly increases memory retention. As a result, we learn new information quickly. Generally speaking, when there are plants around us, we will achieve much better overall results in the area we are working on.

To conclude, we can say that plants, both outdoors and indoors, significantly improve our mental, but also emotional and spiritual, health. Indoor plants are not too demanding and at the same time, bring beauty and joy to us. Plants are here also to remind us how much we are all connected to nature and bring us peace, accentuating the importance of little things in our lives.  

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This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Luke Douglas

Luke is a lifestyle blogger. He is editor in chief at blog Ripped.me and one of the contributors at blog Trans4Mind. He follows the trends in fitness, travel and tech and loves to share his knowledge through useful and informative articles. See him here: 

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