10 Must-Dos to Relax and Destress
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- Written by Jack Vitel

Being able to destress does not necessarily mean that you will do nothing. Most people destress by doing a series of activities that either calms them or invigorates them that they forget all about their worries. A full day or two of rejuvenation will not hurt you in any way. Even just a few minutes of your time can help your mind and body receive that needed and well-deserved relaxation.
Here are 10 effective strategies to help you relax and destress:
Go offline
One of the most effective ways to not put stress upon yourself is to disconnect from the harbinger of bad news - in this case, social media and the internet. There are two types of people: those who get inspired or those who get jealous. Now ask yourself this: “Do I get jealous each time I see someone living the lifestyle I have always dreamt of?”. If your answer is yes, then it is best if you go offline for a while. We unconsciously put unnecessary stress and pressure on ourselves each time we scroll on Instagram (or any social media networks) and pass by a very glamorous photo of someone who is living so freely or extravagantly. This way of thinking negatively affects our mindset to believing that there is a specific way to live life that we must achieve.
Do something thrilling
Why not forget everything that does not matter by doing something that excites you? That touch of adrenaline rush will make you live and enjoy the moment and steer your mind away from all your worries. You are in the present and that is what all that matters. Go ride a rollercoaster. Start rock climbing. Or it can be as simple as learning how to ride a bike or finally learning how to swim.
Reunite with nature
If the daily hustle and bustle of the city is what contributes to your sleepless nights and mindset to hustle non-stop, then a trip to somewhere scenic is exactly what you need. Breathe in the fresh air and listen to the sound of the ocean or the chirping of the birds. Go on a morning hike or camp in the forest. Look at the stars at night and just breathe. Surrounding yourself with a relaxing and calm environment will do great wonders for your mental health.
Find your safe space
It is important that you find a space or location wherein you can take a break in - even a short one. Treat this place as something sacred - once you step foot on this space, your only focus will be yourself. This can be in the form of your bedroom, a library, or a specific bench in a park. This is your safe space. This is where you can take a deep breath and refresh your mind when you feel like everything has become too overwhelming to handle.
Attend a class or workshop
Letting yourself learn something new is going to be a great investment in the long run. Attending classes or workshops can highly contribute to your improvement or personal growth. Do note that only consider classes which interest you and will not add unnecessary contribution to your workload. Get a class that will excite you and is something that you will look forward to each week. Some relaxing classes or workshops include a yoga class or an art workshop.
Get back on your hobby
When was the last time that you did something you actually love doing? When was the last time you opened your laptop or notebook to write something? When was the last time you took out your brushes and paint? Do not neglect your passions for being “too busy”. You have your hobbies for several reasons: you enjoy doing them, it relaxes you, and it reminds you of the simple things and tasks that make you happy.
Meditation does not require hours of your time. Even just 10 minutes per day is more than enough. Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD states that meditating for at least 10 minutes a day can help control stress, alleviate anxiety, and improve cardiovascular health. Meditation is being in a state wherein you tune out your surroundings to focus on yourself - your mind, body, and spirit. This activity will help enhance your self-awareness to becoming a better version of yourself. You can start by lighting a candle, situating in a quiet, peaceful place, and setting up a relaxing music. There are various meditation guide videos you can find online.
Get organized
Most of the time, a messy surrounding can contribute to a messy way of living. If you are someone who can work effectively with things all over the place, then good for you. But soon enough, the clutter will inhibit your productivity and creativity. Looking at a messy room gives you the impression that you still have a lot of tasks to accomplish, hence, providing you with more stress and pressure.
Say “No”
One simple way to feel relaxed is to stop doing activities that drains your energy. You must know your limitations and learn to say no. Say no to unnecessary commitments that already exhaust you once you think about it. Say no once your body tells you to. Not all stressors are within your control but some are, and you must take advantage of this opportunity. It is important that you do not take on more than you can handle.
Reward Yourself
You did all you can to get through the day (or week) and you deserve a reward. It can be in the form of pampering like taking an hour-long bath or going for a swim. You can take a few days off to travel to your destination. Or it can be as simple as watching a movie or binge watching a Netflix series. You deserve it.
Remember that you are only human. You have physical and mental limitations. Take care of your well-being because you are your greatest asset and your greatest investment.
About the author:
Jack Vitel is a self-development and relationship coach at RoadtoSolidity.com, where he helps men adopt a healthy lifestyle, achieve their goals, and take control of their love life.
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