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Zeta Reticuli - Card of the Month - October 2023

Zeta Reticuli  - Card of the Month - October 2023

Card #99 | Zeta Reticuli (Future, 3rd Era) | Mirror Reflection

When a civilization has been as mired in polarity as yours has been for the last many thousands of years, the truth of your being becomes very obscured.

It becomes nearly impossible to see that you are really one consciousness experiencing many illusionary fragments of yourself. This illusion of separation convinces you that all problems are “out there” and if only that external person or situation would change, then everything would be ok. This belief system keeps you chasing external sources for peace. As your galactic family has learned, this path is futile.

One member of your galactic family, the Zeta Reticuli, were so committed to their illusions that they nearly ended their species. In the darkest of ancient days during a species crisis, some of them reached out to the Universe for assistance. These beings were the pioneers on the forefront of evolution. They were shown the true nature of consciousness, and the truth was humbling, to say the least.

They were shown a metaphorical image of a spherical mirror. They watched as this mirror shattered and the small fragments of mirror were propelled in infinite directions. They saw how each piece became lost, and how when they would encounter other mirror pieces, they could not recognize the other as being part of themselves. Then these Zeta pioneers were shown what happens when the other mirror pieces are recognized as being part of themselves. A powerful alchemy occurs in which the mirror pieces magnetically come together and the perspective of consciousness changes. They realized that this was a missing piece of their evolutionary story. From that point onward, their evolution was swift. And now, these very beings who were so confused by other mirror fragments in ancient days, are mentors and guides for civilizations who are making the same consciousness leap that they did so long ago.

You and your planet are now reaching the same point in your evolutionary process. If you do not recognize that the others around you are still part of you, your species won’t be able to cross the threshold into a higher state of consciousness that we’ve called 4th density. The good news is that we have found that this truth of your being is becoming intellectually understood more and more. The unpleasant news is that for many, this truth stays with the intellect and is not applied to your human life. Despite knowing this truth with the mind, there is a disconnect in how to apply it in life. Humans still insist on clinging to bad guys and good guys, and often blame these “bad guys” for everything that they see is wrong. This mindset keeps you stuck in polarity.

The challenge for you all now is to begin to embrace the truth of the mirror reflection – not just with the mind, but with your whole being. This isn’t meant to be an intellectual exercise of trying to figure out what every occurrence in your life means in a literal way. That will keep you firmly rooted in the head! It has more to do with understanding that when you are triggered by something (whether personal, like a family member, or on the collective level, like politics), it is because there is something in that situation that you are meant to see about yourself and then heal it within. For example, it might be a direct reflection (as in the other person showing you characteristics within yourself that you dislike). Or it might be that the occurrence is showing you what you lack and are now ready to integrate within you. There is always a gift waiting for you when you are triggered by something. When you learn to stop unconsciously reacting according to the polarized belief systems you’ve held for so long and begin to practice the principles of the Reflective Universe, the entire experience of life on Earth changes.

We encourage you to take a leap into the process of your own deep healing by learning how to practice the principles of the Reflective Universe in every moment you can. Your inner guidance will help you, if you are sincerely willing to move beyond the habitual reaction of the ego (who is only trying to protect you from change) and learn to see the wisdom of the universe in a new, reflective way. Though it may feel difficult at first, know that your galactic family also made this leap and are always available to support you in your quest. The kind of love that awaits you on the other side of this threshold is indescribable, but it represents your true nature. Glimmers of it will come as you practice this, and these glimmers will help to give you the motivation and enthusiasm to continue your journey.

Germane -- through Lyssa Royal Holt

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.


www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel here
Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. 

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