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What is Happening to Us as Empaths?

What is Happening to Us as Empaths?

Following on from my last post, discussing the strange flux of energy that is pushing in and out and the experiences that may come with it; today I want to discuss a reason why this could be happening…

What is Happening?

One day last week, I sat in the sunshine in my garden and meditated on my chakras. At the time I felt happy inside, but as I focused on my energy centres, I realised that between my solar plexus (seat of emotions) and my heart centre the feelings were totally opposite. In my solar plexus I felt a strange sense of dread and heaviness, yet when I focused attention on my heart centre it felt calm, uplifted, and full of love. I then realised that when my moods change, I am moving from one chakra to the next. (If you sit quietly, after reading this, and focus on the sensations between your 3rd and 4th chakras, you will understand what I am referring to.)

Moving from 3C to 4C

You have probably already read or heard that in these current times we are shifting as a species (some say moving from 3D to 5D), but before that happens, we will move from 3C to 4C. Or, in other words, we are relocating out of our 3rd chakra (3C) the solar plexus into our 4th chakra (4C) the heart chakra. Going from a place of pained emotions, shame, and self-doubt to a place of love, peace, bliss, harmony, understanding, purity, clarity, compassion, unity, forgiveness, and kindness. (Although it certainly doesn’t feel like it now, does it? More like the complete opposite.)

For the past hundreds of years, most of humanity has been occupying the space of the lower 3 chakras. But in more recent times we have become stuck in a mostly unbalanced solar plexus chakra, which has kept us in fearful survival mode.

The 3rd chakra (solar plexus) is where we feel the pains of others, where the stresses of life are held, and it is an area where much of our focus has been. But it is time to move out, up into our heart.

(If you want to learn more about how the chakras work, also known as energy centres, here is a post explaining more.)

Our heart is a place of love, appreciation and understanding. When we stay in the heart space the world feels good. The problem is we are constantly being dragged into the 3rd chakra, our seat of emotions.

Just look at the world we are living in today. What is it designed to do? Keep us in fear, angry, distracted, divided and away from our heart centre. Which ultimately keeps us away from our power.

There is a reason nothing about anything is making sense in the world. It is not meant to. Everything negative we are witnessing is being purposely stirred up to trap us within our seat of emotions. But at another level it is supposed to snap people out of their mental slumber and into their personal power.

Distract and Divide

As I’ve mentioned before, things will get worse before they get better. Here in the UK, we’ve had more restrictions slapped upon us. They are encouraging people to tell on anyone who are flouting the rules. Just another way for people to turn against each other. Distract and divide. Then keep people angry or fearful (stuck in 3C, the seat of emotions).

At a higher level, I do believe this is all happening for a purpose. Shifting realities is going to be painful. Not everyone is ready for it and probably not everyone will make the cut. But one thing I know is, as humans, we need to be given a reason for the discomforts of these transitioning times, for the physical and emotional pain we are experiencing. Even those of us who consider ourselves ‘awakened’ need somewhere to place the blame. We have been given a storyline that provides an explanation for our physical and mental ascension symptoms. Otherwise we go cuckoo.

End Times?

Remember the Mayan predicted 2012 as the year the world would end? Turns out 2020 is really 2012 that the Mayans were talking about. Here’s a quote lifted from the Express:

In a now-deleted Twitter post, scientist Paolo Tagaloguin said: “Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012.

“The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days.

“For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years”.

As I’ve discussed before, those who studied Mayan prophesies believe their calendar was used to predict times of difficulties, in agriculture for example, and the calendar’s end date was not a prediction of the end of the world but the end of an age, a transition.

Transitioning Times

If there’s one thing that seems certain, the old world we knew no longer exists. We are in transitioning times, which are proving to be deeply uncomfortable.

Working to stay within our heart centre helps keep the ‘pain’ to a minimum. Unfortunately, it takes work to keep our awareness within the heart centre. We must consciously keep raising our focus and our energy.

Just know if you are going up and down with your moods, if you are experiencing unusual fatigue one day and feeling wired the next, waking at unusual times in the night or having heat flashes it is all part of these transitioning times. Just go with the flow and try not to fight it or allow it to drag you down.

Avoid Unnecessary Pain

If you find anything that either winds you up or drags you down, keeps you in fear or activates a stress response, it is best to AVOID.

Avoid anything that unnecessarily draws you into the lower chakras or anything that takes over your mind in a negative way. This mostly includes social media outlets, mainstream media, and people.

My guilty pleasure is YouTube. I have spent way too much time on there. One problem with it is I don’t have a choice of what I see on my feed. Yes, I can subscribe to certain channels, but there will be a lot of negative videos mixed in with the positive. YouTube is designed to keep our brain engaged, not only so we go back for more, but so we click on videos we would not normally watch. I have been making a conscious effort to disengage. Yes, it takes work. It is not easy but I am so much more productive when my mind is not engaged by it.

The Role of the Empath and Lightworker

Those of you who have been Sensitive to energy for most of your life will be understanding your role here more than ever.

I mentioned in a past post about how I believe the Sun is playing a major part in our evolution (anything the mainstream media vilifies is normally something they want us to avoid). If you get chance to meditate in the Sun (safely without burning yourself) it really helps open your awareness as well as topping up your dose of vitamin D. Even 5 minutes is good. Holding your favourite crystals at the same time adds an extra protective and awareness opening boost.

We are all in this together. It may seem like the world is heading towards eternal darkness but, I believe, we are simply in the pains of transitioning times. Stay in your heart space. We can do this!

Until next time,


©Diane Kathrine


Diane lives in Manchester, UK. She spent the past twenty years researching everything from human anatomy to the law of attraction. She is a qualified colour and crystal therapist, massage therapist, reflexologist, aromatherapist, healing practitioner, yoga and meditation teacher, and has done in-depth research into diet and nutrition and how it affects Sensitive people.. ©Diane Kathrine

7 secrets   Empath Power  Super Powered Empath


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