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What is Happening?

What is Happening?

The question that is on so many minds right now is what is happening in the world?

I truly don’t think anyone has the answer. But one thing is for sure, something big is unfolding. Our reality is no longer what it was, and there is no going back to the old way of life.

The Changes

For the past year, a large chunk of the world has been locked away from the life we once knew. Each month that passes, we are seeing more of our rights and freedoms taken away. Most are either living in fear or are in a state of confusion as to where we are heading. Nothing makes sense anymore.

We are being given so much contradictory information. The mainstream media is pumping out one narrative. The alternative media is giving out another. But whatever side of the fence we sit, in our beliefs, no one seems to know for sure the destination of the collective. The finish line is moving further and further away. And the fear mongering is like nothing we have ever experienced.

In my last post, I noted how important it is for Empaths to stay out of the stirred-up propaganda. However, those who are still ‘deeply asleep’ may benefit from experiencing the intense levels of fear or anger. For one reason, it helps trigger ‘an awakening’, and for another, they need to become aware of the truth of the world we live in.

Darkness Revealed

This past year, the ‘shadowy darkness,’ that has been controlling this world for many years, has been revealed for everyone to see. The lies and deceptions are on show. Their evil has risen to the surface and is exposed. There is no hiding from it and no flushing it away.

But just because the truth of our reality is being revealed, on a massive scale, doesn’t mean people will instantly wake up to it. In fact, some are clearly going deeper into denial. Which is only to be expected. Discovering that your whole reality has been built on lies is not easy to face or deal with.

Those who remain in ‘slumber’, however, are not the only ones struggling…

What is Happening?

There are many ‘awake and aware’ people who wish they were still asleep to the truth of our world. Because, let’s face it, ‘knowing’ has not made this journey any easier. If anything, in recent times, it has caused more troubles, especially when no one wants to hear your truth, when your words fall on deaf ears, or if you are ridiculed for your ideas and opinions.

But those who are ‘asleep’, or unaware, will become the newly awakened, and they will, in time, need your guidance. They just don’t know it yet.

Confusing Times

During these confusing times, we are all looking for a little light to be shone on our path. We want to know what is really happening and where we are heading. There seems to be no one holding the answers. The positive predictions, from those who are gifted, are either not coming to fruition or are not offering the support needed. This, I also believe, is for a reason…

If you are a long-time awakened, you will find those you listened to, to find solace, might not be offering you the comfort they once did. You might feel more alone and isolated than ever, and are scratching around, looking for someone else to fill the void or to give you answers. If this is the case, it is unlikely you will find anyone.


Because you have evolved beyond that. You already have what you need within. You are just not trusting yourself and your own inner-guidance.

Looking to another for verification of your intuition is beneficial (I know many Empaths come here to my blog as a back-up to what they already feel inside.), but constantly looking outside yourself for answers will probably cause more confusion. It’s called having ‘too much information’. 

That said, our intuition may appear to be playing games with us. Telling us one thing one week and another the next. I’ve certainly been having this experience. Because everything is in flux, truths can shift. What I mean by this is, and as bonkers as it may sound, what is true one day might not be true the next. (The Mandela Effect is an example.)

The old world has gone forever; and that includes how we operate within our reality. We have to be adaptive to variations and fluctuations in our perceptions. Everything is changing and nothing is set in stone.

Trust the Process

We have to ride this one out. This really is a time for faith. Trust the process.

Many of the uncomfortable things that are occurring are not only part of a shifting world, they are a trigger for the un-awakened to wake up. A chance for them to see the truth. Even those of us who are awakened will have disturbing truths revealed. However, the longer we have been ‘on the path’, the less impact these shocks will have.

Take Control

Now is the time to take control of what we can. It’s a time to control not only where our attention goes, but also our reactions. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to be dragged into unnecessary fear mongering, nor should we pin our hopes on someone or something to save us.

We need to remember our light and supremacy; really remember it. Feel the power within. Know that what we have been witnessing is an illusion of the highest order. Fear is what has controlled humans for many years. And recently, this fear and confusion has been amped up to record levels to keep us from living within our own supremacy.

Sitting within the energy of confusion and despair, just keeps us trapped. It blocks prosperity, abundance and any of the ‘good stuff’ from unfolding in our reality.

New Beginnings

The world outside might appear to be crazy, and going from bad to worse, but that doesn’t mean we have to join in with the madness. We are our own superpower.

This isn’t just about endings; it is about new beginnings. Where we are going, no one knows for sure. But trust in your own power. You are not alone. We are all in this together!

Hope this helps during these uncertain times.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


Diane lives in Manchester, UK. She spent the past twenty years researching everything from human anatomy to the law of attraction. She is a qualified colour and crystal therapist, massage therapist, reflexologist, aromatherapist, healing practitioner, yoga and meditation teacher, and has done in-depth research into diet and nutrition and how it affects Sensitive people.. ©Diane Kathrine

7 secrets   Empath Power  Super Powered Empath


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