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The Dream Realm

The Dream Realm: 8 Types Of Messages Through Dreams.

8 Types Of Messages Through Dreams.

1. Pre-cognitive dreams

They are those dreams in which we seem to anticipate the future. We see a situation that later happens or we receive news that is later confirmed in the vigil.

Many people experience So these dreams are very dramatic, since most of the time the information comes in the form of a nightmare, with high emotional impact. Coincidence? Premonition? Information that arrives telepathically?

2. Visiting dreams

They are dreams in which we see or interact with people already deceased. These "encounters" are usually surrounded by a feeling of peace, as if that person had come to tell us that she is okay.

Unlike the previous category, people who experience these types of dreams usually wake up with a sense of relief and a revelation of a deep certainty of life after death.

3. Lucid dreams

In these dreams we realize that we are dreaming. In the manner of the movie "Inception" (Origin), we are aware that our body is in bed while we visualize and experience scenes. Sometimes we can even change some aspects of the dream at will.

Lucid dreaming is a natural ability that we all possess. In ancient times, they were used for healing. It is possible to train ourselves to experience lucid dreams and thus use them to make changes in our attitudes or discover solutions to our problems.

4. Shared dreams

In these dreams, two people dream the same thing or similar aspects appear in the dreams of both, for example details of the place or the events of the dream.

They are rare, but they do occur. You have to be vigilant. To discover that we have had one of these it is necessary that we adopt the habit of telling our dreams to the people who appear in them. It is surprising to come across these cases because they show us how much connection we have with others, beyond distances.

5. Nested dreams

Sometimes we dream that we wake up, even that we wake up, but suddenly, we realize that it is a dream, and we really wake up. This is called "false awakening" and sometimes several occur in the same night.

If instead of waking up you dream again, then you have experienced a nested dream. A dream within the dream. It is as if our mind were cheating, pretending that we have already gotten up, to continue sleeping "a little more".

6. Prodromal sleep

In these dreams, the person receives information about a disease that she is suffering from but from which she has not manifested symptoms.

The body, with great wisdom, sends signals; but sometimes, in the madness of life today, we are not so vigilant as to detect them. Then the information leaks into the dream world. Many people have discovered a disease in this way and there are several very serious investigations in this regard, since through these types of dreams it would be possible to quickly detect those that require early treatment.

7. Numinous dream

They are dreams where we contact spiritual figures, guides or beings of light. The person who dreams receives comfort, messages or even concrete guidance for everyday life.

It is immediately perceived that these are not "ordinary" dreams but that there is a special energy in them. It is worthwhile, after one of these dreams, to meditate on the message received. Many times great revelations happen in them.

8. “Eureka” dreams

They are dreams where the solution to a problem is discovered. The famous dream of the scientist Von Kekulé, through which he solved a chemistry problem that was driving him crazy, is a classic of the researchers on this subject.

He was not the only one. The creator of the helicopter, the creator of the sewing machine and hundreds of inventors and artists (including John Lennon, with his song "Imagine"), claim to have brought his best creations from a dream.

Dreams are not only the nocturnal machinations of our subconscious. They also constitute a huge field of information and experience that allows us to explore reality, transform ourselves, and even heal.

Start valuing your dreams. Each one keeps a wonderful treasure of GROWTH, and they are the link of the Universe with you.

Arturo Bentacur Arango

Artist: @autumnskyeart

We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity. 
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
Source Here

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