Signs You Are a Highly Sensitive Person
- Details
- Written by Diane Katherine

I hope you’re all keeping well, in whatever corner of the world you reside, and are enjoying the first hints of spring (or autumn if you’re down under).
Here in the UK, the sun is shining and the temperature is rising. We’re finally leaving the long dark winter months. Seeing the sun always lifts spirits, and puts such a smile on people’s faces. It also gets everyone outdoors. Which we all need after spending so much time indoors.
Anyway, to get to today’s post.
I’m sure if you’re an Empath, or HSP, you will have already seen the list of Empath traits. However, the following, is something that could also describe an Empath or Sensitive person, yet they might not be something you’ve given much thought to.
So, let’s take a look at what they are…
- You become deeply touched by the kindness of others
This is something many people could admit to, but for a Sensitive person a simple act of unexpected kindness can blow them away. Often bringing tears to their eyes in the process.
- You have to avoid certain films because of their impact
Violence on the TV, or anything overly heart-wrenching, where someone is emotionally suffering, can be difficult to observe for a Sensitive person. It can create a massive stress response within the body and even a cortisol spike, which can sometimes trigger insomnia.
- You anticipate others’ needs
Sensitive people often sense what another person needs before they’ve had chance to realize it for themselves. However, it is often the case that most people do not want to be told what they need, because it would probably mean giving up something or someone that they do not want to give up. They usually have to figure it out for themselves.
- You find it near impossible to just brush something off
If someone has upset or irritated you, it can linger in the mind for days, weeks or even years. The mind replays what the heart can’t delete, which means a Sensitive person finds it difficult to ignore having being hurt or angered by another. You might forgive, but don’t forget.
- You dissect conversations
This can be the words of others or your own. Hearing things that aren’t actually said but are intended are indeed a trait of a Sensitive person. But it can also mean that you dissect your own words and replay your conversations, worrying how they might have been wrongly perceived or caused offence.
- You find it difficult to express your true feelings
Anyone who is Sensitive has a huge well of feelings that often go undeclared. This can be for many reasons. Fear of rejection, not being able to articulate your truth, reading whether the other person is able to process the information, or indeed, if they are interested in listening to what you have to say.
- You feel peoples’ emotions
This goes without saying for anyone who considers themselves to be an Empath, but always deserves a mention. Feeling people’s emotional energy will seem strange to anyone who doesn’t experience it. And although everyone normally feels the vibes of people or places, a Sensitive person feels them in surplus. Read more here.
- You need time to recover after socializing
Social events can cause a hangover whether alcohol was consumed or not. This is because you pick up the emotional energy of others, and often take it in. Also, too much time spent around many people, in a relatively small space, can trigger the stress hormones. If adrenaline or cortisol are triggered, they can cause sleeplessness. And that is despite the fact you may feel incredible fatigue after socializing. A social hangover could take several days to recover from.
- You get deeply moved by the arts or certain music
A song you love can bring you to tears, or overwhelmed with emotion, and it will replay in your mind over and over. Observing inspirational or colorful artwork can leave you mesmerized by its effects. You may not necessarily consider yourself to be an artsy person, but certain pieces of art or sculpture can draw you in and keep you intrigued by the hidden story within.
- You notice details that no one else does
This is not so much in a critical way, you would just see something, like a picture not sitting straight on a wall, or perhaps an object looking out of place or that was moved.
- You’re prone to overthink everything
A Sensitive person’s mind can sometimes feel like it has been given a steroid injection. It can whizz around for hours on a simple idea. Roaming from one thought to another. This is especially evident at night-time and can be linked with number 5 on the list about dissecting conversations.
- Confrontation with others makes you uncomfortable
Confrontation can leave a Sensitive person reeling with discomfort. This is for the reason that confrontation often leads to conflict or a quarrel. Any type of argument will never benefit a Sensitive person, and they try to avoid them. But the downside to this it can lead to feelings of resentment or excess stress from holding things within.
- You say sorry a lot
Sensitive people don’t want others to feel uncomfortable, so they will apologize even when something is not their fault or even for no real reason at all. For example, you may be in a supermarket and someone blocks your path, but you will be the one to apologize for the inconvenience.
- If you have discomfort in your body your focus always returns to it
Being Sensitive generally means you feel everything more powerfully, and this includes pain. When you feel a discomfort somewhere in your body it can be hard to take your mind off it, and it may mean you worry more about it than you should.
- Your senses are heightened
You may smell things more powerfully, or colours might appear brighter, you might even be more sensitive to differing heats. This is simply because everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies, and that includes scents, colours, and even temperatures, and Sensitive people tune into all types of energy.
So, there you go. How many did you identify with? And, if nothing else, this list is some more food for thought on your Sensitive Empath ways.
Stay happy and healthy.
Until next time.
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