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Shift Your Energy, Transform Your Life Instantly!

Shift Your Energy, Transform Your Life Instantly!

We all vibrate at different frequencies. We attract into our lives anything of a similar vibration.

The more we work on ourselves in the mind, body and spirit, the faster we vibrate.

When we face our past hurts with truth, or when we become aware of the consequences of our actions and work to become a better person, or when we give up that which does not serve our body and mind, we become a better version of ourselves, and this speeds up our energetic vibration.

When we’ve done a lot of work on ourselves, we generally feel happier and healthier, and being around negativity or dark vibes (lower vibration) feels awful, and we energetically invite in a better life.

Yet, just because we’ve done the work, it does not make us invincible; we can still be drawn back into negative thinking and negative ways. And, let’s face it, this modern world is designed to keep triggering us in nasty ways.

The more we focus on negative issues, the more negativity we find.

Distracting ourselves or disengaging from anything that darkens our thoughts is not always easy. And when we stay too long in dark mental spaces we attract back more of the same.

This is also known as the law of attraction  (LOA),.

I know there are many people who have turned away from the law of attraction for the reason they did not get the promised results by adhering to the rules. I myself got very disillusioned by it all.

Many years ago, I read all the books that I could get my hands on, on the subject of the LOA. I then followed the rules laid out. I did the positive mantras and meditations, and tried to stay on top of negative thinking. But it didn’t seem to work. My life didn’t get more positive and I wasn’t any happier. It wasn’t until many years later that I came to understand why.

Through my research and self-trials, I developed such an understanding of the LOA that it prompted me to write a book on the subject, which I published in 2018. If you want to read more about it click on the link.

My research helped me understand all the nuances of the law. And how things are never as they really seem.

For example, I once knew a girl whose father was incredibly rich; he owned a beautiful big yacht that his crew would sail all over the Med. I assumed he must be super-contented in life, but she told me her father was not truly fulfilled. He always wanted more. When he sailed into affluent ports, there would always be a bigger better yacht, than his, moored up. He measured his worth by his wealth. So, when someone had more than him, it made him feel inferior. He continued to amass his fortune, but never really felt complete inside. To the world, he would be seen as the ultimate success story, but appearances are so deceiving.

We come to learn that the best things in life really are free. Material possessions offer little nourishment for the soul. Money really can’t buy health, happiness and inner peace. It just makes life more comfortable. But the vast  majority see wealth as the ultimate goal in life and a guaranteed passageway to happiness.

Another puzzle with the LOA, is that bad things happen to good people which may make one question, where is the law working in that?

Bad things happen to good people. And good things happen to bad people. And yes, some people do cruel things to defenseless children or animals.

This is when the LOA doesn’t seem to make sense. Why do innocents suffer so?

I don’t have an answer for that.

But we don’t know how the law of karma has played out in these situations or indeed what the individuals soul contracts are.

It also seems baffling when some people who are not nice, do well in life. They may have a life that most could dream of and have people pander to their every whim. How is the law of attraction working there? If they are bad people, should they not be vibrating at a low frequency and attracting awful stuff?

This is when we can see how the law of attraction really works. It shows how our beliefs and what we carry inside, emotionally, creates our world.

Let me explain:

If you ask an Empath what they feel when around a psychopath and some narcistic types (grandiose)they will tell you they don’t feel much emotionally. Why? because these types have no remorse, they don’t have shame or a guilty conscience, and they don’t have pained emotions buried deep within. (That’s why, to an Empath, they almost feel clean. They may sense a darkness around them, but not from their emotions.) These types have big egos, and they believe in themselves 100%. They work the LOA to their advantage without even trying. They truly believe they are entitled to a fabulous lifestyle, and this is what many of them create, whilst stepping over anyone who gets in their way. But karma eventually comes around.

Having been observing the world for many years, I’ve seen the law of attraction and karma work over and over. People may seem to get away with the bad things they’ve done for years, then, suddenly, karma catches up.

The slower someone vibrates, the slower their karmic return, and this is why it takes many, many years for some to ‘reap what they sew’.

Adhere to the Law

I don’t know everyone’s understanding of the LOA, but I expect most people think: we attract back to us what we focus on. Which is correct. And if we stay in a positive mindset, we can attract back what we want. Which is also correct. But there is so much more to it than that.

For one thing, what many people think they want (ego) is not what the heart wants (soul), and this causes a contradiction within one’s energy. Also, many of us carry buried pain within that we are not aware of. We’ve carried it for so long, and buried it so deeply, that we don’t even realize it’s there. We also have many triggers that activates this buried pain which affects our thoughts and feelings.

How we think is often affected by the way we feel. But how we feel isn’t just affected by our thoughts. Our hormones, past traumas, diet, the people we hang out with, prescription drugs, environmental factors, sleeping habits, levels of Sensitivity, and more, all have a massive impact on how we think and feel, and thus what energy we emit.

It is very difficult to just change our way of thinking, when we have so many other factors controlling our thoughts. Also, even with the best intentions, the majority of the time we have no idea what or when we are thinking. And it is often our feelings that ignite our thoughts.

The Importance of Empaths Avoiding Stress

So, for this reason, many people give up on the law of attraction and trying to keep their energy clean, in a matter of weeks or months.

To see the LOA work, we have to make changes and stick with them, forever, but not with just our thoughts, and that’s where most people come unstuck and end up giving up.

I know if I hadn’t experienced dark times, I would not have pushed myself forward to be where I am now. Many good things come out of negative situations. I am a big believer in that.

However, we don’t need to continually have unnecessary negative emotions and experiences to grow. And when I say unnecessary, I mean the negativity that is perpetually stirred up in the world, designed to keep us down.


The ultimate goal is to evolve out of suffering by making the appropriate changes.

I’m not saying once we’ve done the work, we will never have a negative experience again, or that we won’t have those uncomfortable hunches that lead us away from unnecessary situations, but we should avoid festering within negativity that has been purposely stoked up, if we want to live happily and healthily.

I have written many times before that Empaths tend to have certain negative experiences for the exact reason that it keeps us evolving. The more work we do on ourselves, the faster we vibrate, and these negative experiences should lessen.

Luckily, we can come to recognize the difference between an experience that is meant to help us evolve, and negativity that is continually stirred up to keep us distracted and divided.

The Purpose of Being Distracted and Divided

Yet even when we have raised our vibration, it is very easy to dip back into dark thoughts and feelings, if we allow ourselves, because of our emotional memories and negativity bias (preference to focus on negativity). Which impacts the way the law of attraction works for us.

Those in control, who stir up negativity, know about the negativity bias, and they know how to draw humans into emotional suffering. When we stay within the realm of dark thinking, not only does it prevent us from evolving, it will weaken the body, and make life so much more difficult than it needs to be.

When it comes to the law, we have to consider that none of us really knows what we set out to experience in life, but choosing to keep our outlook and thoughts more positive, and not dipping into unnecessary negativity it will most definitely make our reality nicer, whether we live in rags or riches.

Understanding how the LOA works for an Empath, and for anyone else for that matter, is important if we want to avoid unnecessary unhappiness. And the best starting point is working to become the best version of ourselves, avoid our triggers and understand what lowers or raises our vibration.

Here are 5 things that will help:

  • Avoid triggers (e.g. certain people, social media or negative news outlets)
  • Do more of what makes you feel good (e.g. yoga, a long bath, a walk in nature, grounding, etc.)
  • Smile at strangers (it’s incredibly uplifting.)
  • Avoid negative self-talk (e.g. I’m overweight, I’m ill, my back aches, the world is a mess, etc.)
  • Start your day with a positive thought (e.g. today will be amazing!)

Obviously, this is a vast subject that takes much more than one post to cover, but I hope it acts as a reminder to stop focusing on your weak points or frustrations, and focus on how incredible you really are.

You have faced and overcome so much in life that you really should be proud of yourself!

And remember, if you want to change the world, change your energy!!!!

Should you want to learn more about how the law of attraction works for an Empath, click here.

I hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time,



Diane lives in Manchester, UK. She spent the past twenty years researching everything from human anatomy to the law of attraction. She is a qualified colour and crystal therapist, massage therapist, reflexologist, aromatherapist, healing practitioner, yoga and meditation teacher, and has done in-depth research into diet and nutrition and how it affects Sensitive people.. ©Diane Kathrine

7 secrets   Empath Power  Super Powered Empath


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