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Self Observance - Card of the Month - June 2020

Self Observance - Card of the Month - June 2020

June 2020
Card #67 | Lyra (Future, 3rd Era) | Self Observance

Dear friends, this is the first transmission we share with you that was written since your global pandemic began. (The previous months were channeled before it happened). Firstly, we want to tell you that we understand how frustrating and scary this time is for you. Your galactic ancestors also experienced similar global events as they went through their shift in consciousness. We are all with you in Spirit.

The Lyran energy is especially strongly guiding you now, because they have walked this road before and can offer you a road map to help you navigate this confusing time. The number one tool that awakened your ancient Lyran forefathers is the theme of this card, Self Observance. You have heard us speak of this many times, for it is a key to awakening for all physical beings. Because of this, the beings we have called the awakened Lyran Archons (a collective group consciousness) are assisting with this month’s transmission. [Note: Some people refer to “Archons” as negatively-oriented beings. This is an entirely different energy.]

Self observance means learning to observe (without judgment) your habits, patterns, ego desires, and fears from a place of raw honesty and deep compassion for the wounds within that perpetuate these patterns. This might sound like a mental process but it is much more than that. It requires you to actually feel the raw energy of the ego in a way that can be painful, but remembering that it serves as a release of stored and blocked energy. In order to do this type of self observation, you will need to do so from a quantum consciousness level because the ego observing itself never really works deeper than the superficial levels. Therefore, it is time now to commit yourself to frequent deep meditation that is focused on uncovering and releasing the stored energy of old wounds. This can feel like an endless journey in which you are forced to look into the mirror of your deepest self, but it is a vital one for your species to experience in order to facilitate your shift.

This process isn’t only experienced during meditation. What you experience in meditation often carries over into daily life. In your life, each obstacle and challenge is an opportunity to observe yourself and your reactions so that those inner patterns of pain and distorted beliefs can be illuminated. During a pandemic, you have many tools that you can use for your practice! You can begin by watching your habits during such an intense time. How do you respond to this crisis? For example, do you continually post articles in social media about being lied to or losing individual rights? If so, that is a clue about a wound within – perhaps a feeling of victimhood deep down inside. Do you rebel against all guidance from medical experts or choose only the guidance that stops unpleasant feelings from arising? That rebellion might stem from deep inner anger that was there well before this pandemic. Do you feel an intense need to help others that goes beyond rationality? That might be a reaction to the wound of feeling worthless. Only you can discover these wounds and how they manifest in your life, with deep inner explorations and observations with raw honesty on the quantum consciousness level. You will know you’ve found these wounds and patterns when something is revealed that you don’t want to see or if profound pain is uncovered. At this point, in order to move forward as an individual and a species, you must embrace what you don’t want to see within yourself and as a collective. It is indeed a paradox.

This is a process of embracing your shadow – the parts that you haven’t wanted to see. When a global crisis such as this happens, planetary energy is increased. This heightened energy causes all that has been pushed down to rise to the surface. You can either project this unwanted intense energy on others (including governments, medical establishments, and those who don’t share your beliefs), or look in your own mirror. Your choice will determine your experience during this intense time. If you keep focusing “out there,” the necessary awakening process of self observation will elude you. Quarantine is a very clear message from the universe that it is time to take a time-out and look deeply within. If that very clear message from reality isn’t heeded at this point in your evolution, you can trust that it will be repeated over and over again. Your way out of this crisis is to move inward. When you change your direction to move inward, you will find your ancient Lyran ancestors and all the other loving helpers there to show you the way forward. This road has been walked by your celestial family many times. It is well-paved, and we are waiting for you with open arms.

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.


www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel here
Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. 
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