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Renewed Hope - Card of the Month - March 2022

Renewed Hope - Card of the Month - March 2022

Card #79 | Zeta Reticuli (Present, 2nd Era) | Renewed Hope
This card references a turning point in Zeta Reticuli history. In the first era, they endured a traumatic species crisis in which they weren’t sure the species would survive – due to their own choices. As the species began to heal in the 2nd era, it required the Zetas to begin integrating their emotional and mental bodies, resulting in the ability to experience reality from a heart-centered place for the first time. This was a new experience for them, which left them both frightened of this new reality and hopeful for the future.

The timing of this card appearing now for your monthly guidance is significant. Even though this information is channeled months before the time this text is posted, we can see that humanity is beginning to walk a similar path as the Zetas did in terms of their healing process. For the last several years you have been battling a planet wide pandemic that has asked you to withdraw, separate from each other, and go within to address the inner issues that have been ignored. Your minds have become extremely active, arguing about whose view of reality is correct. On the surface, it seems that this has divided you. But underneath the surface, something very different is happening. The tides of unity and integration (so necessary for a fourth-density reality) are pulling you together even as many resist it. When a natural process is resisted, it creates divisions as those resisting try to do anything possible to deny the pull of the integration. This creates tension in a society and within the psyche of individuals, and you see that playing out in the external reality. Under the surface however, integration and transformation continue to unfold.

When you read the text for this card, you may finally be feeling a little bit of renewed hope as the Zetas did. Let us discuss one aspect of “hope” so that you can use it as a tool to understand the choices that you make as you move forward in the aftermath of a global event that has shaken so many of you.

During times of distress, there is often a feeling of desperation to return to what one considers “normal.” If we look at it from an ego point of view, the ego wants to return to its familiar landscape and modes of operation. When the ego’s habits and patterns get disrupted, the feeling of disorientation and vulnerability cause it to seek whatever means it can to recreate those old familiar routines – including ways of thinking, acting, and expressing in the external world. If the distress lasts a long time (as in the case of a pandemic or a war), the ego has time to build new coping mechanisms – yet they are still egoic in nature if the person is not doing their inner work. In that case, it is simply an exchange of one set of egoic behaviors for another.

As one senses the distress is coming to an end, a feeling of renewed hope can emerge. This renewed hope can take two paths. The first path is the result of inner changes or healings that have taken place. On this first path, it is the sense that all the inner healthy changes born from pain can now begin to bloom in the outside world, creating a new template of reality. It feels fresh, exciting, and maybe a little bit fragile. It will require tender care and a watchful inner eye to be sure that old habits don’t invade like weeds and choke off the life of the new reality.

The second path of renewed hope is one that is more insidious because it happens on an unconscious egoic level. For those who haven’t done their inner work during a crisis, the renewed hope represents the excitement of being able to return “back to normal.” For many, “normal” means old, dysfunctional behaviors and thought patterns. The ego becomes excited and impatient to return to its old ways, and it seeks to extinguish any small disruption to that goal before a new reality can be born.

Therefore, we ask you to look at these two paths within you and be very conscious of nurturing the new, fragile reality that is just being born. Do not feed the old, dysfunctional habits and patterns that might try to seduce you into letting them reemerge. This advice applies to both your individual and collective realities. This is a time to walk with a light step and to be gentle with yourself and others as the potential new reality is unfolding and needing to be reinforced and strengthened. Your Zeta family, having walked this road before, will be with you as you take your first steps.

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.


www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel here
Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. 

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