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Proven Methods Of Contacting Your Spirit Guide

Proven Methods Of Contacting Your Spirit Guide

Communicating with your spirit guide can be a powerful and transformative experience. There are many different ways to connect with your spirit guide, each with its own unique benefits. 

The key to success is finding the method that resonates most with you. In today's article, we will discuss ways to help you connect with your spirit guide and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Why should we want to contact our spirit guide?

Connecting with a spirit guide can be a way to access higher wisdom and guidance. Spirit guides are non-physical entities who have a deep understanding of the universe and our place in it. They can provide us with insight, guidance and support on our personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Connecting with a spirit guide can also help us understand the deeper meaning of life, uncover our purpose, and also help us heal trauma and destructive patterns from the past. Overall, connecting with a spirit guide can bring a greater sense of peace, security, and understanding to life.


By putting yourself in a deep state of relaxation and calm, you open yourself up to receiving guidance and messages from the spiritual realm.

Find a quiet place to sit or lie where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. As you breathe in and out, imagine releasing tension or stress in your body. Once you feel relaxed and calm, you can begin to imagine a white light surrounding you, symbolizing protection and purity. You can then summon your spirit guide by saying their name or asking them to come in and communicate with you. During your next meditation, be open to receiving any messages or impressions that come to you. Don't forget to keep a journal handy to write down all the insights and messages you receive during meditation.

Be sure to thank your spirit guide at the end and stop if you feel uncomfortable or nervous at any point during this attempt. It may happen that someone else is talking to you, whom you did not invite to the discussion, and this will manifest itself in inner restlessness. Trust your instinct.

Keeping a Dream Journal

During sleep, our minds are more open to receiving messages and guidance from the spiritual realm. If you keep a dream journal and regularly record your dreams, you may begin to notice patterns and symbols that may be messages from your spirit guide.

Before bed, set an intention to receive guidance and messages from your spirit guide. Once you wake up, write down your dreams in as much detail as possible, including all the symbols, feelings, and emotions you experienced. After a few days or weeks of writing down your dreams, you may begin to notice recurring symbols or themes that may be messages from your spirit guide. Interpret these symbols based on your personal experiences and feelings rather than relying on general symbolic meaning. Remember to keep an open mind and be willing to accept any message your spirit guide may have for you.

Automatic Writing

By letting your hand write without conscious effort, you open yourself up to receiving messages and guidance from the spiritual realm. Some people have a great talent for this method and others can't do it at all. You don't know which group you fall into until you try it.

Sit down at a table with a pen and paper and set an intention to communicate with your spirit guide. Take a few deep breaths and try to clear your mind of all thoughts and distractions.

Once you feel relaxed, start writing whatever comes to mind without censoring or editing.

Someone can put themselves in a meditative state and write without knowing what. So, you can rest your head, close your eyes, think about nothing, don't look at your hand and just let it run spontaneously across the paper.

You may find that your writing is written in a different style or font than usual because it is coming from your spirit guide. Keep an open mind and try not to judge or question what you write.

It is important to remember that the messages may not make sense at first, but over time you will begin to perceive the meanings and guidance from your spirit guide better. Don't get mad at yourself if you wrote nonsense at first, just think of it as normal communication noise on an out-of-tune walkie-talkie that you can tune out over time as you practice.

Keep writing until you feel you've had enough, then read what you've written to see if you can identify any messages or guidance your spirit guide may have for you.

Trust and listen to your intuition or inner guidance

Our intuition is the voice of our inner wisdom and guidance and is a direct connection to our spirit guides.

Find a quiet, relaxed place where you can focus and where you won't be disturbed. Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes, focus on your breath and let your mind calm down.

As you breathe, imagine white light entering your body, filling you with a sense of calm and peace. Once you feel relaxed enough, ask your spirit guide to communicate with you through your intuition. Then listen. Your intuition may speak to you through a feeling, thought, vision, or physical sensation. Trust that whatever comes to you is your spirit guide communicating with you. It may take some time for your intuition to develop, and the messages may not always be clear. Be patient, keep an open mind and trust that your spirit guide is communicating with you.

Guided Visualization

Guided visualization is a technique where you use your imagination to create a scene or scenario in your mind in order to connect with your spirit guide.

Find a secluded and cozy place where you can focus and not be disturbed. Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes, focus on your breath and let your mind calm down.

Imagine that you are in a quiet place, such as a forest, a beach or a garden. When visualizing this place, imagine that your spirit guide is standing in front of you. It can take the form of an animal, person or energy.

Ask your spirit guide to communicate with you and then listen. Your spirit guide may speak to you through a feeling, thought, vision, or physical sensation. Trust that whatever comes to you is your spirit guide communicating with you. Be sure to journal your experiences and continue to practice guided visualization regularly to strengthen your connection with your spirit guide.

Communicating through symbols or signs

This involves being open and aware of the messages and signs your spirit guide may be sending you through the world around you. These symbols and signs can take many forms, such as numbers, colors, animals or even dreams.

Pay attention to your intuition and to things that seem to stand out or catch your attention, as these may be messages from your spirit guide.

You can also ask your spirit guide to send you a certain symbol or sign as a way of confirming their presence. Some people keep a journal of the symbols or signs they receive to track their messages over time.

It is important to remember that you must be open and receptive to receiving the messages and symbols that your spirit guide sends you. You also need to become interested in symbolism to be able to read these signs.


Consists of using a reflective surface such as a crystal ball or bowl of water to enter a trance-like state and receive messages or visions from your spirit guide.

Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Light candles or incense to create a peaceful atmosphere. Stare into the mirrored surface and let your mind clear. When you relax enough, you may begin to see images or receive messages from your spirit guide. It is important to keep an open mind and trust the process. Journal any visions or messages you receive so you can think about them further.

Communicating with a spirit guide can be a powerful and transformative experience. Each person has their own unique way of connecting with their spirit guide, and it may take some experimentation to find what works best for you. By practicing various techniques, you can open yourself to the guidance and wisdom of your spirit guide. Remember to approach this work with an open mind and heart and be patient as you develop your connection.

Your abilities change with age and also with accumulated experience. If you don't quite like something right now, in a few years you can spontaneously discover it in yourself, so don't throw a flint in the hay. It is a lifelong process that is gradually honed. If you are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of your spiritual guidance and communicating with your guardian angels, I recommend you the , which will serve as a complete guide and guide you through everything you need to know and be able to do this.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca


© Alue K. Loskotová, www.aluska.org 2022

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