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How Black Tourmaline Can Help The Empath During These Unprecedented Times

How Black Tourmaline Can Help The Empath During These Unprecedented Times

During these times of mass change and turmoil, everyone is having to work extra hard to stay not only happy and healthy, but grounded and protected.

This is where Black Tourmaline can help.

But before we get to the benefits of this incredible crystal, let’s take a quick look at what is going on in the world, and how it is impacting the Empaths…

As I’m sure you’re more than aware, the world is currently a very confusing place to be.

Strange influxes of energy are not only affecting the Sensitive people, but also everyone else. That is why staying centred/grounded is so important right now.

Most awakened souls already know the importance of staying grounded and are constantly taking steps to stay balanced.

Sadly, there are too many people out there who aren’t working on themselves in any which way, and are instead taking their grievances out on others. Whether that be online or in person.

Which basically means they are spewing toxic energy out into the world with every rant and rave. And this is on top of everything else that is currently happening.

Ugly Energy

Picking up on this ugly energy means the Empaths are getting a double whammy of discomforts to deal with.

It really is one thing after another. Physically, emotionally and spiritually.

So much so, more and more are finding staying grounded so much harder to do.

There are levels of emotional frenzy around, which come and go like a raging tide, that I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced before…

So, if you are feeling like you are going slightly cuckoo, with how you feel from one day to the next, know that you are not alone.


What we really need right now is a mass healing. People need to come together and truly appreciate one another. Instead, what we are seeing is more distract and divide.

People are attacking each other on the strength of what the governments, media or social media says. No one knows who or what to believe.

The thing is, and as I’ve discussed many times before, we are shifting into a new era, and nothing is set in stone. Even the most intuitive of people are struggling to predict anything. I don’t think anyone can say with 100% certainty where we are heading.

My personal belief is that things are becoming so uncomfortable for people, that it is pushing many into ‘an awakening’ (others, however, are going further the opposite way).

The Sensitive

Empaths are very sensitive not only to any shift in energy, but also to the collective energy of the masses and what they are experiencing.

The problem is, we so often get caught up in these energy shifts and emotional fluctuations of the populace, that we forget our own traits, and what we should be doing to stay in a higher vibrating space.

And what I mean by this is, we forget that, as Empaths, we over-feel everything, and how this impacts the way we think and feel, and generally how we show up in the world.

For example, one Empath might currently be experiencing excess anxiety or overwhelm, another may be undergoing digestive issues, whilst another may experience headaches or brain fog.

Yes, and that is just from picking up energy from others (not to mention how shifting energy impacts us).

We can get so wrapped up in our symptoms or feelings, that we forget to do our protection and grounding routines.

That’s not to say we can blame all our ailments on over-feeling everything. Sometimes we have simply got physical issues that need addressing. But that is a subject for another occasion.

Today, I want to share with you the benefits of Black Tourmaline, and why it is super helpful during these times for an Empath…

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a great stone for an Empath; not only because it is the go-to stone for protection, it is also empowering for when enduring challenging times.

Tourmaline is a powerful grounding stone, that connects the base chakra to the Earth. It is a stone that helps with the unpredictability of Empath life.

In appearance, Black Tourmaline is usually glossy and black and sometimes has veins of grey or beige running through.

It is electrical in nature and has a pulsating energy that helps align the chakras of the body.

Interestingly, Black Tourmaline has the ability to become electrically charged just by heating or rubbing it. When charged, one end becomes positive and the other end negative, allowing it to attract or repel particles of dust.

Black Tourmaline is known as a radiation blocker and shields against toxins, electromagnetic pollution, and radiation related to mobile phones, PCs, and other electronic devices.

The stone itself doesn’t so much hinder the EMF exposure; but, instead enhances the body’s electrical field. Thus, creating a grounded shield against harmful electromagnetic radiation.

With all the radiation we are experiencing, as well as 5G towers that are going up everywhere, this stone is super important right now.

As mentioned, Black Tourmaline is an excellent grounding crystal for the Empath. It offers a protective shield which also makes it perfect to use when out and about in busy peopled places.

It is known that Black Tourmaline helps soothe panic attacks, especially those caused by energy overload. Something many are currently experiencing. It also helps soothe the irrational fears that cause anxiety.

This crystal is good to wear for protection, especially against:

  • Energy vampires
  • Anyone who is overly angry
  • The complainers of the world
  • The people who like to burden you with their problems but have no intentions of improving their situations by making lifestyle changes
  • Dark or repetitive thoughts
  • Negative emotional energy

When carried by an Empath, Black Tourmaline acts like an ‘invisibility cloak’ against those who use them as an ‘emotional dumping ground.’

It is also a good crystal for improving concentration, especially when suffering brain fog.

By balancing the base chakra, it is believed to be beneficial for relieving problems with elimination in the bowels, and assists the body in removing heavy metal toxins and environmental pollutants.

Black Tourmaline is often used for aligning the right/left hemispheres of the brain (feminine and masculine), which often become imbalanced by the stresses of Empath life.

How to Use

Obviously, there are many ways you can use this crystal in different layouts.

I personally find the best way to use this is the easiest way:

Either hold the stone in your hand and focus on its protective energy, or, when lying down, pop it in the centre of your forehead (third eye) and allow it to work from there (especially good to use if your mind won’t shut up or if you’re under thought/psychic attack).

Natural Therapies

It is a shame that more people don’t turn to natural therapies for healing, because they really do make a lot of difference to our health and wellbeing.

Herbs, natural food, exercise, aromatherapy oils and crystals can work wonders for our health, and are great to use during these difficult times.

Whoever it was who put humans here on this earth plane, gave us all we needed to heal ourselves, including Black Tourmaline.

If you have used this crystal yourself, please feel free to share your success stories below.

Hope you are all keeping happy and healthy in whatever corner of the world you live.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


Diane lives in Manchester, UK. She spent the past twenty years researching everything from human anatomy to the law of attraction. She is a qualified colour and crystal therapist, massage therapist, reflexologist, aromatherapist, healing practitioner, yoga and meditation teacher, and has done in-depth research into diet and nutrition and how it affects Sensitive people.. ©Diane Kathrine

7 secrets   Empath Power  Super Powered Empath


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