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Develop Intuition and Find Your Bliss


Practicing meditation is essential for developing Empath intuition!

Meditation is one of the most powerful tools an Empath can use for their personal growth. A committed daily practice will serve in many ways. It will help strengthen the mind, body and spirit. It will build a powerful shield around the Empath and open up their intuition like nothing else. Strong intuition requires a clean and clear mind. A cluttered, thought-filled mind will do nothing to help us grow or develop our abilities. When we have clarity of thought and a lucid mind, magical things can happen. Thoughts are addictive and difficult to break free from. However, once we reset the mind through meditation we can switch them off far easier.

Not only does meditation build our intuition it also reprogrammes the brain into being able to better deal with negativity and enables us to deal with the onslaught of thoughts, energy and emotions we pick up from others.

Most Empaths find meditation incredibly difficult to get into because of their creative and over-active mind. Perseverance is all that is needed. Starting with a five-minute practice and building up into twenty to thirty minutes will reap incredible benefits.

Thoughts can be destructive to our health and wellbeing, especially when they are negative and repetitive. Empaths tend to spend a lot of time in their heads, which is great when thoughts are creative, happy or enlightening. However, spend too much time around certain people or in certain places and the happy thoughts can quickly turn into painful memories, anger or thoughts of being wronged. Being with certain other people can contribute to having repetitive dark thoughts. However, we don’t always make the connection because the over-whelming thoughts don’t always kick in till a day or two after being around those who triggered them. We can get so caught up and lost in these thoughts and the emotions they create that we do not question their origin. By stilling the mind in mediation it will help put a stop to any thought induced emotions.


I believe the best way to meditate is with an erect spine, either sitting in a straight-backed chair or in a comfy cross-legged or kneeling position on the floor. Keeping the spine straight and upright allows the energy to flow up and down and the breath to be calm. There are some who will say lying down is a perfectly acceptable way to meditate, but it is too easy to fall asleep when lying down and the opportunity to consciously quieten the mind is lost. Just make sure you feel comfortable before you start.

One of the best ways to quickly get out of the head is to focus our awareness outside of ourself, using a meditative technique called mindfulness. This can be done almost anywhere and involves focusing on something outside of your mind. You could gaze at a flickering candle or pay close attention to your scenery as you pass it by (obviously not to be done whilst driving). If you like walking in nature look up at the trees and notice all you can about the bark, branches and leaves, see the different cloud formations in the sky or inspect the wild flowers growing within the foliage.

We can engage mindfulness when walking through a busy shopping centre or peopled place. You can do this simply by paying close attention to your walking gait: notice how the heal and sole of your foot hit the floor as you walk, how this in turn carries on through the legs and up through the body, notice how your arms move, how your shoulders and head feel. Even if you do this for a matter of minutes it is a form of moving mindful meditation that will reap many benefits.

Regular meditation helps clear the mind of thoughts, fact! However, thoughts will put up a big fight to stay centre stage. When we try to quieten our mind the monkey living in our head is activated. Jumping from one random thought to another, the monkey mind can be a challenge to still and for some it will take much more effort than for others (my monkey mind is like a hyperactive sugar-driven wild child). It is at the point when they are about to make a breakthrough in meditation, that many people will give up, citing they just cannot do it because it’s too hard. Yes, it can be difficult in the initial stages but nothing good comes easily. Transformation does not happen over night, but it will not take long for you to see how a regular meditation practice can be totally transformative and a fast-tracked way to developing greater intuition.

February is the perfect month to set yourself a four week challenge. Being a leap year makes it an extra special time to set your intention. Why not use the four weeks to commit to a daily meditation practice that can transform your life and start on Monday?

To see what amazing transformations can be had by practicing meditation, set yourself a four-week challenge and allot an amount of time each day to practice. I find mornings are easiest. Get up ten to twenty minutes earlier and start with five minutes then gradually build up. If you are on a time limit set a gentle alarm. It is amazing how quickly time will go once you are enveloped in your private mind sanctuary.

If you find meditation difficult it is always best to use a guided meditation until you have more control of your mind and thoughts. There are hundreds to choose from on YouTube. I have included one above and one at the bottom of the post, just to get you started (using earphones is always best with the guided mediations).

Before you start any guided meditation make sure you are compatible with the narrator’s voice. If you do not find the voice soothing then you may get irritated by it during the meditation, which will then be a distraction. Oh an make sure you won’t be disturbed.

Until next time…


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©Diane Kathrine at Just Be
by Diane Kathrine


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