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Cosmic Midwifery - Card of the Month - September 2021

Cosmic Midwifery - Card of the Month - September 2021

September 2021
Card #8 | Arcturus (Parallel) | Cosmic Midwifery

In many of our past communications, we have referred to the Arcturus energy as being like a midwife – one that guides you through the realms between birth and death. If we look at the initial fragmentation in the way we have presented it for you represented by the cards, the archetypal Arcturus energy represents the last realm of energetic balance and nonphysicality before physical incarnation and the exploration of the theme of polarity. This is why the Arcturus energy is so vital to civilizations that are making the transition from 3rd to 4th density. Their guidance that is offered to physical civilizations such as yours is essential in this transition. They teach you how to move from a mind-dominated reality to one that is mentally and emotionally balanced. In short, they help you open your hearts and experience the intense healing process that is necessary as you are “born” into a 4th density reality.

Humankind is now experiencing this birth process. Metaphorically, we can say that labor has started and you are just beginning the journey through the birth canal. That means it can be a confusing and painful time, because you have to learn to let go of an old reality (the womb, the sleep state so to speak) and a new world in which your eyes begin to open to a new reality. It is common to want to cling to sleep and comfort, rather than experience the intense process of birthing into a new reality. The scream that babies express upon birth is a humorous (but accurate) way to describe this state of transition.

As we often do, we look at processes on a macrocosmic and microcosmic level. We have just described the macrocosmic level, which takes the form of humankind’s birth into a whole new reality in which the comfortable sleep of separation must be exchanged for the shocking wakefulness of the integrative process. You see this all around you on Earth now. It may seem as if people are going crazy – striking out at others without realizing that others are a reflection of themselves. This may continue for a while longer but eventually most species see that the panic begins to weaken and eventually disappear.

The microcosmic level in which this process plays out is how it affects each of you on a personal level. Your personal inner work actually can affect the macrocosmic level profoundly. Since you cannot control or change what happens in Earth’s process as a whole, it is recommended that you begin to focus even more on your own personal process. You, too, are going through a profound birth process and it is up to you to navigate it to the best of your ability – of course, with loving guides to help you such as the Arcturus energy.

Therefore to expand upon the birth theme, most people do not remember their own birth. If you have done so through meditation or regression, you may remember that is can be fraught with fear, pain, and even anger at having left a safe and comfortable environment. This is a direct mirror of the “birth” into original separation from the One. The process you are now undergoing is the opposite. You are now experiencing the start of your “birth” back into your natural state of integration. (In that case you could say it is also a death process – the death of the separated, egoic self).

This birth into the integrative state requires one to shed all baggage that was collected in the separated state. Most people don’t realize the intensity of the old wounds they are carrying, and so the process of facing, feeling, thanking, and releasing the old wounds can be one that is frightening indeed. However, it is a necessary one that cannot be avoided forever. Life events often happen to force you to go through this birth process. For some of you, the motivation is a sense of profound discomfort in the old sleep state. Without knowing why, you may rush forward intuitively, trying to purge what you’ve held for so long. Whether your motivation is from unavoidable life events or profound discomfort with the old reality (and the old egoic self in that reality), it is important to know one thing.

The natural energy of the universe moves toward integration. It is hard to see or feel that truth in the separated, 3rd density state. Once you get a glimpse or a sense of your true integrated state, you can begin to feel this magnetic energy that pulls you toward the state of integration and use it as a compass to help guide your way Home. Your Arcturan counterparts wait for you in that twilight between separation and integration. They are a breath away and ready to help guide you. The easiest way to feel them is through your heart, which is the perfect way to begin your journey.

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.


www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel here
Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. 
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