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Atheist's Near-Death Vision Reveals Humanity's Future Secrets!

Atheist's Near-Death Vision Reveals Humanity's Future Secrets!

Heather Mae is a former atheist who had a near-death experience (NDE) after suffering a heart attack. 

She found herself in heaven, where she was greeted by people she used to know and her family. During this NDE (near death experience) she was shown how energy works, what will happen in the future and what we need to move forward spiritually. She also saw the Hall of Records, the Crystal City, and the Healing Place. Heather is now busy teaching other people what she learned on the other side.

This article contains a meaningful translation and an outline of Heather's most interesting observations, but in the attached video it is possible to turn on the Czech subtitles and listen to her narration in its entirety.

Before Heather nearly died of a heart attack, she sensed something was wrong and needed an ambulance. She had a premonition that if she didn't get to the doctors in time, she would die. On the way to the hospital, she went into cardiac arrest, leaving her at first in complete darkness and then passing through the classic tunnel of light described by many other people who have had this experience. There was a beautiful light at the end of the tunnel, a higher consciousness was present and about 100 people welcomed her here. Her family and friends.

Heather describes how she was deeply affected by the news that she had just died. She regretted that she didn't accomplish much, that her life was too short.

She then describes going through a recap of her life where she was shown the effect her life had on other people. Heather describes that it is not pointing out bad moments and regrets about what a person did stupidly and how he wasted time, but it is showing situations in a complex light, when she perfectly felt and understood how her actions or words affected the people around her, whether constructively , or destructively. She realized that what we send to other people easily becomes part of their inner world, be it words or thoughts. Thought is inherently material, it affects matter, but earthlings are mostly unaware of this and harm each other with mental energy. Heather understood that people are very connected energetically, but they don't realize it when they are alive. She understood how unprocessed emotional energy and traumas remain stored in the physical body and then cause illness, psychological problems, or chronic pain.

She was shown to have chosen her family before incarnating. Her family members made a deal with her to be together, but not everything that happened in her life was pre-ordained within that plan because a person has free will and can make different choices. She also describes that the principle of karma was explained to her. In one of her past lives, she killed someone, and for the next incarnation, the two agreed that this time the person would be harmed and Heather would be the recipient of injustice, but not in the form of murder. Heather says it has helped her understand some things in her life that she previously thought were too far-fetched.

Heather describes seeing a beautiful crystal city and visiting a "Place of Healing". Souls who have experienced very traumatic incarnations go to this place to harmonize here. She saw pools of healing water, the whole place was decorated in white marble, and she saw many columns here. Some souls stay in this healing place for a very long time, but since time does not pass there, this figure is distorted by our perception of time. They are there as long as they need.

She then saw the "Place of Records", or the cosmic akashic library (or data morphogenetic fields of the universe). This place took the form of a huge library where books were stacked to a great height. She was shown her own book. Heather was surprised by how thick this book was, how many lives were written in it. When she opened the book, she saw moving images in it, similar to the moving photos from the Harry Potter series.

Heather understood during her NDE that not all souls are on the same level and not all souls are in the same place. Like attracts like and spiritual mentors are available to guide and teach souls.

Atheist's Near-Death Vision Reveals Humanity's Future Secrets!

She also visited something like a grand space council. There were beings made of pure light (round orbs) that were mainly white, sometimes with shades of pink or blue. There she saw figures in white cloaks and one in blue, which she immediately knew were from another galaxy. It is not like an earthly parliament or government, it is a place of common sharing and leadership, a place of mutual assistance. There were also beings that looked like ETs from the movie. There was a long table around which everyone sat. The table was lit, but the surroundings were black.

At the end, Heather is asked about the future. To this she replies that she sat down in a chair and large glowing orbs passed in front of her, opening before her and showing her the history of mankind. A history full of wars, murder, natural disasters and suffering. The level of trauma was immense. She then tearfully says that she has seen many civil unrests around the world and what really needs to change is prejudice against different cultures and hatred towards each other. When she saw the starving and suffering children, she asked the spirit guides to stop showing her because she couldn't bear it. She had a hunch that if she hadn't refused, they might have gotten into good things, but that didn't come to that.

Heather says that the purpose of this gruesome display was to make her realize the horrors people do to each other, that it's mostly because of religion and that it can stop if this hateful mentality changes.

Heather asked to come back to Earth because she understood that she had a soul contract that she hadn't even started yet and she wanted to fulfill it. The guides told her that when she returned her life would be very difficult, painful, that she would also have health problems, but Heather said she accepted it and insisted that she wanted to return.

Heather became a spiritual healer after this experience, bringing with her the ability to see energies. He has been treating people since the 1990s.

Image and Translation by CrystalWind.ca


© Alue K. Loskotová, www.aluska.org 2024

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