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Are You Feeling Lost, Alone or Disconnected?


It has to be said: we are in the midst of some dark, challenging times.

With all the civil unrest around us, it may seem near impossible to find any kind of balance as an Empath. It certainly appears that dark energies are on the increase, which is causing bedlam among the Sensitive of the world. And all the political and religious dogma being spouted in the media is certainly not helping matters.

When I started my junior hairdressing apprenticeship, we were given certain rules of what not to discuss with clients. The first rule was to hang up our problems with our coats in the morning. The second was to avoid, at all costs, discussions about politics or religion. We were told these two subjects were the worst for igniting angry disputes. At sixteen years old I didn’t think much of it, but now I see just how pertinent it was.

If there are two things that create heated disagreements, conflict, division and hatred it is political opinions and religious beliefs. This is so clear in what we are seeing in all corners of the globe.

Between terrorism, politics and religious or race divisions there seems to be little else in the media (other than reality TV personalities). With another election being called in the UK, it appears the media fuelled political disputes will be never-ending.

There is so much hate being bred, both in the media and out on the streets, that even if you lived far underground it would be difficult to avoid the dismal energy being produced.

People are so affected by the dramas being played out that they don’t see the real intentions behind them. Much of which are ploys to keep us divided, distracted and angry. People are being played off against each other and all it is doing is causing a blanket of massively contagious, dark, dark energy.

As I mentioned in my last post: negativity generates negativity. Negative emotions are contagious and are subliminally taken on even by those who aren’t Sensitive. People get swept along by the irrational, infectious moods being intentionally perpetuated. They breed and feed. Getting caught up in the political/religious doctrines, and the whirlwind of propaganda that goes with it, is all part of the plan designed to keep people from unity. It is just another form of gaslighting.

Because the populace is continuously fed more reasons to become fearful, infuriated or dissatisfied, and very little to feel positive and cheerful about, low-level energy continues to escalate.

Even if you are able to stay detached from the propaganda being generated, you will not be immune to the murky oppressive energy it stirs up. This energy seeps into your energy field even whilst you sleep. And because it is so all encompassing it is difficult to stay detached from.

This low-level energy may show up as periods of lethargy and chronic fatigue, depression, brain fog and an absolute sense of disconnection from life, as well as loneliness. Many are feeling completely lost. Again, this isn’t just affecting the Sensitive, I am seeing/feeling it in many people.

I have already written about this subject in recent months. But as it is a continuing theme I feel it is right to discuss it again, because the impact it has on an Empath is not pleasant. Picking up on dark energy coming from the masses, is nothing short of exhausting. It is difficult to hide from even with the best intentions.

My belief is that everything is being magnified as a ruse to keep us from finding oneness, truth and self-empowerment. If we are kept distracted from our true power we cannot harness it and find the peace, happiness and balance we are meant for. It is so important, during these dark periods, that we stay on top of our game.

We are being targeted mind, body and spirit and it isn’t just by political distractions and gaslighting. The food we eat, the air we breathe and the substances we are subjected to are nothing short of toxic. All of which acts as endocrine disrupters which in turn messes with our chakras and energy bodies. We have to continuously work to evolve and adapt by making changes, it would seem, on a near-weekly basis.

Part of overcoming the low vibrational energy being contagiously projected into the world is to keep mind, body and spirit strong. Eat good food, exercise, stay grounded and keep clearing your energy field. Your diet is so important now. It has more impact on your mental health, and how you show up in the world, than you may know.

Also, if ever there was ever a time to keep your mind empowered now is it. And a good way to do it, other than meditation, good food and exercise, is by focusing on all your strengths. Look to find your hidden super powers and stay focused on them. For example: focus on your kindness, consideration or creativity. Don’t be tempted to indulge in negativity, wherever it is coming from. Just keep swimming in the potential of your innate gifts, how to develop them and how lucky you are to have these unique talents.

What we focus our attention on grows. When we embrace our inner power, that power will grow. We then project out this positive vibrant energy, which in turn helps neutralize the bad stuff.

What is also important to remember during these fractious periods is you are not alone. There are many others experiencing similar moods, energy levels, loneliness and disconnection. If you feel lost, confused, fatigued or angry, whilst voyaging these turbulent times, just remember how many others are also living through it and coming through the other side. You may feel lonely but you are not alone.

Hope this helps on your Empath journey.

Until next time…


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