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April 2024 Card: Zeta Reticuli and the Paradox

April 2024 Card: Zeta Reticuli and the Paradox

Card #98 | Zeta Reticuli (Future, 3rd Era) | Paradox

The topic of polarity has been discussed often. It is an important topic because it is a significant passage in your evolutionary journey.

Every physical civilization dances with polarity, but in different ways. While you may feel that the polarization on your world is becoming more and more intense, it is actually mild compared to other members of your galactic family such as Orion. We know that statement does not uplift you, but here is a perspective that can give you a wider view of this essential chapter in the evolution of a species, and perhaps deeply motivate you for the inner work that can make a real difference in the collective energy.

Deep polarization provides an opportunity for you that can lead to rapid awakening and an evolutionary acceleration. For those of you who are self-aware enough to be able to objectively see your own inner polarization, there is an inherent invitation within polarization to find and rest at what we can all the “middle ground.”  Think of a pendulum that swings back and forth. At first, the distance between the furthest point of the pendulum on each side is great. As the pendulum continues swinging according to the laws of your physical reality, the distance between the two points becomes less and less. If no new energy is added to the momentum, the pendulum eventually comes to rest. This analogy of a microcosmic process is applicable to the macrocosmic energy dynamics of consciousness as it evolves from third to fourth density.

For as long as recorded history, you have seen polarized wars, so why hasn’t the pendulum stopped swinging? It hasn’t stopped because humans have kept adding momentum to the polarized dynamics. This momentum is reinforced through retribution, reaction, resistance, and power struggles. But now you are evolving to a new energy frequency. This new frequency puts added pressure on polarity dynamics so that the swings of the pendulum seem closer together and more violent, which is a sign of impending transformation. This is one of the reasons for the intensive energetic environment on Earth now. Humans are allowing their unconscious patterns, resistances, and reactions to continue to feed the momentum of the pendulum instead of consciously stepping outside of the old patterns.

When we said that deep polarity provides an opportunity for rapid transcendence, we mean that it requires the willingness to consciously step outside of the swinging pendulum and see both sides neutrally. Actually, it is even more than seeing both sides. You must FEEL both sides. By allowing yourself to feel the “truth” of both sides without judgment, you energetically move yourself to the resting point between poles. When you rest there, what do you feel? You feel the experience of paradox. At first, paradox feels uncomfortable, because humans are used to clinging to one side or another as an extension of their identity. The longer you are able to hold this state of paradox within you, the easier it becomes to stay there. Polarity is like a well-worn footpath. When you stop reinforcing it, the metaphorical footpath becomes unused and uncomfortable to walk upon any longer. You begin to crave the neutral state.

The state of paradox is fleeting. You can only feel it in a polarized reality. As you become more used to resting in this state, you begin to remember that this neutral state is actually the natural state of integrated consciousness. As you move into fourth density, you will be required to traverse this road more and more. When you don’t allow yourself to step outside of the swings of the polarized pendulum, reality will become more painful. Therefore, we can say that moving toward the state of paradox is a survival mechanism necessary for your transition fully into fourth density. You must do this in order to survive as a species.

So, what does this mean for your daily life? These days you are enticed and enraged by world events. You are shamed into taking sides and then given more and more information to support one side or another. The only result of this is that it adds momentum to the pendulum. We are not saying to bury your head in the sand, avoid knowing world events, or push away the feelings that world events trigger in you. In fact, we recommend just the opposite. Be aware of world events in a neutral way (rather than through the narrative of the side that is trying to grab your allegiance). Let yourself feel the experience of each side and how they truly believe their perspective is the right one. It may bring up emotions and the urge to polarize. If it does, do what you can to rise above it and see the energy dynamic of the pendulum rather than the individual issues themselves. If you do this with sincere intention to step outside of the pendulum, you will have moments in which you can feel the energy of paradox. Even if those moments are brief, it is a sign that the alchemical process of polarity integration has begun. Then you must maintain it.

And one more thing to share. It is easier to do this with world events “out there.” Once you start learning this new footpath of integration that leads to paradox by working with world events, you will naturally begin working with your own inner polarities and personalized integration processes within you. The Zeta Reticuli (and other galactic family members) walked this kind of road to integration. For them, it was a much more difficult and treacherous road. Because you have the collective wisdom of your galactic family within you, your road is much smoother. This road was lovingly paved by those who walked the path before you, and they stand at the end of the road with open arms.

Germane -- through Lyssa Royal Holt

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.


www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel here
Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. 
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