The Myths, Truths & Magic of Avalon - King Arthur in Glastonbury
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- Written by AndEl
Article By James Tyberonn
The Glastonbury Abbey was once the jeweled crown of English cathedrals. Magnificent in architecture and the center of Christian pilgrimages, the Glastonbury Abbey held a prominent and sacred position in the Christian world. Still today revered as holy grounds, the Abbey Ruins are the site of the first Christian Church in Europe, and are reputed to be the burial site of Joseph of Armithea, The Virgin Mary, Saint Patrick and King Arthur. Legends claim both the Holy Grail and Arc of the Covenant were kept in the Abbey grounds.
The most powerful location on the Abbey grounds is the hallowed Lady Chapel. It is found just outside the museum exit, in the main body of ruins. It is in the subterranean section of the cathedral assemblage. It is intact on three sides, and is topped by a low stone ceiling. A symmetrical stone altar occupies the center of the small chapel.
The Lady Chapel is located at a precise crossing of the Michael and Mary Leylines, in what was clearly the most 'Christian' employment of telluric energy in the religious mecca of Glastonbury. The heavy stone altar in the Lady Chapel was placed in the exact center of the Michael & Mary vortex. As such it radiates a very bright, telluric energy.
King Arthur & Joseph
The Glastonbury Abbey powerfully intertwines the myths and legends of Christianity and Camelot. It is widely believed that the rediscovery of the Holy Grail, that Joseph of Armithea is said to have hidden in Glastonbury, was the core purpose behind the sacred Grail quests of King Arthur and the 12 Knights of the Round Table.
In 1191, monks at the abbey announced the discovery of the hallowed tomb of King Arthur and Guinevere just a few meters to the south of the Lady Chapel of the Abbey Cathedral. This was said to have been verified and ceremonially visited by the reigning King Edward and a number of contemporary historians, which added considerable credibility to the legend. King Arthur's remains were later moved and were lost during the Church of England Reformation of the infamous Henry the Vlll.
Contemporary British academics and scholars take a more reserved view and suggest that this discovery was perhaps a grandiose ploy by Monks to further increase the notoriety of Glastonbury, already a recognized pilgrimage site. Yet Arthurian literature clearly suggests Glastonbury as the location of the Mythical Avalon. An early Welsh poem links Arthur to the Glastonbury Tor. In other versions of the Arthurian legend, Sir Lancelot goes to the Glastonbury Abbey in penance following the death of Arthur, lending to the idea of King Arthur being entombed at the Abbey.
There is an undeniable sense of Camelot and the King Arthur energy throughout this part of England, and for this explorer, no place exudes this more tangibly than Glastonbury Abbey and Tor.
The Glastonbury matrix exudes a 'layered' frequencial complexity that is extremely different, quite unlike any other 'sacred site' I have visited. I have come to describe the sense of it as 'zipped space,' a sort of dimensional shrinking of space into concentrated merging within multidimensional concentricity. Such a dimensional overlay would perhaps explain the helixing, the sacred harmonic blending of the Arthurian with the Kristos experiences and occurrences that so many sense, tidily condensed within the zip.
Heart Center of the World
The seeking pilgrim should ask permission to enter and acknowledge the living energy through a prayer, offering or blessings. Despite the location now having a rather historical, museum ambience, a surprising number of visitors do recognize the sacredness of this small room, and enter with respect. Many kneel at the altar in meditative prayer. In this setting it seems most appropriate. One may place hands on the altar to receive the pulsing energy emanations. Metal jewelry, rings, talismans, even water, will receive and store the energy emanations when placed on the stone altar.
The chapel and altar are still fully intact, and are one of the few enclosed vortex sites I have visited. The subtle energy character of this site is different from the other open-air vortexes in Glastonbury. It is softer, a more gentle opening, influenced by the Christian chapel built around it, and the saints who lived and died within its timeless telluric fountain. One can immediately and powerfully sense an angelic feminine presence in the chapel. This enclosed area, and its vortex exudes a deep serenity, a character of both joy and sadness, like Holy Mary's heart. It is her presence, that of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine that I felt so exquisitely within this chapel.
Glastonbury is one of the primary 'Heart Centers' of the World, and the Lady Chapel is the Heart Center of Glastonbury. It resonates to the fourth chakra, but opens and balances all twelve.
The Abbey ruins are on a sizeable tract of land, some 36 acres, in the center of Glastonbury. It feels much bigger. Owned by the Church of England, one enters the Abbey after purchasing a ticket at the walled entranced and proceeding through a high vaulted walkway. One passes a gift and bookshop along the walkway. It is definitely worth visiting, upon exiting.
Past the bookshop, the entrance turnstile leads into a modern, well-appointed museum chartering the history of the Abbey. Complete with artifacts and large photographs, the chronological text describes each phase of the Abbeys history as one walks through the partitioned corridors leading to the Abbey grounds. An impressive model of how the Abbey appeared before its 16th century destruction is on display.
Upon exiting the museum, one enters the lush green grounds, and views the great Abbey. The experience is surprisingly powerful. Despite the museum entrance and initial touristic impression, the aura of serenity and divine spirit is immediate and profound. The high walls surrounding the grounds seem to have kept out time itself. The enclosed area has the feel of an era long past. The ambience is tranquil and holy. Strangely, a 'white' silence seems to blanket the grounds in a gossamer veil. Street noise is muffled or not heard. Birds always seem to be faintly chirping in the background. Flowers are in bloom, year round. Over 250 massive and beautifully expressed trees are scattered throughout the grounds. There are Yews, Oaks, Holly, Fir and Maple, all with a tangible presence. These centuries old guardians are equally impressive with seasonal leaves or without. Their reaching sprays of bare limbs make symmetrical silhouettes against the gray winter skies. I am always compelled to acknowledge and set by them. Stunning colours in spring, summer and particularly autumn.
The ruins of the great abbey are imprinted with emanations of sacred energy, and imbued with dramatic Christian and English history. The prayers of monks and the lives of thousands are woven into the tapestry of time all through the Abbey grounds. One can easily visualize chubby monks draped in woolen robes, scurrying outside the kitchen, and the senior abbots in prayer inside the cathedral walls.
There is a spring on the grounds of the Abbey, recognizable by a stone basin past the main body of buildings. It produces a soft surrounding cloud of ionic plasma typical of aquifer fed springs. Its energy fountain is cool and relaxing, and there is usually a heavy wooden bench close by. A lovely place to set, and drift into soft tranquility.
The arteries of both leylines pulse from the northeast to southwest through the grounds. After the Lady Chapel, they stream the breadth of the grounds to the southwest corners up toward Wearyall Hill and the Chalice well.
I cannot sufficiently describe the serenity available on the Abbey grounds. It is more than serenity it is an interdimensional portal of peace that opens ones hearts. It is radiated by an influx of cosmic, heart energy, beaming through the portal above.
Mother Mary, Joseph of Armithea and Saint Patrick are said to have been buried near the site of the Lady Chapel. A prominent stone bearing both the names of Mary and Joseph is still visible within the walls of the Chapel.
Abbey Construction:
The great Abbey was built according to a prehistoric, Atlantean tradition of sacred geometry known to the Freemasons of the Middle Ages. The proportions of the Abbey relate to the principle numbers of the Masonic sun square, according to Henrietta Bernstein in her superb book 'Ark of the Covenant-Holy Grail'. These numbers symbolize various aspects of spiritual energy and were also used in the Atlantean construction of Stonehenge, of which the Abbey was spiritual successor in its early realm. Both stone circles and the Freemason built cathedrals channel, amplify and isolate pure telluric energy into clear resonating notes for spiritual use. The cathedrals are far more sophisticated in this science. Several of the great cathedrals along the Michael leyline resonate to single upper-chakra musical keys!
The Original Church Founder - Joseph of Armithea
Joseph of Armithea was no stranger to Glastonbury. His arrival was received with great welcome. Respected by druids, Armithea was given a large tract of land called the 12 Hinds. Here, Armithea and his exiled Christians built what became the first Christian Church in Europe. It thrived for a centuries, and was regularly visited by Monarchs, Popes and eventually Saint Patrick in 450 AD. Saint Patrick hailed Glastonbury as "The holiest earth in England", and was said to have been buried alongside Joseph of Armithea and Holy Mary's gravesites on the grounds.
Noblis Decurio of Rome
Joseph of Armithea was a man of great wealth and influence during the times of Jesus. According to noted author Glenn Kimball in "Hidden Politics of the Crucifixion"; he was one of the wealthiest men on earth at the time of Christ. "Among his distinctions, Joseph of Armithea was given the title of 'Noblis Decurio' by the Roman Empire, signifying his commercial role as the chief provider of tin and lead to the vast armies of Rome". He owned massive tracts of land and mines in Gaul, and had homes and holdings in several lands including Egypt and inner Persia.
After the death of Jesus father Joseph, Armithea assumed responsibility for the young Jesus' education, as was the custom. Armithea was indeed an enlightened soul, and recognized the light in his nephew. He understood his role as the young Jesus' mentor and benefactor, (a role he would repeat as Merlin ... to Arthur). Through his uncle's ships and travels, Jesus received teachings in India, Iraq, and Egypt and from the druid priests in Cornwall. Between the ages of 13 and 28, Jesus had the opportunity to learn much from his travels, and to minister both his leanings and his teachings from the boats of Armithea. "But, adds Kimball." These part of Jesus' life was all lost to historians, after the First Council of Nice". Only the Essene texts and foreign legends provide the missing pieces. The misdirection of the church conspiracy to gain control over the masses skewed the true message and the real life story of the man Jesus.
Kimball continues, "For centuries Christian historians have ignored information that is common knowledge among Hindu adepts that Jesus visited and was taught by masters in India. Jesus personally appears in legacies in India, Egypt and in England. The Church of England fancies itself as the original Christian church for good reason. They were practicing Christianity in Glastonbury for 200 years before the Romans.
Exiled From Judea - The Virgin Mary at the Abbey
According to historian Victor Dunstan's 1985 article " Did the Virgin Mary Live and Die in England", Anna, the mother of the Virgin Mary, was born and raised in Gaul. Travel from the Middle East to Gaul was quite common during the 100 years before and after the birth of Christ. English legend claims that Jesus made at least two extended trips to England with Armithea, and his mother. Thus when exiled from Judea, Gaul (England) would have offered the safest refuge to Armithea and Jesus' mother, Mary.
Armithea arrived in Glastonbury 37 AD, after being placed in prison for almost one year, and allowed to flee after making arrangements with authorities for his release.
Glastonbury had long been a center for Druid priests, and Armithea was an adept master...recognized and respected among peers. It is said that he possessed the ability to manifest, and later reincarnated as the savant Merlin.
After building an initial alter near the sacred thorn on Wearyall Hill. The first 'waddle ' Church was built on the hallowed ground near the present Lady Chapel on the Abbey grounds. Armithea is credited with having brought two significant relics with him in his exodus. The Chalice or Holy Grail used in the Last Supper, and one of the seven replicas of the Arc of the Covenant. The Arc of the Covenant being sacred texts stored in a copper arc fashioned to set dimensions of sacred geometry for preservation.
The church thrived and became a Christian pilgrimage site. Mother Mary is said to have died in approximately 48 AD and Armithea 12 years later. Both are said to have been buried on the grounds of the Abbey. Eventually followed by Saint Patrick and the historic King Arthur. Also a Christ Consciousness.
King Arthur at the Abbey
While a church was always present, the elegant structure of the Abbey was not begun until the 5th or 6th century. Presumably just before the reign of the historic King Arthur. The church reached its golden age between the 8TH and 14th centuries. By this time it was greatly associated with the chivalry and glory of King Arthur, his 12 knights of the Roundtable, and the lore of the Holy Grail.
A plaque about 50 feet from the south door of the Lady Chapel marks the gravesite of King Arthur. It was re-discovered in 1191, during the reign of Henry ll. The King was advised of the location while in a monastery in Wales. It was marked on ancient scrolls. The Abbey was under renovation after a fire in 1191, and the King ordered the monks to search for the grave as depicted by the scrolls. Seven feet below ground at the indicated spot they unearthed a stone slab and a leaden cross, with the Latin inscription:
- Here lies buried the renowned King Arthur in the Isle of Avalon.
Considerably farther down was a coffin containing the bones of a tall man, with an injury to the skull. Some smaller bones, and a scrap of yellow hair, which crumbled when touched, were explained as Guinevere's. The news spread quickly and the bones of both Arthur and Guinevere were placed in a black stone alter in the main cathedral, where they remained until the dissolution in 1539.
An agent of the monarchy, one Giraldus Cambrensis, made historical accounts of this exhumation. His account was tedious and included interviews with witnesses of the excavation. In 1962 Dr Raleigh Radford of the British Museum excavated the site and determined that the site did indeed serve as a grave for a member of the monarchy, based on the elaborate remains of stone linings for the crypt base. His detailed report gave credence to the Arthur gravesite. I will not delve further into that proof other than to say it is further researchable through the data I have offered.
My point is not to prove that Arthur lived. It is commonly agreed that there was a historic King Arthur. I seek to offer that he was indeed a Christ Consciousness. His story is part of the repeating Christos Hologram; a symbolic truth that parallels that of Jesus Christ of Judea.
Arthurian Metaphors
The seeker can find many symbolic parallels to the Christ story and biblical parables within the subtle 'channeled' Arthurian verses. The twelve Knights of the Round Table mirror the twelve Disciples of Christ, the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve zodiac signs. The seeking of the Holy Grail, represent mans relentless quest for the 'unattainable' perfection.
One may recall that in the Arthurian tales, when King Arthur and Guinevere were in harmony, England and Camelot thrived. When they grew out of harmony, the country fell into disarray. This is a metaphoric parabol. Arthur, Guinevere and Camelot represent the 'trinity' components of earthbound 'man'. Their story represents the harmony / balancing aspect of body, mind and spirit. King Arthur represents the mind; Guinevere the body and 'Camelot' the spirit. When body and mind are in tune, spirit follows in kind. When separation occurs, the spirit of the union is imbalanced.
The aspect of Lancelot's love with Guinevere is a symbolic parallel to the Garden of Eden. When Eve tasted the 'forbidden' fruit of knowledge, the idyllic world was destroyed. When Guinevere tasted the forbidden love, Camelot was destroyed. All are allegorical; metaphoric truths of the plight of man through free will. The crumbling of the idyllic world leads to a growth through lesson, and an eventual rebirth. On the highest level, these are not judgmental, they are symbolic of growth, and the pain associated with moving forward, out growing ones 'skin'. Change is the nature of the universe, of growth, and often the "Eden's" and "Camelot's" are idyllic worlds, resting places, in which growth is not stimulated and duality does not exist.
The interesting and somewhat bizarre parabol of King Arthur and his sister Morgana La Fay, when closely studied, represent the male and female side of the human spirit on earth. Their 'son' Mordred, represents the ego. The lower aspect of man required for his survival in three-dimensional earth. While the ego is necessary to sustain the physical body's survival on the earth plane, it is in an unavoidable conflict with the higher self. Arthur's victory over his 'son' Mordred represent mans spiritual battle to overcome the ego, through truth, represented by Excalibur. In their final struggle, Arthur asks Mordred, "Why did it have to be this way, why did destiny deem that you would destroy me". Mordred replies. "Did you really think it could be any other way Father? You chose to be above me".
Destruction of the Abbey and Michael Cathedrals:
In 1536, during the 27th year of the reign of Henry VIII, there were over 800 monasteries, nunneries and friaries in Britain. By 1541, there were none. More than 10,000 monks and nuns had been dispersed and hundreds of buildings had been seized by the Crown to be sold. Clearly the great Glastonbury Abbey was one of principal targets of this destruction by the divorce seeking King, during the British era of upheaval known as the Dissolution of the Monasteries.
The Abbott of Glastonbury, Richard Whiting, refusing to bend to the dissolution, was hanged and quartered by Henry Vlll. He was martyred at the Michael Tower on the Tor. The Great Abbey was destroyed, including the assemblage of the Archangel Michael's Cathedral on the Tor. The monastery was dissolved, and placed in the hands of the 'Anglican' Church.
A few years after wards it came into private hands. Its successive owners tore most of it down to sell as material for walls and roads. In 1908 the Church of England acquired the site and took wonderful, an inspired action to preserve what little was left. The ruins standing today, while sufficient to hold the imagery of the past grandeur are but fragments of the grand structure that stood from the late twelfth century onward, replacing the much older ones destroyed by a fire in 1184. That said, the energy remains resplendent, the portal is securely re-anchored. Many great and enlightened souls, including among others the seers Wesley Tudor Pole and Dion Fortune led the movement to reaffirm the energy of Glastonbury beginning some 90 years ago, and continuing to the present.
There is a firmly established movement in Glastonbury to build a magnificent, spiral domed healing temple, with buttressed geometrical designs. Another petitioned move seeks to join the 36-acre Abbey Ruins in a 500-acre Sacred Heritage Park connecting the Chalice Well, Wearyall Hill, White Springs and Tor.
It is important to remember to enter the Abbey site with reverence, despite its touristic museum façade. For this seeker, to view the site primarily from an academic perspective lessens the great potential for a profound spiritual experience, facilitated by the sacred energy available inside.
Likewise do not be deterred from meditation and spiritual quest in this hallowed ground by the dozens of visitors that seem ever present. While in the Abbey I sat for meditation, and before I began a group of tourist sat close by and engaged me in conversation. They were very amiable people, quite polite. A few 'New Agers' walked by and one of the people spoke about how Glastonbury had become a place of pilgrimage drawing the metaphysical crowd. They commented on the naivety that people could believe in such things as King Arthur. It was 'mere childishness', they felt. As they moved on, I thought of how I respectfully take issue with that term 'a mere child'. For it has been my experience that the company of a 'mere child' is vastly preferable to that of a 'mere adult'. It is in fact the innocent openness that allows our inner child to release, rise up beyond the narrow programming aspects of modern culture and its firmly opinionated pre conceptions.
Such a release allowed me to have incredibly lucid dreams and visions in the corridors of dimensional magic that I discovered in Glastonbury. Between the Abbey, Chalice Well gardens and top of the Tor, I had extremely powerful meditations that all led to lucid visions. Such visions indeed are not something that often occurs for me in my regular meditations at home. I had always believed the theory that expansional entry into meditative states should be somewhat similar and equally available whether in ones mediation room or on a mountaintop monastery. Yet something undeniable allowed for a greater lucidity in Glastonbury and that expanded perception flowed far more freely into visuals. And indeed the sense of Camelot and Mary were part of the almost cinematic visualizations I experienced.
One pragmatic researcher writes: "Proponents of alternative realities are not scientists and shouldn't try to be - they are artists and mythmakers for a constantly changing culture, and should be respected for their abilities as poets, mystics, and mythmakers. Scientists tell us what the universe is like, and teach us pragmatically about laws of nature. Mythmakers tell us how we react to the world, and thus teach us about ourselves. For example, a discovery that the brains biochemistry might cause a certain mental state satisfies no basic emotional need in the average person. But proposing that humans can psychically experience meaningful visions that cross the veils of time inspires many of us on the deepest level. Practically all alternative reality theories and beliefs: Guardian Angels, reincarnation, visitors from other worlds or dimensions; appeal to deeply ingrained desires that most of us have. They can frighten us or inspire us deeply. Most have precedents in archaic myth and folk belief. But most times, a cup of coffee is just a cup of coffee."
Maybe, as the Buddhists teach, the middle road is best. Allow for all realities, but live in
balance. Grounding is essential in metaphysics. Keeping one's feet on solid ground while reaching for the sky seems to fit the bill.
Perhaps Glastonbury is a portal to higher dimensions. Perhaps it is defined by the spiritual sense of a presence when nothing in 3-D is seen, a gust of wind ruffling one's hair in the sacred Abbey when there is no visible sign of wind in the trees.
What I've concluded is that Glastonbury (like many sacred sites and power points) provided the template for a valid experience of multi dimensionality, held juxtaposed in spatial timelessness. An undeniable sense of well being and enhanced imagination were more easily accessed within its field.
Spirituality requires understanding and developing, not simply acquiring the academic knowledge of metaphysical theories of spirituality, but also the experiential process.
Holy Space
The Abbey grounds are one of the most sacred places on earth. Find a quiet spot, and meditate, contemplate, and find your center. Bring a book, umbrella and bring soft foam earplugs (to further enhance the quiet)...but plan to spend 3-4 hours on the grounds. Absorb what is there. You are in the true Cradle of the "Heart Energy". ...and it shines, it sings, it balances. It is the heart of our earth.
Britain, in its entirety is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. The vast verdant rolling hills of the country sides and river valleys are Monet watercolors, literally teeming with life. The stunning eclectic visage is inspirational and deeply spiritual. Glastonbury is among the most fertile combinations of harmonic multidimensional merging this writer has ever experienced. It transcends logic, tangibly exuding profound myth and allegory.
It would be dismissive to say that what happens at Glastonbury is the result of anticipatory imagination served on the plates of too eager mystics. But whatever the message, for this writer the engaging paradox didn't run out of allegory, just logic and time.
At some point in your life the veils will thin and Camelot appears, and it awaits you in seeming hologram, all in magical Britain. You need only believe in the magic that you have forgotten.
© Article by James Tyberonn - Originally Published Oct 14,2001
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