7 Things Every Conscious Business Owner Needs To Know: Offer What Feels Aligned
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- Written by AndEl

What you offer your clients should resonate with them deeply.
If you’re not hitting the proverbial “nail on the head,” so to speak, you may need to rethink what you are bringing forward into the world.
Not only should it resonate deeply with them, it should have great meaning for you as well.
I can’t stress enough the importance of feeling like you are bringing something of true value and high quality to the world.
After all, if you’re not here to change the world, what are you here to do?
Start by asking yourself, “How profound is the level of change I’m bringing to the world with what I’m offering?”
If you don’t get excited at the prospect of answering that question and you can’t with 100% certainty say that you are bringing a profound level of change with what you are offering, you need to revisit what you are offering.
Go back to the drawing board. Dig deeper. YOU HAVE MORE TO GIVE.
And before you see this as a bad thing, STOP. It’s not. You wouldn’t be reading this right now if you didn’t have a profound ability to help others and make the world a better place in the process.
You would never have connected with me, and that’s simply the truth.
Everyone, and I mean every single person, I have ever worked with has profound abilities within them. It’s only ever a question of whether or not they CHOOSE to access and utilize them to the fullest extent possible.
The people I work with that are truly successful at what they do are the ones who are more self-aware than anyone they know, more in touch with their own unique gifts and abilities, and they’re also the ones who dig deeper than anyone else to find the best they have within them and bring it forward into the world to help those they are meant to serve.
That’s how you create profound change in yourself and the world around you.
If you’re not constantly digging deeper to find that within yourself, then you’re just wasting your time and everyone else’s. I can’t tell you how important it is to be unique in today’s world, and above all…
BE WHO YOU TRULY ARE in all you do.
I can tell you with 100% certainty (and if you haven’t figured it out already) that fads don’t last, but the question should be asking yourself is, “will I still be here standing strong when the next fad has lost it’s hold on the world?”
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