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Freeze Up Moon

Freeze Up Moon

Snake – Copper and Malachite – Thistle – Orange

October 24 to November 21

The Freeze Up Moon position on the Native American Medicine Wheel is the middle of Mudjekeewis of the West.

The mineral totems are copper and malachite, the plant is the thistle, and the animal is the snake. The color is orange and the Frog clan is the direct elemental influence.

Copper teaches people experiencing the Freeze Up Moon about how to focus their energies and malachite teaches them to be more sensitive to all energies. The thistle demonstrates healing abilities and versatility. The snake teaches adaptability and the capacity to silently travel to places others might fear to go. This is the position to learn how to travel between the different realms of creation and how to become a messenger for the spiritual aspects of life. The snake position will teach you about the extent of your own energy, and your keen sight. When working with the Freeze Up Moon you must be careful to keep yourself grounded and not to become too suspicious of people.

Animal: Snake


Snake is the animal totem associated with the Freeze Up Moon. The snake, or serpent, is that old, mysterious, maligned, and misunderstood member of the vertebrate family. In the world there are close to 2,500 species of snakes. In the United States there are 114.

Snakes are carnivorous, limbless reptiles with expandable jaws. They mostly eat small animals such as rats and frogs. They will also eat insects. Because of their dietary preferences, snakes are an essential part of the balance of nature. When man has wantonly murdered snakes rats and mice have usually overrun him.

Black Snake Totem

Snakes are very adaptable to their environment and are exquisitely sensitive to touch and vibrations. They are cold blooded so depend on their environment for warmth and hibernate in winter. They can change their color to blend with the land that surrounds them, and shed their skins. Snakes have no voice, but some hiss. Rattlesnakes buzz their rattles. Despite their reputation for being emotionless, the courtship of snakes can be a very warm affair. Most snakes, even those of the poisonous varieties, avoid humans and strike only in self-defence.

The snake was respected in most Native cultures. The feathered serpent, an ancient symbol to South and Central American tribes, represented justice and transformation. The Hopi people believe the snake is a messenger to and from other realms and has the power to bring the life-giving rains. The Ojibwa people have a Snake clan, which is a medicine clan. They believe the snake represents patience, because he is so slow to anger. Many Native peoples used the snake to represent the life energy that flows through humans. Snake is also a symbol of the feminine powers, and of healing.

Working with the snake can teach you about mystery, the realms of creation, deep transformation, the balance of nature, adaptability, sensitivity, communication, sexuality, regeneration, patience, self-defense, justice, healing, the feminine within you, and your own life force.

Mineral: Copper and Malachite

Copper and Malachite

Copper and Malachite are the minerals associated with the Freeze Up Moon. Copper is excellent for purifying the spirit and blood. It is a conductor of energies, spreading them evenly over a surface or person.

Copper fosters strength, power, balance, and the ability to understand your energy. It discourages weakness. It fosters healing for arthritis, rheumatism, stiffening of joints, and strengthening of the body, particularly if worn as a wrist or ankle bracelet.

Malachite  has spiritual powers and raises a person's sensitivity to the voice of spirit. It increases receptivity to all forms of subtle energy and helps to cultivate your psychic powers.

Plant: Thistle


Thistle is the plant associated with the Freeze Up Moon. Thistle is both a healing and sustaining plant. All parts of the thistle are rich in minerals. The young stem or root of the thistle can be peeled and eaten raw or cooked. The fruit-like seeds can be eaten raw or roasted. Thistle tea is good for curing stomach and digestive problems, for reducing fever, expelling worms, increasing milk in nursing mothers, and strengthening internal organs. Thistle is said to increase alertness and make the brain function with more activity. Thistle can aid you in understanding and working with the many different levels of reality.

Color: Orange

This is a clear orange you can see in the sunset sky, or in the squash and pumpkins ripening in the field. This orange signifies both an ambitious and proud person and one capable of synthesizing and applying knowledge he gains from life. Having this color around you will stimulate your intellect, your vitality, and your self-control. It will help you observe life more keenly and use the information gained both for your own good and for the good of others.

The Energy of the Freeze Up Moon:

Malachite Slice

Keywords: identity, self-discovery, vulnerability

Like the snake shedding its skin, freeze Up Moon represents letting go of outworn roles to reveal your true identity.

It is very easy to get caught up in playing the roles prescribed by others. If you continue to play along, sacrificing your true self, sooner or later you will lose yourself. The Freeze Up Moon energy signifies an opportunity to get back in touch with your inner self. Courage and patience are required to let go of the roles that have been smothering your inner light. Shedding the old skin may leave you feeling somewhat vulnerable. The people around you, who have grown accustomed to your old roles, may resist this change. Remember this is their fear and uncertainty, not yours. Stand firm. Listen to your higher self and let it guide you along your path of self-discovery. As you allow the parts of your true identity to emerge you will feel your spirit lighten. There is real freedom in true creative expression.

Now is the time to let go of the roles that limit your potential and take up the call to explore and express your true self.

Prayer: Great Spirit, help me to have the courage and faith to believe in myself and to be thankful for the gifts you have given to me.

To read more about the medicinal plant Thistle: click here
To read more about the Malachite: click here
To read more about the SnakeTotem : click here

Source: Dancing With The Wheel
Written by: Sun Bear, Wabun Wind and Crysalis Mulligan
Created by: Linda Ewashina

The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca © 2009-2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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