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Cornplanting Moon

Cornplanting Moon

Deer – Moss Agate – Yarrow – Green and White

May 21 to June 20

The Cornplanting Moon is the third moon of Wabun, the Spirit Keeper of the East. The mineral totem for this moon is the moss agate. The plant totem is the yarrow, and the animal is the deer. The colours are green and white, and the elemental influence is from the Butterfly Clan.

The moss agate teaches people in this position to clearly see their link with the mineral and plant kingdoms. The yarrow teaches about both cleansing and strengthening. The deer demonstrates the beauty of grace and quick movement.

This position teaches about beauty in yourself, in others, and in your environment and teaches you about your own healing abilities. This position will point out any cutting edges in your personality, the necessity of balancing time and energy, and your ability to create. People experiencing the deer position will need to learn to be more consistent, less suspicious, and more willing to show some of their won deep feelings.

Animal: Deer

wild deer

The deer is a sensitive, graceful, and alert creature. His beauty brings joy to all who see him.

Deer have a bleating voice but snort when excited, squeal when under attack or in pain, and sometimes have a special bleat with which to call their fawns. The fawns of all deer are spotted when they are born, to camouflage them. Fawns are also born without a scent to afford them greater protection. Bucks have sets of antlers they lose and regenerate every year.

Deer live in herds, or in small groups with others of their own sex, except during the mating season when otherwise friendly bucks will fight using their now fully grown antlers. After mating season an older doe usually leads the herd for the winter. In the spring the does give birth, often to twins or even triplets. Multiple births sometimes cause overpopulation. Cougars, coyotes, dogs, bears, bobcats, forest fires, humans, and automobiles are the killers of deer.

Deer were a very important part of the circle of life for many Native peoples. They provided staple food for a number of tribes who would honour the deer’s gifts through ceremonies, dances and prayers.

To some tribes, notably the Huichol in Mexico, the deer was the most important of animals. The Huichol believe the deer represents the heart and is the gatekeeper to the spirit world. The Deer Dance is the most sacred dance for the Huichol, one that helps them pierce the veil between worlds.

Working with the deer can teach you about adaptability, camouflage, grace, beauty, speed, healing, sensitivity, alertness, creativity, your heart energy, and your connection with Spirit.

Mineral: Moss Agate

moss agate

Moss agate is an overall healing stone that brings balance to all parts of the body. It is especially beneficial to the eyes.

Moss agate has been used in rainmaking ceremonies. It is a stone that can be used to help create a bridge between the mineral, animal, and human kingdoms. It can help you to remove the boundaries between your own mental and emotional bodies.

Moss agate helps you to find truth and courage within, even in difficult circumstances. It can aid in alleviating depression, enhance your ability to dream, and ground and energize you.

Plant: Yarrow

yarrow herb

The whole plant can be used medicinally. Yarrow is terrific as a tonic and strengthener. It has been used with good results for digestive tract disturbances and as a blood cleanser. Yarrow is an herb that helps conquer the common cold and brings relief to flu sufferers. It is a good diuretic and opens pores and helps to eliminate toxins through the skin. Yarrow is excellent for stopping bleeding and as a primary herb used to alleviate menstrual cramps. Externally, yarrow acts as a local anaesthetic and disinfectant. It also helps relieve mosquito bite itch and toothache. Yarrow also aids the lungs, glands, and bronchial tubes. Being around yarrow can help you discover the healing powers that flow through you, as well as your inner strength.

Colour: White and Green

The white of this position is translucent, like that seen in many moss agates. It is a white that bespeaks formlessness and the perfect purity and innocence with which we all enter the world. The green is the dark, waxy shade found in plants growing in deep forests or in areas where water abounds. It is a green of deep healing and of restoration on the deepest levels. Having this green and white combination in your environment will stimulate the purity and innocence necessary for true healing to take place on physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual levels.

Source: Dancing With The Wheel
Written by: Sun Bear, Wabun Wind and Crysalis Mulligan

The Energy of the Cornplanting Moon:

cornplant deer

Keywords: balancing energy, honesty, emotions

Corn Planting Moon signals a time of great energy and enthusiasm. The fears that held you back in the past dissolve in the light of this auspicious moon. You can achieve great things by channeling this surge of creative energy, and balancing it with clear direction.

Those born under this sign tend to express their powerful emotions. As a result, others feel vulnerable and relationships may suffer. When your emotions feel overwhelming, remember to slow down, take a deep breath, and think through the consequences before you speak.

This moon teaches you that being honest with yourself and others in a gentle way fosters positive growth for everyone involved.

Allow yourself the freedom to explore many different paths. This is the perfect time for venturing into the new and untried. Through experimentation, you will discover the perfect project or idea to channel your spirited energy into.

Prayer: Great Spirit, help me to channel my energies in a healthy, positive, and balanced manner, remembering to be gentle with myself and others along the way.

Source: Spirit of the Wheel Meditation Deck
Created by: Linda Ewashina

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