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The September 2023 Full Moon of 6 Libra-Aries Pt. 1
- Details
- Written by Robert Wilkinson
- Training and Renewal -
The Full Moon of Sun in Libra and Moon in Aries gives a look forward as we train to “put on the show!” This continues the adventure set into motion a few weeks ago, so see how you can offer nourishment to those who need your care. Visualize carefully what you want to show your world!
As with all Full Moons, use the light you’ve been seeing and expressing since the New Moon, and give it form and focus through anchoring those themes in expression. This is the Light of visualizing some ideal we want to be made manifest so it can externalize through some spotlighted trait we have.
This initiating, healing, strife transcending and spontaneously balanced Full Moon occurs at 2:58 am PDT, 10:58 am BST on September 29, and falls at the 6th degree of Libra and Aries. It continues to put the focus to the emotional, social, and cultural levels of life and offers us the Light of a transfigured reality. Continuing the theme that proceeds at each Full Moon as they move through each polarity, this one gives us the ability to express our idealism in ways that jumpstarts a new initiative wherever we have Aries.
Today’s Full Moon post will be an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. In parts 2 and 3 we’ll cover the Sabian Symbols, aspects, distributions, and patterns.
An Overview
This Full Moon renews our quest for a more ideal life where we can embrace truth, goodness, and beauty in balanced and immediate ways. With Mercury, Venus, and Mars all speeding up, many things which were stalled out or on hold most of this year will finally move forward, some rather quickly. This continues our adventure in self-expression, where we can see the value of training as a preparation for “showing what we know” as we see through “life and death phenomena.” Those who take responsibility and follow through on what they've visualized will find a new expression of a facet of their archetypal Self.
As with all Full Moons, use the light you’ve been seeing and expressing since the New Moon, and give it form and focus to see how to anchor those themes in expression. The New Moon was about refinement, seeing what standards we live by, and finding strength in purifying our lives and seeing how to flexible as we obey the calls from Spirit coaxing us to some sort of renewal. This Full Moon brings the Light of the Virgo New Moon into balanced perspective through our visualization power and the clarity of our vision, expressed through illuminating some special facet of our Being.
This Full Moon shows Mercury leading the Sun, thus becoming “the entry to the great Light.” This means our ability to serve, to obey, to adjust, and to “exercise” will help us to a healthy self-evaluation and a new “physical wholesomeness.” Mercury will lead the Sun until its next Superior Conjunction when Mercury conjuncts the Sun in direct motion, after which Venus will again become the “gateway to the Light.”
Is the Sun Following the Moon, or the Moon Following the Sun?
This Lunation is the sixth Full Moon where the Sun is in a different sign (Virgo) than it was in the Leo New Moon two weeks ago. We are now into “the reverse order” of the Sun/Moon relationship cycle, as the Light of the New Moon is in a different sign than the Light of the Full Moon.
There are two patterns; one is when the Full Moon Sun is the same sign as the previous New Moon Sun, and the other is when the Full Moon Sun is in the next sign from the Sun in the previous New Moon. The Sun was in the same sign in both the New Moon and Full Moon, the so-called “natural” order, between April 2019 and August 2020. At the August 2020 Full Moon we entered the “reverse pattern” of the Sun of the Full Moon occupying the sign after the New Moon Sun, since the previous New Moon Sun was at 29 Cancer and that Full Moon Sun was at 12 Leo.
August 2021 brought us the New Moon Sun at 17 Leo and Full Moon Sun is at 30 Leo, beginning a new “natural order” sequence which continued through the New Moon of late February 2023 at 2 Pisces which was followed by the Full Moon at 17 Pisces. This shifted back into the “reverse order” sequence in April 2023 with a New Moon at 30 Aries followed by a Full Moon Sun at 15 Taurus. You can find out more about the “seed forms” of the New Moon two weeks ago by going to the archives.
Past As Prologue
The 2020-22 Eclipses moved us all in new directions, reorienting wherever we have Taurus, Cancer, Gemini, Scorpio, and Sagittarius in our charts. All Eclipses are “Cosmic recyclers,” removing what is obsolete in our lives. These losses clean out psychic and physical spaces so we can find new life substance. Due to what we’ve eliminated the past 2 years we now have a wider view of our life and the Life around us as humanity begins a new 20 year Aquarian era.
As you know from other articles, 2020 was the last year of a 200 year Earth era, with Air power building that year launching a 200 year Air era on the December Solstice with Jupiter conjuncting Saturn at 1 Aquarius. However, we will still be “under the beams” of the powerful conjunctions in Capricorn, since between January and March 2020 we began new Saturn/Pluto, Jupiter/Pluto, Mars/Jupiter, Mars/Pluto, and Mars/Saturn cycles. The first of these launched a new 33 year era into motion.
Due to these conjunctions in late Capricorn and both Mars/Saturn and Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions at 1 Aquarius, we are in a long term period of finding wisdom by understanding transfiguration and enlightenment as verbs rather than nouns. We’ve now officially taken the first step into the coming Aquarian era. While this is not yet “The Age of Aquarius,” this is the final intensification of those energies which will sprout seeds in the second quarter of the century which will take us across the threshold of the Great Age soon after 2050. And to note, there will be plenty of people and ideas from the Age of Pisces which will continue into the next century as part of the bridging process from past to future as humanity discovers new Aquarian ideas and sheds old Piscean ones.
Planetary Distribution
At this Full Moon, there are two distinct occupied planetary spans with significant empty spans between them. The span occupied by the inner planets (in this chart Venus at 23 Leo through Mars at 22 Libra) is 59+ degrees, a fairly wide span. This will be the primary area stimulated in our charts. At this time because all the inner planets are far outside the outer planet span, we’ve now shifted out of several months of Full Moon Bucket Jones patterns and have begun a run of different patterns over the coming months.
Right now all the planets are clustered in 7 signs. As each of these has gaps between them, as well as within them, the planets are now doing “dual pulses” in their signs. From now through November, the inner planets will be at the far side of the zodiac from the outer planets. This month the Moon adds an Aries energy within the span occupied by the outer planets.
We now have two wide unoccupied spans with a group of planets opposing another group of planets, creating a clear “See Saw” Jones pattern. In this chart we have 2 oppositions; Moon to Sun and Mercury to Neptune. This creates a “tensional awareness field” involving 19-28 Virgo/Pisces and 4-8 Libra/Aries. We’ll go into the Evolutionary configurations in part 3.
At this time we have the 10 traditional planets occupying 7 signs. Currently, the outer planet occupied span begins with Pluto in late Capricorn, then moves through Saturn in in early Pisces, Neptune in late Pisces, Jupiter in mid-Taurus and finishes with Uranus in late Taurus, with the Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron. At this time, there’s an empty span between Uranus and Venus of 89+ degrees, and another between Mars and Pluto that’s 96+, creating a classic “See Saw” chart pattern.
The See Saw Pattern and how it works
This type of spread, with two or more planets on one side of the map and the others on the other side of the map, with at least one or two oppositions to define the axis of awareness, creates a “See Saw” Jones Pattern. Where a See Saw pattern is present, stay focused and balanced at the center while taking note of the periphery of things, and don't get off on a tangent or limb.
The See Saw cautions us not to get marginalized or go off on tangents, and find a whole view to any opposition that can include both views and more. This shows a need to see all sides of any opposing views or trends. It gives an excellent ability to learn how to triangulate using approaches which transcend the polarity, as well as find ways to "draw a bigger circle" around any opposing forces that encompasses both phases of the polarization to create progress and understanding.
The oppositions in Virgo/Pisces and Libra/Aries define the “zone of oppositional awareness” in this chart, and includes the Moon, Mercury, the Sun and Neptune. Expect the most intense awareness to come to planets between 19 Virgo/Pisces and 8 Libra/Aries.
Is the Grand Irrationality A Factor in this Full Moon?
No, and blessedly, will never be a factor activating the collective for the rest of our lives. This was a 30 year phenomenon which has now passed out of orb, and we are finally back to Neptune sextile Pluto and the coming Uranus sextile Neptune and trine Pluto. The spiritual field has shifted for the better!
If you want to know more about this hard edged Special Evolutionary configuration in play for three decades, I created an article which sums up the three versions of the Grand Irrationality in play during those years. I discuss what it is and which zones of the zodiac have been most impacted and when. You can find all you need to know about this configuration associated with widespread irrationality and hard-edged “forks in the road of destiny” we’ve all confronted at various times by going to The Grand Irrationality is Over (1993-2023).
This evolutionary configuration has been activated over the years when any planet moved through any of the hot zones of the configuration. However, even though it’s ended remember that almost everyone on Earth born the past 30 years has this in their charts! And all the eclipses these past years have also had it, including the April and May eclipses. So we’ll still have it working in the background for years to come. I’ll speak more about the aspects in part 3 when I cover the special configurations.
Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend
We now have begun the long voyage of Saturn’s transit of Pisces. While in Aquarius 2021-2022 it taught us shortcuts to illumination and instructed us in the wise use of spiritual energies for many months, as well as the spiritual power of gratitude and appreciation. This is a hello to the lessons of compassion and forgiveness shown by Pisces.
Saturn, ruler of our Capricorn and Aquarius sectors and any natal or progressed planets we have in those signs, is now retrograde and bringing us “a call to renewal.” In the coming 2 weeks we’ll have to “lift ourselves to surer foundations” through avoiding aggressive elements. Follow your “instinct for self-preservation” into greater realizations about what began to come forth in March. Though Saturn can feel heavy and bring serious life lessons, it is the part of us which can take charge of our lives and destiny by using Saturn’s virtues in the right way and time. Our ability to steer our “ship of personality” into its rightful “role of destiny” has brought us to the threshold of new parts to play on the stage of Life.
We’re now in a productive period of Jupiter making favorable aspects to Saturn over the next few months. The friction between Saturn and Uranus in 2021-2022 showed us what mattered to us and what didn’t, with our transformation into the roles we’re to play determined by how we’ve trained. Uranus awakened us to new roles to play, while Saturn brought new mutations and an accelerated evolution which are part of us learning to use spiritual power effectively through deliberation rather than instinct.
I explain how Saturn and Uranus work together to awaken us to our Higher Powers to take command of our destiny in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. Saturn helps us give form and structure to our quest for Self-realization; in Capricorn, it taught us to accept and use personal power within a socially responsible context, while in Aquarius it taught us how to make a greater contribution to our world, coming together with others in a collective effort “ensouled by a great vision.” Coupled with Uranus having awakened us to the fact that it’s already a new time, a new way, and a new day, we’re “breaking on through to the other side” into an unfolding Higher awareness.
The book was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers. Even those with little or no understanding of astrology will benefit from understanding why you had to make certain choices at crucial times that shaped your life in profound ways.
Each time you read any section of this book you will find new insights about your power to throw off all the attitudes and memories which hold you back from finding and living the life and purpose. If you’ve haven’t already gotten your copy, you can go to the Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend page on Amazon and this should be all you need to order your copy. It’s also available on Amazon and as an ebook on Kindle, so if that’s more to your liking, go for it! If you would, whether you’ve gotten the ebook or the paperback, please write a review on the Amazon site, since the more reviews, the more of a boost they give it.
On A Final Note
See you in the near future with parts two and three on this Full Moon which gives us a chance for focused expression once we clearly visualize what that is. This Full Moon will be exceptionally blessed for those with planets around 4-10 Libra, 16-22 Sagittarius, 28 Aquarius-4 Pisces, 10-16 Taurus, and 22-28 Cancer. If any of these zones are stimulated in your chart, unique gifts are on the way these next two weeks!
Venus is a key player due to being the ruler of the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus, and Her Mutual Reception with the Sun is exceptionally favorable for keeping it balanced and beautiful! In this Lunation, Venus gives us a third look at how we’ve mastered our senses and skills which enables us to fully utilize our inner powers. Put on the show as you build strength and courage at the threshold of the future. As She is triseptile Pluto, some of our relationships are at a fork in the road, with hot zones around 21-25 Leo, 13-17 Libra, 5-9 Sagittarius, 26-30 Capricorn, 17-21 Pisces, 9-13 Taurus, and 30 Gemini-4 Cancer. This marks a shift in which “seeds of relationships” will sprout in the future. Venus encourages us to “put on the show” these next two weeks!
If you want to know more about your Venusian power to shape your likes and affections into enjoyable interactions and friendships, please consider getting a copy of my book The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames. It is the most comprehensive book on Venus ever written, and explains why we attract who we do and how to create more satisfying relationships in the future. You will understand the foundations of long term healthy relationships and friendships, why Soul Mates come into our lives, and how to dance with your inner Beloved and mirror that to your world.
A View of How We Got Here
Since 2019, we’ve all seen taken on new roles and responsibilities which brought new social effectiveness in 2021-22. Where we have late Capricorn and early Aquarius in our chart is the focus of coming years. The compressions in Capricorn led us to personal power and very long wave cycles showing our work for years to come. The March 2022 Aquarius compression created cycles of learning how to fulfill a greater role in the long wave Aquarian energy.
We’ve entered a new chapter in our spiritual journey at a fork in the road of our collective destiny. 2020 was about forging our connection with the World Soul, our Wisdom, and our greater dedication. 2021 began the new era in our lives. We’re all wiser than we used to be, have been given ample opportunities to value our heart connections with our friends, and display the vaster spiritual awareness we share with our Brothers and Sisters.
2022 brought us training and skill, divine mutations, endings and beginnings. 2023 began with one last look back before the rapid acceleration that’s been happening the past 5 months. We’re now turning several corners over the next two weeks, so with all strength and courage, enjoy hearing the call to renewal!
I’ll see you soon when we’ll discuss Sabian Symbols, evolutionary configurations, and other important chart factors.
This article explains past, present, and future compressions, where they fall, and who they affect. The Great Compressions of early 2020, 2021, and 2022
This one explains the January 2020 compression and the multiple conjunctions setting themes for decades! The Great Compression of January 2020 – Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto all Conjunct in Capricorn
Reprinted on with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected.
© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson
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