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The August 2019 New Moon at 7 Virgo Pt. 1 - What’s Happening in September

The August 2019 New Moon at 7 Virgo Pt. 1 - What’s Happening in September

We’re now done with a ton of Leo energy which dominated August, and enter a time of learning “significant form” as all the inner planets transit Virgo. We are in the middle of a cluster of inner planet conjunctions in that sign, all of which will square Jupiter and oppose Neptune, creating tremendous integrative possibilities related to practical spiritual discipleship and Divine Discrimination, also known as Viveka. It’s all a question of one’s point of view.

This is a month where many Virgo types of things are set into motion due to the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all in Virgo at this New Moon. This is the next step in a huge compression of planets which are opening numerous new Virgo cycles at this time, all trine Saturn and making T-squares with Jupiter and Neptune! Power and openness to wider futures and truths are in the air!

The maximum compression in late Leo and early Virgo in August and September is happening, which has important implications since all the inner planets have begun to move closer to the outer planet span between Sagittarius and Taurus. They now approach their last oppositions this year, and after these to Neptune, there are only oppositions to Uranus. We will then have no more non-Lunar oppositions until next Summer’s inner planet oppositions to Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn.

The oppositions to Neptune and Uranus activate evolutionary “tensions of opposites” which can produce great spiritual realizations wherever they fall in our charts. Uranus and Neptune show long wave spiritual pulses associated with awakening to new qualities of Being and Life, and bringing wisdom to the surface while revising certain ideas “back to source.”

These long wave spiritual themes will be expressed through the inner planets when opposing Neptune and Uranus. These “tensions of opposites” have shown and will show as external oppositions and oppositional-defiant behaviors in our world, but we have learned to make progress by finding third and fourth ways to approach those oppositions through adjusting the tension to further spiritual possibilities.

This is the twenty-first New Moon of the Saturn in Capricorn era! This month Saturn is again front and center in terms of influence due to important inner planet aspects. Saturn continues to prepare us for some sort of “planned group behavior,” so take all opportunities to train in forms of coordinated activity. Saturn’s retrograde has been getting us ready for greater group effectiveness.

This is the tenth New Moon of the Jupiter in Sagittarius era! This month it’s direct in motion, and indicates a time of a “cosmic pause which refreshes,” and encourages us to be alert and ready to act. Just don’t “fall into distress” by not knowing what’s ahead.

As it is the first planet in the outer planet occupied span, Jupiter continues to stand as the gatekeeper to all the other planets and the natural way to enter all experience. In other words, if it’s not leading to a sense of freedom, openness, expansion, and greater truths or futures, don’t go there! This month’s Lunation represents the culmination of the old Jupiter cycles, and helps us integrate last month’s understanding generated during the trines to Jupiter close to its SD degree, which lit our fires in major ways.

Jupiter in Scorpio (Oct 2017- Nov 2018) was bound, or cocooned in some way. Jupiter in Sagittarius, its natural home of Distributive Fire, opens a sense of life as a grand adventure in consciousness. We are at the middle stages of “Jupiter unbound,” and cultivating a sense of humor, generosity, and an abundant view will relieve a lot of pressure. As Jupiter seeks truth, be honest with yourself and others, lighten up, and as Jupiter rules both our Sag and Pisces sectors, open to Jupiter’s compassionate and forgiving side. Bless and forgive much, and you will see grace made manifest in your life.

So What’s Happening?

Today we’ll do an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. In part 2 we’ll cover Sabian Symbols, aspects, distributions, and patterns.

This practical, patient, utilitarian New Moon occurs at 7 Virgo at 3:37 am PDT, 11:37 an BST August 30, 2019. This will bring us into the Light of how to use our “down time” efficiently, and see how to use time as our ally in making needed adjustments in various areas of our lives. This is a strictly practical New Moon, and though wide, brings us several Grand Earth Trines which should help us organize our lives in fine, efficient style!

We are now firmly out of the long run of the “alternate” Sun/Moon relationships, having entered into the “normal” sequence in April. The New Moon at 16 Aries was the first in the new sequence where the New Moon Sun was in the same sign as the next Full Moon Sun which was at 30 Aries.

Last month’s New Moon at 9 Leo was followed by the Full Moon with the Sun at 23 Leo, signaling the Light of demonstrating how well we can focus our emotional intensity and how well we have our ego under control so we could demonstrate some skill or ability. This New Moon at 7 Virgo is the seed theme for the coming Harvest Full Moon at 22 Virgo/Pisces, showing the New Moon theme of patience will find fulfillment in our understanding of venerable standards we’ve lived since 2009, focused though our success in meeting a new life order since then.

How The Sun/Moon Sequence Shifts

There are two patterns: one with the Sun in the same sign as the Sun in the following Full Moon (New Moon between 1-15 degrees of a sign), and one with the Sun in a different sign than it’s in at the following Full Moon (New Moon between 16-30 degrees of a sign).

Before the April New Moon, the last Lunation where we had the New Moon Sun in the same sign as the next Full Moon Sun was the July 2017 New Moon at 1 Leo, which was the fifteenth in that sequence. The next Full Moon had the Sun at 16 Leo, and finished the run of Full Moons with the Sun in the same sign as the preceding New Moon Sun.

The next New Moon was the August 2017 Solar Eclipse at 29 Leo, when we shifted to the second (reverse) pattern, since that New Moon Solar Eclipse was followed by a Full Moon with the Sun at 14 Virgo and Moon at 14 Pisces. We were in this “reversed order” between August 2017 and April 2019. Since April we’ve been back in “the natural order.” I also explain more about this phenomenon and what it means in the Full Moon articles.

The New Moons and Full Moons are “God’s footprints in time.” Each shows the next in the 12 phases of how things come to be each year. The cycle could be described as follows: Life energy is initiated in Aries, substantiated in Taurus, explored in Gemini, grounded in Cancer, renewed and creatively expressed in Leo, refined and ordered in Virgo, balanced and made pleasing in Libra, purified and focused in Scorpio, expanded in Sagittarius, organized in Capricorn, solidified into a vision in Aquarius, and ended/perpetuated in Pisces.

An Overview of the New Moon

We are now at the far side of the yearly cycles of the inner planets relative to the outer planet occupied hemispheric zone between Jupiter and Uranus. This month Mercury is direct in motion and speeding up, about to join the other planets in Virgo. This will bring Mercurial understanding and coordination to the other planets in Virgo, and set many inner planet cycles into motion.

Again, there are Grand Earth Trines in play at this time from all the inner planets to Uranus and Saturn. This will help us understand what we must do to stabilize the structure of our awakened Self. This tripod energy creates a perfect “Locomotive” Jones pattern, but instead of the opening and closing planets being in Fire, as they were last month, they’re now in Earth. So Jupiter no longer opens the Locomotive, and the honors shift to Mercury this month. I’ll explain more in part 2.

The Bundle Jones pattern of early this year was the last Bundle until the December 2019 Solar Eclipse at 5 Capricorn. Up to now, the Moon has been the a primary factor in how all the other planets express their energy for the past 18 months, primarily when it’s been between Cancer and early Scorpio. During that span, Lunar oppositions have focused the other energies.

Looking at only the outer planet span, Jupiter is the entry planet to the hemisphere occupied by those social-spiritual energies represented by the planets beyond Mars. We finished a year of using Scorpio energy to enter that realm of wider experience, and now are in a year of using Sag energy to achieve momentum in that realm. We’ve moved from “expansive Scorpio” to expansive Sagittarius energy, and with the aspects to Jupiter in this chart, check excess while being “alertly ready to act” and be a good juggler as you open to different ways to see and express various things.

This New Moon will jumpstart Virgo energy wherever it falls in our chart, so use this time to sharpen your Divine Discernment to know the place and function of everything to everything else. Take the new wisdom and new life which was opened in Spring and expressed with love, creativity, and spontaneity in August to achieve a clear focus of your practical discipleship and forms of appropriate service to self and others.

So What Rules the Lunation?

This New Moon in Virgo has Mercury as its ruler. Since Mercury is in its home sign of Virgo, it is the final dispositor of the Lunation. So this month we again have four planets in their home signs. Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are all in the signs they rule, making things very clear and natural in all matters ruled by those planets.

This means as usual, the rulerships are split. The Lunation, Venus, Mars, and Uranus are ruled by Mercury, Jupiter rules itself, Saturn rules itself and Pluto, and Neptune continues as a longwave “standalone” dispositor of itself, ruling the fogs and mists of the current collective consciousness.

While we’ve been in a long term period of having at least three final dispositors, this is another in a sequence where we have four. When the planets moved through Leo the Sun was in charge, and now that they’ve entered Virgo Mercury is front and center. Mercury in Virgo will rule the first half of September, and when Mercury and Venus simultaneously enter Libra in mid-September then Venus will take Mercury’s place as a final dispositor.

In November, Venus returns to Sagittarius while Mars is in Libra and the Sun and Mercury are in Scorpio, again putting Jupiter as the backdrop to all these planetary energies and beginning a time when Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune will again be the four final dispositors ruling all the other planets except for when the Moon is in Cancer. You can find out more about dispositors in general, chains of dispositors, and mutual reception by going to dispositors and Mutual Receptionat the link.

The Grand Irrationality

The reason this section is a recurring feature in the Lunation articles is because it was set into long term play by the 2011 Solar Eclipse, as well as subsequent Solar Eclipses whose influence continues. These effects are triggered each time any transiting planet occupies any of the 7 zones of the Grand Irrationality. Since then it’s been reinforced and triggered by various Lunations, planetary stations, and transits.

It’s been active in past Solar Eclipses in Pisces (2017) and Leo (2018), indicating its influence persists in some way throughout the period we can expect Eclipse effects to manifest. It’s why we are in a period of dynamic unstable energies which at times make no sense. This configuration was set into motion by any conjunction with or septile-series aspect to Neptune or Pluto, and is currently activated by any 7th harmonic aspect to Uranus or Pluto.

In this chart, there are no septile-series aspects made to Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto, indicating we get a short reprieve from the generic irrationality. Take this time to stabilize, consolidate, and see where everything fits in your life. Be clear about what’s core and what’s peripheral, and make time your ally as you make plans for the coming season.

While the Grand Irrationality involving Neptune and Pluto was active between the mid-90s and 2017, last year a new variation on the generic irrationality was introduced, creating what I’ve termed “The Grand Irrationality V.2.” Uranus made its first biseptile to Pluto in 2018, and as it moves further into Taurus, it again biseptiled Pluto for the second time at the end of May and beginning of June. Even during the past few months when Uranus was not biseptile Pluto, the nonrationality was still triggered any time a planet makes a 7th harmonic aspect to either Uranus or Pluto, so it’s still in regular play if only in an “offset” way.

This means we can’t relax too much while moving through the “forks in the road of destiny” at this time in history. Both the Grand Irrationality AND the off-set 7th harmonic pulses made as planets aspect Uranus and Pluto get triggered every few weeks by transits, and of course the Moon triggers both of these 7 times each month. Each time there’s a transit to any of the 7 zones made by Uranus, Neptune or Pluto septile series aspects, it profoundly affects those with a planet or angle in any of the 7 “hot zones” defining the phenomenon.

For those who are new to the site, here’s a bit of explanation about this thing called “the Grand Irrationality” associated with why everything continues to be so weird. As I’ve explained many times before, the Grand Irrationality is a long wave non-rational influence that has put everyone on Earth on the unceasing edge of major choice and change.

Everyone has been confronting inner compulsions, continual choices that seem to have a major impact on our destiny, and occasionally irrational behaviors in others or external conditions. It is why things seem to have an unending hard edge, why so many choices are continually thrown in our faces that require immediate attention, and why reason seems to fail at critical moments of decision.

When the Grand Irrationality is in play, it’s a time when things don’t have to make sense. We’ve been living with it for about 25 years, and it will be active for a couple more years to come, even though we’ve begun to be on the far side of the original Neptune/Pluto relationship that created it. However, effects continue to be felt due to past Solar Eclipses which triggered the configuration.

We are now past the era of Neptune septile Pluto. Because of their orbits, late Autumn through mid-Spring narrows the distance between these two planets, but as we get into late Spring through mid-Autumn, they are closer to a sextile than the previous septile. That means we’ve moving into an era we last experienced between 1942-1995.

The Grand Irrationality V.2.

This phase began in June 2018 when Uranus first biseptiled Pluto. By November it was out of orb, but with Saturn’s transit of mid-Capricorn, the biseptile between that sign and Uranus was activated from January through July. At this time neither Saturn nor Pluto is biseptile Uranus, but these powerful evolutionary energies will return later this year!

Uranus biseptile Pluto symbolizes the irrational revolutionary conditions and upheaval of our times. Uranus is pulled into the configuration as it gets further into Taurus, so even when Neptune makes a constant sextile to Pluto by this time next year, we’ll be in the thick of Uranus biseptile Pluto, which will mark a time of some very wild rides!

The current degree spans that trigger this transformative mass configuration are around 4-8 Taurus, 25-29 Gemini, 16-20 Leo, 7-11 Libra, 28 Scorpio-2 Sag, 20-24 Capricorn, and 11-15 Pisces. If you have a planet or angle in any of these zones, you are making critical choices and decisions that will alter your future in important ways. This event requires that we allow what’s been stuffed down to come up to the surface of our lives, and see how we can allow use the available power wisely.

So we’ve resumed the larger Pluto-driven part of the GI V.2 now that Pluto is retrograding back into the biseptile with Uranus, which resume the path through even weirder events than we’ve known the past 25 years. This biseptile has been and will be associated with “extraordinary irrationality” every time it’s triggered. Things may not make sense, but they don’t have to. We just have to learn to navigate with a steady hand and an eye for abrupt changes.

Speaking of Uranus…

Remember that in 2017, 2018, and 2019 Uranus has been and will be teaching us to listen to our inner voice to find our place in the Cosmic Choir. This awakened in July 2017, and was part of the spiritual training the Grand Fires Trines of that year stimulated in our charts.

We’ve all awakened to “our song to sing” within a greater harmony symbolized by the Cosmic Choir. This has resulted in life changes related to who we’ve been singing with as well as the songs being sung in different life contexts. Remember that in any choir, there are times to sing unisons, times to sing harmonies, times to sing solo, and times not to sing at all. Even when we’re not singing, we’re still part of the choir. What is your part to sing? Be as clear as you can about what you can offer to the harmony of the whole, and keep training to bring it forth!

Besides being a part of the Grand Irrationality V.2, (also known as “the Grand Irrationality on steroids,”) Uranus also brings a harder edge than Neptune septile Pluto since it is also off-and-on semisquare Neptune, adding a very frictional "cutting and grinding" quality to the collective field. Add Saturn to the mix and there are some serious lessons in the air for all of humanity!

So TGI V.2 began from May through November 2018, and except for a few weeks in August-September 2019, the Uranus biseptile Pluto will be in full swing between May 2019 and December 2019 and then again March through June 2020 and Nov 2020 through April 2021. This chapter of global craziness won't be going away anytime soon, so get your navigational skills in shape to ride this storm out!

Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and Aries

I have offered this segment each month for years to give you a broader perspective on the collective atmosphere, and the long wave changes humanity is going through. Because Neptune has been in Pisces for about 8 years, we’ve been navigating through the threshold of an entirely new era which will not resemble the old Age in any way within just a few decades. We’re already solidly in the Dreamscape, as many old things end as we learn to maneuver the field.

The last half of 2011 helped many break out of their "chrysalis" and transform their lives and relationships. If you want to know what's coming for many years to come, take a look back at the intuitions and sense of belonging to a vaster interrelated whole you were shown in Spring and Summer of 2011. It may help to give a sense of our collective lesson in dissolving our separateness as we finish this transition through "the Winter of the 21st Century" on our way to Spring, beginning in 2025!


In this chart, Chiron is retrograde at its 5 Aries SRX degree. This marks the next step of Chiron’s reflection on this Aries span, further developing the Aries “healing into our Higher Self” themes of Chiron in this sign. Chiron first transited 5 Aries in May 2019, and this is its first retrograde pass back over that degree.

We now can take a new look at themes related to self-transcendence, which will be further developed in March 2020 when Chiron is again on this degree. The remarkable thing is there will be a Mars-Saturn conjunction at 1 Aquarius in late March, heralding the next Grand Mutation which begins in December 2020 with the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction also at 1 Aquarius, which coincidentally is the same month Chiron goes stationary direct at 5 Aries, indicating themes associated with that degree will be evident in the “healing of the world” over the next 20 years!

Chiron was first was in early Aries between April and September 2018, and is now moving deeper into this first sign of the zodiac. This indicates our long term mentoring and/or healing into our Higher Self involves embracing all that is new, realizing we have a unique individual part to play in “the healing of humanity.” Since July 2018, Chiron has now mentored us into “identifying with a larger life” as we became some type of “exemplar” for others.

We had our dress rehearsal for this new Aries era of Chironic healing energies last year, and now get to learn how to use those energies skillfully through 2026, when it enters Taurus and we move into the next Chironic era. With Chiron at the end of Pisces and beginning of Aries in 2018, we were in an important position in space-time where we have had to embrace compassion, forgiveness, and a vast understanding of ourselves as Spirits having human experiences. And to be human is to be flawed. Those flaws provide the spur for us to overcome them by transmuting them into strengths and skills which serve a higher purpose in our lives.

Because it’s now at the beginning of Aries, it’s finished its task at “the end of the end” and now mentors us at “the beginning of the beginning.” In 2018 and early 2019, we’ve been healing into our Higher Self by saying goodbye to some things and saying hello to others. As Jupiter and Uranus transited this span several times in 2010-2011, what was awakened then and since prepared us to be healed and/or mentored into our individuality. The vision or the new truth and future which led to a personal revolution then has been the source of us being mentored, or us mentoring others.

Chiron now opens lessons of using imagination to envision a self-transcendence and a new way of expressing our individuality. As it went SRX at 6 Aries, keep opening to which part of “primal selfhood” you are illuminating, remembering any “inner restlessness” shows the way into a new “uncontrolled interest in any given thing.”

During the years Chiron was in Pisces, we were shown how to bless a lot and let it go, including dogmas and beliefs which kept us stuck in ambivalence or suffering. We healed by having compassion for ourselves and the suffering we share with the world. Now in Aries we heal by living in the NOW, embracing our new lives by identifying with a larger Life and collective work.

Chiron in late Pisces heralded what will be “dreamed into collective consciousness” by Neptune these next 7 years. Chiron transits help each of us heal anew through our positioning within collective consciousness. When in Pisces, we were mentored in Piscean ways. When in Aries, we are finding ways to mentor and be mentored in Aries, healing into our higher Self by moving into direct action, securing our initial position in the new Life, leading to a vision of a larger role to play in the future as an inspiration to others.


Neptune shows us how to merge the sacred and the everyday in our lives. We now have received a new inspiration, and begun a long term collective renewal. In this chart, Neptune has retrograded back to 18 Pisces. It hasn’t been in this part of Pisces since 1854-56, and its recent retrograde station at 19 Pisces was the first time it was on that degree since then.

It first occupied 18 Pisces in April 2019, and will continue to occupy this degree while retrograde during the last half of August and first half of September. It will make its final pass over 18 Pisces in February 2020. Themes of 18 Pisces involve revising some ideas “back to source,” or perhaps putting ourselves out there to attract attention or a following. With so many oppositions to Neptune in this chart, you can bet many Neptunian themes will surface wherever you have mid-Virgo and mid-Pisces in your chart!

Remember too that numerous Solar Eclipses in Pisces are still in effect. We had Eclipses at 30, 19, and 9 Pisces, all of which also had Neptune in Pisces. These have had a profound effect on the field of the collective consciousness, as well as the collective unconscious. Given Neptune is the spiritual ruler of Pisces, it’s also been involved in the eclipses at Virgo 21 and 10 by opposition, creating a “Tension of Opposites” that profoundly impacted the collective spiritual field.

The March 2015 Solar Eclipse at 30 Pisces helped us get very clear about the new “law of life” we yearned for, and sent out the thought form that created the life we’ve led since then. That Eclipse and events related to it have been given a renewed clarity via the March Mercury retrograde and the recent transit of Mercury and Venus over this degree. We now know why many things had to end in the past 4 years, since those things were incompatible with the future we’re now living.

As mentioned, the March 2016 Solar Eclipse at 19 Pisces helped us “take a walk with our wisdom,” beginning the release of all things that would impede our receptivity to that wisdom. The March 2017 Solar Eclipse at 9 Pisces continues to assist us in releasing the last baggage we no longer need over the next few years.

So Neptune is now “dreaming” into collective consciousness the same themes Chiron introduced to us between 2013-2015. As you can see, both Neptune and Chiron have been taking us into a far vaster collective healing and mentoring than we’ve known in many decades. Collectively, we’re now solidly in a newer spiritual realm, where our ego mind has been introduced to a deeper and vaster Soul realm and our testing has begun.

Because Neptune already entered the second half of Pisces, where it hasn’t been since 1855-58, it indicates that collective consciousness in 2018-2020 is in a zone filled with turmoil historically. Given Pluto is also in a zone where it last was in 1773-1774, it would seem a “pre-revolution” is in the air!

The North Node

In November 2018 we left the North Node in Leo and South Node in Aquarius era which began in May 2017, and entered the NN in Cancer and SN in Capricorn era. When the NN is in Cancer, our greatest development is through our ability to be tender, caring, and nurturing of all that we feel close to. This is where we learn through the “Mother principle,” and use “enlightened self-interest” to gather what we need to make our lives more secure. Because the SN is in Capricorn, we will demonstrate these qualities through being mature and responsible, organized and willing to work to demonstrate our personal skills in forms of social power.

The North Node in the second decan of Cancer brings a specific focus to the Scorpio qualities of the sign of Cancer. This will bring forth a greater intensity, with a specific theme of enjoyment within a social setting. This should help us purify and/or eliminate everything in our immediate feeling experience which is stuck or negative.

These will express through the South Node in the Taurus decan of Capricorn. This should help us express our emotional growth through allowing ourselves to feel “the way of nurture,” enjoying our new found emotional experience within some kind of group performance. As Saturn is currently conjuncting the South Node, we are on the threshold of an entirely new long wave cycle of demonstrating through Saturn what we learned through Saturn in the past 6 years since Saturn last conjuncted the North Node in Scorpio in 2013.

Summing Up - The Big Picture

We are now all in a phase of polarization and awareness helping us integrate a lot of scattered ends in our experience. We’ve opened to a greater freedom, a greater abundant life, and gotten connected with Source, seeing our creativity in a new light. We now shape and refine the energy we’ve been experiencing into significant forms which are both practical and useful in our spiritual growth.

We’ve been practicing skills related to new forms of social and group activity and “doing our Dharma” in the world. Given Pluto’s influence the past year, the Law of Economy of Energy was a crucial factor in surrendering to achieve spiritual victory, and as we tend the seeds of moving toward “transcendent security,” we will find Dharma rolls to play throughout this year and 2020.

2017’s Solar Eclipses in Pisces and Leo, and 2018’s Eclipses in Aquarius, Cancer and Leo have quickened us, and we’ve been eliminating a lot of expectancies, considerations, and excess baggage. We continue to dump all kinds of old ghosts and elements of pride that would hinder our hearts from its authentic self-expression, and are getting clear about our priorities and what we should and should not expect of ourselves and others. As a result of the 2018 Eclipses, we’ve hit the end of an old quest, attained some ambition, and now are learning a new freedom and togetherness.

Summing Up – The Immediate Picture

This Lunation encourages us to see when to work and when to play, using “the art of humor” to release, recombine, and/or integrate the energies all compressing in our Virgo sector. Use your time wisely, and see it all as a training period where we must put forth effort in our “first dancing lesson.” Guardian angels are everywhere due to Mercury on the same degree as TransPluto, the planet representing “Divine Mother” energies on Earth.

That implies this is a redemptive New Moon, refining, blessing, offering “divine help when human efforts seem to fail,” and allowing us to explore powers hidden within us so we can find a new strength in detailed practicality. This is the time to separate the less important from the more important as we continue to bury the past and prepare for a new way of using power in the future.

Accept the releases, see what you care about, and use the revelations you’ve received the past 3 months to reorient. We’ve built our connections, and this period stabilizes our expansion. This time offers us all a “crowded sprint” to a more stable and practical way of serving.

Saturn’s patient, gentle, and wise understanding is preparing us for future group involvements, and Jupiter continues to encourage us to laugh, love and dance with life, seeing things from a higher, broader, and more abundant spiritual angle, finding the right attitude as we anticipate powers to come. The Grand Earth Trines will stabilize many things on a material level, while Jupiter can help us release all we need, knowing abundance will follow each obsolete thing we let go of.

We have awakened to a new life, and have moved through a time of letting go while finding allies with whom we can do good “bridge building” work which will help us “cross the chasm” where we will find “a new quality of being rendering the old patterns obsolete.” This month stabilizes the awakening, and will naturally yield a new “Law of Living” which will take us into transcendent realms.

If some things have fallen apart, it’s only for the best. As we externalize our recent self-discoveries in forms of practical discipleship, we will find greater happiness and a natural personality integration which could lead to experiences of Love, Joy, and Bliss.

See you soon with part 2, which will cover Sabian Symbols, Jones patterns, element distribution, and a whole lot more!

© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com
Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with persmission from Robert Wilkinson.


© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert WilkinsonRobert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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Sun in Capricorn

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Imbolc Ritual Celebrated February 2 Imbolc is also known as Candlemas, Imbo... Read more

Imbolc - The Feast of Brighid

Imbolc - The Feast of Brighid

Image source: The Crystal Wind Oracle Myth & Magic Card Deck.Get it here... Read more

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye

The Physical Mastery Stone Because of its range of colours, tiger’s eye is... Read more

Imbolc Customs

Imbolc Customs

Imbolc, (pronounced im-bolk) or Candlemass, Imbolg, Bride's Day, Oimelc, and... Read more

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