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The April 2022 Full Moon of 27 Aries-Libra Pt. 1

The April 2022 Full Moon of 27 Aries-Libra Pt. 1

- Integrity Busting Corrosive Influences -

The coming Full Moon of the Sun in Aries and Moon in Libra will bring integration at the core of our Being as we embrace the renewal of Life at the First High Moon of the Northern Hemisphere Spring!

This initiating, renewing, purifying and redemptive Full Moon which will help “lift us to surer foundations” through focused courage and will occurs April 16 at 11:55 am PDT, 7:55 pm BST and falls at the 27th degrees of Libra and Aries. As with all Full Moons, use the light you’ve been seeing and expressing since the New Moon, and give it form and focus to see how to anchor those themes in expression.

The New Moon theme was about strength, and showing compassion when necessary to bring closure to old murky interactions and perceptions. It began the next phase of training “to pick up and deliver divine power” beginning in a few weeks. This Full Moon will bring us to a “holding pattern” related to that training so we can find new ways to manage our feelings in social situations. We’re still focused on individual and spiritual levels of functioning and awareness, with the next two weeks bringing us the Light of using imagination to reclaim an opportunity we thought lost. This is the final Lunation with NO planets retrograde, so please continue to enjoy the forward motion!

This Lunation is the ninth Full Moon where the Sun is in the same sign (Aries) as it was in the New Moon two weeks ago. We are now in “the regular order” of the Sun/Moon relationship cycle, and this one brings new light and power to a great spiritual promise or vision which will open in the Spring of 2023.

Today’s Full Moon post will be an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. In parts 2 and 3 we’ll cover the Sabian Symbols, aspects, distributions, and patterns.

An Overview

This Full Moon brings the Light of the Aries New Moon into a focus on how to use our imagination to achieve a “transcendent security” based in the continued focus of our will which began at the last Full Moon. This is an extraordinarily productive period with a challenge of self-purification and a need to bring order out of chaos or peace out of agitation.

The next two weeks should help us finish paying our dues in some way while opening a view of either repair work to be done or a time to reconstruct how some things have come to be the way they are, emotionally and/or socially. This should be a time of intense mobilization as we stand on the threshold of a new cycle, weighing alternative and/or seeing things from the past differently.

Is the Sun Following the Moon, or the Moon Following the Sun?

As mentioned earlier, this is the eighth of a series where the New Moon Sun and the Full Moon Sun are in the same sign! We can now take the last New Moon themes of allowing our strength to birth a great vision of our Soul’s “flight path” as we see our higher purpose across space and time and translate that into new opportunities and a new peace.

There are two patterns; one is when the Full Moon Sun is the same sign as the previous New Moon Sun, and the other is when the Full Moon Sun is in the next sign from the Sun in the previous New Moon. The Sun was in the same sign in both the New Moon and Full Moon, the so-called “natural” order, between April 2019 and August 2020. At the August 2020 Full Moon we entered the “reverse pattern” of the Sun of the Full Moon occupying the sign after the New Moon Sun, since the previous New Moon Sun was at 29 Cancer and that Full Moon Sun was at 12 Leo.

Now that August 2021 brought us the New Moon Sun at 17 Leo and Full Moon Sun is at 30 Leo, we’re back in the natural order for many months to come. You can find out more about the “seed forms” of the New Moon two weeks ago by checking out the articles in the archives in early January.

Past As Prologue

The 2020-21 Eclipses moved us all in new directions, reorienting wherever we have Cancer, Gemini, and Sagittarius in our charts. Remember that all Eclipses are “Cosmic recyclers,” taking away what is obsolete or de-magnetized in our lives. These losses clean out psychic and physical spaces so newer life substance can come forth. We’ve cleared out many old ideas, truths, habits, and perspectives the past 2 years, and now have a wider view regarding our life and the Life around us at the beginning of a new 20 year Aquarian era for humanity.

As you know from other articles, 2020 was the last year of a 200 year Earth era, with Air power building throughout the year which primed the pump for the 200 year Air era which began on the Solstice with Jupiter conjuncting Saturn at 1 Aquarius. However, we will still be “under the beams” of the powerful conjunctions in Capricorn, since between January and March 2020 we began new Saturn/Pluto, Jupiter/Pluto, Mars/Jupiter, Mars/Pluto, and Mars/Saturn cycles. The first of these launched a new 33 year era into motion.

Due to these conjunctions in late Capricorn and both Mars/Saturn and Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions at 1 Aquarius, we are in a long term period of finding wisdom by understanding transfiguration and enlightenment as verbs rather than nouns. We’ve now officially taken the first step into the coming Aquarian era. While this is not yet “The Age of Aquarius,” this is the final intensification of those energies which will sprout seeds in the second quarter of the century which will take us across the threshold of the Great Age soon after 2050.

Planetary Distribution

In this Full Moon, the span occupied by the inner planets (in this chart Venus at 13 Pisces through Mercury at 12 Taurus) is 59+ degrees, a fairly wide span. As the inner planets are moving through Pisces, Aries, and Taurus, this will be the primary area stimulated in our charts. At this time all the inner planets are within the outer planet span, marking the end of this year’s Grand Compression of planets.

Right now all the planets occupy a span between Pluto at 29 Capricorn and Uranus at 14 Taurus except for the Moon at 27 Libra, leaving 2 empty spans of 163+ and 91+ degrees. Because of the planetary spread, we now have an asymmetrical Bucket Jones Pattern, with the “tension of opposites” created by the Lunation.

At this time we have the 10 traditional planets occupying 6 signs. Currently, the outer planet occupied span begins with Pluto in late Capricorn, then moves through Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter and Neptune in late Pisces and finishes with Uranus in mid-Taurus, with the inner planets and Mars now occupying the span between Saturn and Uranus.

As noted, the Jones patterns in the sky now change mainly due to the position of the Moon. With this Full Moon in Libra as the sole opposition, we have an almost perfect Bucket.

So What is a “Bucket Pattern” and how does it work?

This is a Bucket Jones pattern, since the Moon is far enough away from the nearest planet to become a nozzle for the focus of all the other planetary energies. Since the “handle” of the Bucket involves the sign Libra, that energy helps us focus the energies of all the other planets.

A “Bucket Pattern” is a type of planetary spread with all the planets in about half the signs with one outside that span wide enough to be a handle. The energies of the occupied half are focused through the “handle,” or “nozzle,” in this case Jupiter, termed the “focal determinator.” The handle, or focal determinator, represents the way to greater effectiveness, the cause to be embraced, the lack to be filled, or the way to use the total energies of this time in a focused manner.

Dr. Jones states “the Bucket type indicates a particular and rather uncompromising direction in the life effort.” This pattern gives “interest in a cause,” with executive tendencies that will adapt allegiances to maximize results of the effort. He says “the Bucket type at its best reveals the real instructor and inspirer of others, and at its worst the agitator and malcontent.” This is the larger planetary pattern within which we’re all trying to do what we do.

We are also told this pattern is more about finding an effective release for energy within social settings, but also about the individual imposing their patterns on society rather than adapting to what is there. It’s about focused intention. So all of us can expect some sort of focused attention on the house where we have 27 Libra.

Is the Grand Irrationality A Factor in this Full Moon?

Because this section is so long, I decided to create an article which explains what it is, how long it’s been in effect, and which zones of the zodiac have been most impacted and when. You can find all you need to know about this configuration associated with widespread irrationality and hard-edged “forks in the road of destiny” we’ve all confronted at various times by going to The Grand Irrationality. I’ll update it soon.

We revisited the energies of the First Grand Irrationality (1993-2017) when both Saturn and Uranus were septile Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto were both biseptile Uranus, and Jupiter and Saturn were both septile Neptune not long ago. These multiple 7th harmonic aspects put this “7-pointed Star of Destiny” evolutionary configuration into play. In this chart we have Jupiter septile Pluto and Uranus.

Obviously, this evolutionary configuration is triggered throughout the year when a planet moves through any of the hot zones of the configuration. This configuration is put into full force by Mercury conjunct Uranus and biseptile Pluto, as well as in the near future when Venus septiles Uranus and Pluto when it transits the span between 18-21 Pisces. These transits bring choices, changes, and decisions affecting our future. These “Grand Irrationality” triggers are why things are so crazy and hard-edged at this time, and why humanity seems to have been at an unending “fork in the road of destiny.” I’ll speak more about it in part 3 when I cover the special configurations.

Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend

Because Saturn continues to occupy center stage in its home sign of Aquarius, it continues to be the final dispositor of all planets transiting Capricorn and Aquarius from now through 2023. Though its influence has waned since Jupiter entered Pisces, during the time the inner planets transit Capricorn and Aquarius, Saturn is their ruler and is a dominant force through April 2022.

Remember that while Saturn can feel heavy, it is also our ability to take command of our lives and destiny by using Saturn’s virtues in the right way and time. Our ability to steer our “ship of personality” into its rightful “role of destiny” has brought us to the threshold of new parts to play on the stage of Life.

We’re still in a long wave period of crystallizing more visionary roles to play in the emergent Aquarian era, and with the dance Saturn and Uranus have done this year, we’ve all had to “square ourselves with reality” as we go where we haven’t gone before. Uranus has awakened us to new roles to play, while Saturn has “lightened up” in Aquarius and having brought us new mutations and an accelerated evolution, we now get to show strength and resilience as we prepare to “pick up and deliver spiritual power” beginning late May.

I explain how Saturn and Uranus work together to awaken us to our Higher Powers to take command of our destiny in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. Saturn helps us give form and structure to our quest for Self-realization; in Capricorn, it teaches us how to accept and use personal power within a socially responsible context, while in Aquarius it teaches us how to make a greater contribution to our civilization and come together with others in a great effort “ensouled by a great vision.” Coupled with Uranus having awakened a “new quality of Being rendering the old patterns obsolete,” we are collectively “breaking on through to the other side” into an unfolding Higher awareness.

The book was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers. Even those with little or no understanding of astrology will benefit from understanding why you had to make certain choices at crucial times that shaped your life in profound ways.

Each time you read any section of this book you will find new insights about your power to throw off all the attitudes and memories which hold you back from finding and living the life and purpose. If you’ve haven’t already gotten your copy, you can go to the Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend page on Amazon and this should be all you need to order your copy. It’s also available on Amazon and as an ebook on Kindle, so if that’s more to your liking, go for it! If you would, whether you’ve gotten the ebook or the paperback, please write a review on the Amazon site, since the more reviews, the more of a boost they give it.

On A Final Note

See you in the near future with parts two and three on this Full Moon which will show us how to integrate our personality to find a greater self-confidence born of deep insights and a self-discipline which allows us to act quickly and precisely when needed. This completes the first stage of a new life adventure and the ability to see how our Soul is leading our personality to greater effective spiritual functioning. Because Jupiter is in close conjunction with Neptune, continue to see how to close what needs closing, forgiving and being compassionate when it’s time to be those qualities.

This Lunation shows us how to find new ways to approach opportunity as well as techniques to transcend dualities. There is uniqueness and brilliance available via Mars quintile Mercury and Uranus, with a need to learn to relax and decrease nervous tension or stuck habits which create inertia. We’re still reaping major rewards from Spirit as we see things from our past differently. Keep mobilizing, and see that the rewards which come certify your worth.

With the Sun at the end of Aries and the Moon at the end of Libra, this is another fulfillment Lunation helping us move into a deeper appreciation for “the whole of things.” What this Lunation brings forth will lead to major developments in May and July when Mars transits the Jupiter/Pluto and Sun in this chart.

The new roles and responsibilities we took on in 2019-2020 led to new social effectiveness in 2021 which continues this year. Again, look to where you have late Capricorn and early Aquarius in your chart to see the focus of coming years The compressions in Capricorn led us to forms of personal power, and being very long wave cycles, indicates our work for a long time to come. We’re now done with this year’s Aquarius compression, and now continue to deal with a stellium in Pisces created by Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune.

We’ve entered a new chapter in our spiritual journey at a fork in the road of our collective destiny. 2020 was about forging our connection with the World Soul, our Wisdom, and our greater dedication. 2021 began the new era in our lives. We’re all wiser than we used to be, have been given ample opportunities to value our heart connections with our friends, and display the vaster spiritual awareness we share with our Brothers and Sisters.

I’ll see you soon when we’ll discuss Sabian Symbols, aspects, and other important chart factors.

This article explains past, present, and future compressions, where they fall, and who they affect. The Great Compressions of early 2020, 2021, and 2022

This one explains the January 2020 compression and the multiple conjunctions setting themes for decades! The Great Compression of January 2020 – Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto all Conjunct in Capricorn

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

© 2022 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

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