Scorpio New Moon Sparks Transformation and Renewal
- Details
- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

November 1st ~ 8th
Giants are not what we think they are. The same qualities that appear to give them strength are often the sources of great weakness. And the fact of being an underdog can change people in ways that we often fail to appreciate it can open doors and create opportunities and educate and enlighten and make possible what might otherwise have seemed unthinkable. ~ Malcolm Gladwell (David and Goliath)
On Friday, November 1st, at 8:47 am Eastern time, we have a New Moon at 9º Scorpio 35’. This transformational New Moon is a force in its own right. Ruled by that powerful Mars/Pluto opposition which is exact on November 3rd in the very last degrees of their respective signs of Cancer and Capricorn, we get the picture of closing out one era, in order to enter another. Once all is said and done, by the end of this month, many will be feeling like their lives will never be quite the same again. We stand with bated breath as we watch history unfold.
Passionate Scorpio is a sign of renewal, rebirth, of transformational change. Out of the ashes of what once was, we are being asked to rebuild something stronger, more enduring, more powerful. Pluto will be leaving Capricorn for good on November 18th, but not without first attending to some unfinished business. Ploughing through the very last degree of Capricorn, the Sabian symbol for this degree points to its own dichotomy between light and darkness. Astrologer, James Burgess suggests at this juncture that we are given a choice between choosing the side of the hidden architects of material power and wealth, or to choose the side of light, the very essence of goodness itself. Our choices have consequences at this powerful time.
The warrior planet Mars is not seen as being terribly strong in the sign of Cancer, the sign of its fall. However when pushed into a corner, or when she sees all that she loves in danger of annihilation, Mars in Cancer can be a force to be reckoned with. It takes tremendous courage to take on forces so much more powerful than yourself! Shortly after taking on the dark lord, Pluto, Mars moves into the sign of Leo, where it attempts to take up the mantle of leadership and assume the throne. Pluto, on the other hand, will leave the sign of Capricorn never to return to this sign again in our lifetimes. We are closing out an era. And in doing so, we are being asked to look to the future.
The Mars/Pluto opposition is just a few days before the US presidential election. Sitting right on the Mercury/Pluto opposition of the United States Sibley chart, it is a reminder that the United States is in the throes of its Pluto Return. Many feared that this Pluto return might be a portent of destruction of the original ideals that the country was founded on. But Pluto is not just about destruction, as it is also about rebirth and renewal. And so we are being asked to rise out of the ashes of what once was. Whether destruction or rebirth, the Pluto Return is an opportunity to evolve and grow and create ever better foundations upon which to build a better future.
Another way to look at oppositions of any sort, is that they are a culmination. A completion and an ending. The Sabian symbol for the degree of the New Moon at 10º Scorpio is A Fellowship Supper Reunites old Comrades. When people work in common cause together they form bonds and connections. Their experiences create a level of commonality. And then, when having finished the work that they came here to do, they sit down together to break bread in fellowship and camaraderie. And so may it be.
On November 2nd we have an exact sextile between Jupiter and Chiron. A transit of healing. The current weather can be challenging. However, if we can connect to the Jupiter/Chiron sextile it can serve as a lodestar leading us through climactic times, towards greater healing and understanding. And this can be true in our own personal lives as well. At these times we are asked to consider:
- Am I living my life according to my own moral and ethical standards?
- Am I using my skills and my talents and my resources to their fullest potential?
- What is standing in the way of me achieving greater wholeness and healing in my life?
- What is needed in order for me to live a life that is true to myself?
There is an assumption with this sextile that at the very heart of life itself is this absolute concept of goodness. We may not fully realize Absolute Goodness in our lifetimes, but we can aspire to reaching it. It is an evolutionary process, a gradual unfolding. And as we ever strive to be more ethical, kinder, and better versions of ourselves, then a higher and truer altruism can also be achieved in the world.
The New Moon in Scorpio is making a trine to the planet Saturn in Pisces, a transit of commitment. This can be a commitment to a higher cause. To an ideal. To something that is worth sacrificing for. This is an excellent time to make promises to ourselves, to create better habits, to even transform our lives.
Some positive ways to use the New Moon in Scorpio on Friday, November 1st might be:
- Transforming a habit or pattern of behavior that has been holding you back or preventing you from growing. If there was one thing that you might want to transform in yourself or your life, what might that be?
- Saying No More to negative influences in your environment. This can then allow you to make room for better things to take their place.
- Making a commitment to a plan for self-improvement. In what ways are you wanting to be a healthier, stronger, more fit, and happier version of yourself?
The best time to make intentions or affirmations with the New Moon would be during the New Moon phase, which begins with the New Moon on November 1st (after 8:47 am Eastern Time; 5:47 am Pacific Time; 12:47 pm Greenwich Time); and ends with the Crescent Moon on November 5th.
Scorpio is a sign of transformation and transition. Some of the themes can have to do with overcoming self-limiting narratives and beliefs, healing deep wounds from the past, and learning how to use our own power, position and resources in positive and constructive ways.
Some positive affirmations or intentions for this New Moon might be:
- Out of the ashes of what was, I have the ability to create a better and more meaningful future.
- When I embrace my own power, I become an instrument for positive change in the world and in my own life.
- I am endowed with the magical ability to transform problems into happiness.
- I am profound and have depths of potential as yet unrealized.
- I want to see myself purifying and releasing those things that are no longer necessary and are keeping me from growing.
- I am powerful and capable of taking on even the most daunting of challenges.
For the New Moon for your natal sign or by house placement, check out this week’s horoscopes:
Astrology By Lauren A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. Source
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