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Pisces New Moon: Manifest Your Dreams on March 10th, 2024!

Pisces New Moon: Manifest Your Dreams on March 10th, 2024!

Beloved Ones,  

As ascending souls, we experience different initiations in which we realign, reconnect, and descend more illumined aspects of who we are, and our soul mission.

We are now at a key phase of our ascension journey to continue embodying our soul's unique purpose, through conscious reconnection. The New Moon at 20 degrees Pisces, together with Venus entering into this same Water sign the next day, will be a massive release of creative, and healing forces, for we are in one of the most creative months of the year.

Venus represents love and creativity, it is the female essence par excellence, and in intuitive and loving Pisces is an invitation for us to work on self-love, acceptance, nurturance, and before everything in our emotions, clearing our emotional body of all the unlove, blame, and unworthiness, and instead, working on forgiveness, compassion, and a higher understanding of ourselves and our personal situations, so we can transmit this same understanding, affection, love and care towards our relationships, for all starts by ourselves. 

During this time Guides invite us as well to work on both self-sacrifice patterns and the creation of healthy boundaries, for both are necessary for us to keep our integrity and clear the patterns that make us think that it is by constant giving - until we empty ourselves - that we are going to be more love, or that we are truly loving, for there is a great difference between egoic love and soul one, and we are here to learn the difference. 

As you know, it is with Pisces, who rules intuition, compassion, and devotion to service, that we start removing all false programs and patterns, just to initiate in the wheel of life again with Aries. With Pisces comes freedom from slavery, and the completion of a cycle, in both the micro and the macro, as it is also happening on the Planet. With Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, endings come, and hence new beginnings for there is a moment in which both co-exist, at the same time. 

It is precisely from this timeless and spaceless moment, that we have the opportunity to create a new phase or to get attached to an old timeline. Pisces helps us remember our true origins, clear karmic patterns/agreements, purify ourselves, and achieve personal enlightenment. 

When we reach this sign and integrate its wisdom, we learn how to merge opposites - our mother/feminine and father/masculine aspects - and how to finally ascend after having passed through the rest of the zodiac signs, carrying all its wisdom, from all these past experiences. When we reach this stage we already hold the proper wisdom required for us to leave all behind and step into a new state of being. With this Moon, many will begin to contemplate a new life, choosing to no longer look back on what can no longer be energetically sustained. 

To be able to consciously create in the physical the life we so desired to live, first, we need to be balanced, aligned, and renewed, so we can learn how to integrate and manage the new energies. This is why clearing and purification have been so relevant during March, for when this creational phase comes, we are prepared to birth our soul's creations. 

A Piscean moon that conjuncts Neptune, which makes it even more intense for all who are working in both personal healing, and reconnection, for it is one of Pisces’s rulers together with Jupiter, and one of the most powerful planetary forces to help us deepen into our emotions and soul, healing our wounded self, so we can emerge whole, healed and wiser, descending our soul's visions into our human world.

The New Moon will too harmonize with Uranus, being the catalyst for us to trigger the change we have first envisioned within.  Change can involve moving into a new state of being, or a more physical one, for we are the ones triggering the shift, deciding where, and how we are doing to direct this transformational energy. 

As I previously shared, personal alignment to our desires, through integrity and authenticity, is vital to be able to manifest what we truly resonate with. Many times when we do not resonate with the outcomes we have manifested, it is due to opposite emotions, thoughts, and desires coexisting within, and hence all the outers will reflect the same lack of harmony. 

This passage is a harmonic doorway before we enter into the eclipse season, in which the integration period starts again, and so the many activations that our light body will continue experiencing.

The descension of our unique soul purpose is not something only related to the cosmic energies, for they are only precursors for us to trigger the inner change required for this descension to occur. 

Conscious healing and alignment is essential to be able to reconnect to our soul and monad, where all the information about who we are, and our mission resides, as all is beyond everything an inner task of awakening all the dormant wisdom within us.

As ascending souls with a mission of planetary rehabilitation, we came here with a specific and unique blueprint to be able to fulfill our mission. It is our responsibility as conscious beings, to reclaim our mission and start doing the necessary work to awaken our purpose. 

We were gifted with all the inner resources to help us become the sovereign beings that we are, it is our personal choice to be willing to commit to this journey of conscious integration, co-creation, and assistance. 

May you choose lovingly for yourself and All.

I wish you a creative and loving passage, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

Natalia Alba : Is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Crystal Therapist and Reiki Master, even though, she prefers to heal in her unique and personal way guided by her Unified Self/Guides, using crystals and sound healing therapy, as she considers that studies help us to expand ourselves into our journey of self-mastery and assistance to others but nothing external can give us the wisdom that we already possess within. Her services are based on the Guidance she receives from her Unified Self and Spirit Guides, which comes from the same Fountain of Love and Light of All That Is. Giving you the messages you need to evolve and keep discovering more about your life path as well as your Soul quest/mission. She also helps you to realize where you are at the moment and what can be shifted for the betterment of you own self and human experience, so you can be able to transform your present moment to create the future you are eager to experience as well as giving you some direction to get to where you want to be by solving and transcending the troubles that are impeding your happiness and natural soul evolution.

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