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How the Super Full Moon in Aquarius 2024 Will Change Everything

How the Super Full Moon in Aquarius 2024 Will Change Everything

August 16th ~ 23rd

My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world. ~ Jack Layton

We have 4 Super Full Moons this year (one of them is also an eclipse). The Aquarius Full Moon on August 19th will be the first of these. Super Moons are a little bit brighter and can even appear to be larger than usual, especially as the Sun and Moon are rising and setting. These super moons are magnificent, and powerful. Creators of the King Tides, they have influence over the affairs of the earth as well as mankind. The closest of the Super Full Moons, will be the October Moon, but this Moon on August 19th is powerful in its own right. 

Full Moons can be revelatory, they disclose things and bring things to a head. This is when we experience the consequences and rewards of previous actions and decisions. This Moon in Aquarius is also exactly square unpredictable and revolutionary Uranus, one of the ruling planets of Aquarius, further propelling us on to the Aquarian wave of change. With Uranus in the wings, at cross-quarters with the Sun and the Moon, it could feel like we are standing on a precipice somewhere between the past and the future. And there is no turning back. 

Not all changes are welcome. But with such a strong Aquarian and Uranian message we are being asked to ride the wave of change in order to align ourselves with intentions that were being seeded in years way back. This sort of change can be swift, unexpected, and can even feel like our lives are being upended and overturned in the process. But know that even when it can feel like chaos, the ultimate goals lean towards the Aquarius ideals being seeded, first with the Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn at 0º of Aquarius in 2020, and the ingress of Pluto into Aquarius. 

We could expect a few more twists and turns in the process. Not only are the Moon and the Sun square Uranus on Monday, but so is Mercury square Uranus as well. The Full Moon coincides with the inferior conjunction of Mercury to the Sun, which occurs in the middle of the retrograde phase, and commences a new Mercury cycle that lasts until December 5th. Consumed within the Sun’s rays, and invisible to the eye, ideas, like ripening seeds, are being planted in the fertile potential of the Mercury conjunction, beginning a whole new trend in thought and awareness. The Full Moon is only making it that much stronger in its effects. 

And as Mercury makes its conjunction to the Sun it is also making the 2nd of its 3 squares to Uranus. The first occurred at the previous Full Moon on July 21st. This was when President Biden withdrew his candidacy for the next presidential election, seamlessly handing it over to Vice President Harris. Mercury/Uranus weather is unpredictable, surprising, and riddled with all sorts of extraordinary twists and turns. Interestingly, the 2nd square, and the Full Moon on Monday, coincides with the Democratic National Convention in which VP Harris’s candidacy will be formally confirmed. 

For those who might be interested, the Full Moon at 27º of Aquarius on the day of this convention, is exactly conjunct Harris’s natal Saturn (positions of responsibility and authority), and the Moon of the United States Sibley chart. The Moon represents the people in a national chart. It also represents Women.

In our own lives, we should also be prepared for sudden twists and turns, no matter where you are. Plans can change. Circumstances change. And it would not be surprising if you find yourself at a juncture in which you are adjusting to sudden recent changes, are becoming aware of changes that are being made, or are preparing for changes that are going to occur in the future. 

On the same day as the Full Moon, Jupiter and Saturn perfect the first of 3 squares. This is important for so many reasons. For this is the first test to the Great Conjunction of 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn were exactly conjunct at 0º of Aquarius. Whatever seeds were being sown with the Great Conjunction, whatever new paradigms were needing to be initiated, the first open square is a time of opposing factions trying to achieve some sort of balance. At first it will present as conflict:

Conflict between the expansive nature of Jupiter to have the freedom to grow beyond its previous limits; vs. the consolidating and limiting nature of Saturn which aims to protect, and conserve. In many ways this is a transit of contradiction. Jupiter in Gemini says yes to everything, and Saturn in Pisces tells us that this is impossible. And yet out of this conflict a plan is gradually going to come together, honed with time, compromise and resolution. 

In our own lives we may find ourselves waffling back and forth and feeling indecisive about certain outcomes. Perhaps in some ways you are feeling stuck, but are taunted by the possibilities of a New Vision for the future that the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction was trying to seed way back in April. Jupiter/Uranus was trying to inspire us with a vision. The Jupiter/Saturn squares can show us the obstacles that are needing to be overcome in order to make that vision a closer and more achievable reality. 

There are 3 of these squares. This one on August 19th, another when Jupiter is retrograde on December 24th, and the last will be in June 2025, when Jupiter is in Cancer and Saturn in Aries. This represents a period of crisis and transition filled with restlessness and inner conflict. We know some sort of change is well nigh due, but making that a closer reality will require some major shifting around in order to make that so. 

Last week Mars conjunct Jupiter was activating the Jupiter/Saturn square. This week Venus in Virgo comes into the picture, forming a pretty significant T-square in the mutable signs of Virgo (Venus), Gemini (Jupiter) and Pisces (Saturn). Once again (!), coincidentally (or not) Venus will be exactly conjunct VP Harris’s natal Venus, activating a revolutionary Venus/Uranus/Pluto conjunction in her natal chart. This is the sort of conjunction that breaks glass ceilings, changes paradigms, and can even revolutionize the roles of women in society. Vice President Harris has a lot weighing on her shoulders this week! And we’re all going along for the ride in our own lives as well. 

Full Moons are magical. Each month the Sun, the Earth and the Moon come into alignment, bringing all of our hopes, dreams, fears and emotions to the foreground. This allows us to connect with what has been laying in potential within our own hearts and minds. 

On the night before the Full Moon in Aquarius on Monday, August 19th (2:25 pm Eastern
Daylight Time; 11:25 am Pacific Time; and 7:25 pm British time) ask yourself: 

  • What changes are you needing or wanting to make in your life that can open you up to ever greater possibilities? And perhaps even the fulfillment of your dreams?
  • What has been the impact of any sudden changes that have recently occurred in your life?
  • What have you been avoiding, and in what ways are you limiting yourself, or holding yourself back out of fear and procrastination?
  • What are those things that are standing in the way of you being able to grow in the ways that you might not have previously thought possible? 
  • What new perspectives or ideas might you want to give greater consideration to? And in what new direction might you want to go? 
  • If you have come up against a brick wall, are you willing to consider alternatives? And if so, what might they be? 
  • What would it require for you to be true to your convictions, beliefs and ideals? What would it take to walk the walk, as well as talk the talk?

Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better. ~ King Whitney Jr. 

For the Full Moon in Aquarius for your sign, click below:


Image: CrystalWind.ca

Astrology By Lauren A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. Source

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