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Full Moon July 13, 2022 - A New Way Forward
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- Written by Jamie Partridge

The full moon in Capricorn on July 13, 2022, is in a difficult aspect to Mercury but a helpful aspect to Uranus. So the spiritual meaning of the full moon July 2022 astrology is to listen to your intuition and think outside the box to resolve disagreements and solve problems.
The July 2022 full moon brings new information and new ideas to overcome any differences and find a new way forward. And this is helped by a fixed star that makes you more open to new ideas and less prejudiced.
Full Moon July 2022 Astrology
The July 13 full moon at 21°21′ Capricorn is opposite Mercury and trine Uranus. It also aligns with a fixed star at 20°06′ Capricorn called Dheneb in the constellation Aquila the Eagle.

Full Moon Meaning
Sun opposite Moon brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.
The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.
Full Moon opposite Mercury creates an inner conflict between rational thinking and intuitive feeling. Your heart may say one thing but your head another, making it harder to understand your true feelings and to share them. A distorted perception of reality can lead to confusion, anxiety, mixed feelings, indecisiveness, and poor judgment. An inability to relax can leave you highly strung and susceptible to addiction.
Arguments are possible because of emotional bias or misunderstandings. You may also become opinionated, parochial, or prejudiced. Extra care needs to be taken with negotiations, important decisions, and sensitive discussion topics. Meditation would be helpful. So would examining any feelings or attitudes that you sense are holding you back.
The triangle highlighted in the full moon July 2022 astrology chart above is a Single Ambivalence aspect pattern, also called an Easy Opposition. It gives an ambivalent attitude, a dualistic world outlook, and a tendency to think in black and white terms. A sometimes absolutist “either/or attitude” can lead to arguments.
The Moon opposite Sun and Mercury create tension, pressure, and conflict. Just like the aspect pattern itself, these oppositions can lead to arguments because of misunderstandings, indecision, mixed feelings, and emotional bias. The blue-aspected apex planet, Uranus, enables a freer view of things, thus making the oppositions more bearable.
The Uranus aspects mentioned below can be used to solve any problems that arise from the opposition aspects. Uranus offers a way to manage ambivalence, relieve tension and resolve conflict. This will give a sense of balance and direction. The skills and determination provided by the Single Ambivalence aspect pattern can then lead to great achievements.
A Different Point of View
Full Moon trine Uranus brings positive change and exciting opportunities. You should feel more open-minded, curious, creative, and experimental. Heightened intuition and self-awareness give you the confidence to try new things and become more independent. This is a good time to take some risks, initiate change, and act more spontaneously.
Chance encounters are possible and you may be attracted to unusual types of people or those from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds than yourself. This is also a good time to break bad habits and to leave boring or unhealthy relationships.
Mercury sextile Uranus helps you see things from a different point of view. It stimulates conversation and brings new ideas and progressive thinking to help resolve disagreements and solve problems. Psychic awareness and acute perception help you anticipate change and make the most of new opportunities.
You should be feeling more sociable and this is an excellent time to make new friends. This influence especially favors communicating via social media and through technology generally. Exciting news, new discoveries, and scientific breakthroughs are possible.
The Constellations
Full Moon July 2022 is in the Sign of Capricorn. But as the star map below shows, it is actually in the Constellation of Sagittarius. This discrepancy is due to the precession of the equinoxes. It has moved the Sun Signs almost a whole Sign out of alignment with the Constellations from which they were named over 2000 years ago. The Signs were originally invented only as a measuring device. Astrologers had always used the visible constellation and their stars for astrological interpretation.
Full Moon July 2022 [Stellarium]
The Eagle
Although the July 13 Full Moon is in constellation Sagittarius, it most closely aligns with a fixed star in constellation Aqualia, the Eagle. Fixed star Dheneb at 20°06′ Capricorn is named Okab in the image above. Its traditional is Deneb el Okab, from the Arabic for “Tail of the Falcon”.
Fixed star Dheneb: Ability to command, liberality, success in war and beneficence. [1] Success in martial arts [2]
Constellation Aquila: Great imagination, strong passions, indomitable will, a dominating character, influence over others, clairvoyance, a keen penetrating mind, and the ability for chemical research. [1] Changes in the weather. [2] In mundane astrology, Aquila rules the U.S.A., space exploration, bombs, and missiles.
Full Moon July 2022 Summary
The July 13 Full Moon in Capricorn opposite Mercury brings the potential for personal crises, arguments, and relationship tension because of misunderstandings, indecision, mixed feelings, and emotional bias.
But the positive influence of Uranus brings new information and new ideas to overcome any differences and find a new way forward. And fixed star Dheneb brings liberality (the quality of being open to new ideas and free from prejudice).
Full Moon July 2022 is good for trying a different approach to solving personal and relationship problems and also for changing old ways of thinking that are holding you back. So follow your intuition to take advantage of rapidly changing conditions and new opportunities.
Astrologically, a full moon is influenced by the preceding new moon. The June 28 New Moon is promoting personal and spiritual growth through self-discipline and moderation.
The influence of the July 13 full moon lasts for two weeks up to the July 28 new moon. This waning moon phase is good for releasing and letting go, resting, healing, regenerating, contemplating, meditating, decluttering, harvesting, pruning, and hair cutting.
If the full moon July 2022 astrology directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about it in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see full moon transits.
- Previous Moon Phase: New Moon June 28, 2022
- Next Moon Phase: New Moon July 28, 2022
- 2022 Moon Phases Calendar
Full Moon July 2022 Times and Dates
- Los Angeles – July 13, 11:37 am
- New York – July 13, 2:37 pm
- London – July 13, 7:37 pm
- Delhi – July 14, 0:07 am
- Sydney – July 14, 4:37 am
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.29, 158.
- Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p. 27.
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