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Aquarius Full Moon Powers Up Uranus with T-Square Energy 27:27:27

Aquarius Full Moon Powers Up Uranus with T-Square Energy 27:27:27

The big day is nearly here! Namely, the full moon that brings energy to a climax, with TWO T-squares involving 8 planets!

Here are the details:

A stunning Full Moon in Aquarius on Monday, August 19 comes into exactitude at 7:26 pm UT (London), 2:25 pm EDT (New York), and 11:26 am PDT (Los Angeles).

  • The Moon at 27° Aquarius will be opposite the Sun at 27° Leo.
  • Both Sun and Moon create an exact T-square to Uranus at 27° Taurus.
  • Uranus is the planetary ruler of the Aquarius Full Moon…giving the T-square extra spice (and taking the unexpected to even greater levels!)
  • Mercury (in retrograde at 26° Leo) will be conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon, contributing news, communication and deep reflection to the T-square.

Then there is the second T-square!

It is comprised of Venus opposite Saturn, and both planets create a square to the Jupiter/Mars conjunction…

  • So… 8 Planets are activated in the 8th Month in an 8 Universal Year (2024 adds up to 8), creating the second triple 8:8:8 code of infinite strength and leadership in August.

This is an extraordinary full moon, especially since it comes at the end of a series of intense transits – bringing it so many timelines to a culmination.

The ultimate call-to-action is to set yourself free.

And a big secret regarding exactly what it is that will set you free is revealed in the new Aquarius Full Moon Forecast.

To add another layer to the extraordinary full moon – on the SAME day Saturn creates a powerful square to Jupiter.

This square kicks off an important new chapter in the 20-year Jupiter/Saturn cycle.

We began the most recent cycle with the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction on Dec 21, 2020 (the Solstice) on a very sensitive degree – 00° Aquarius.

00° Aquarius is the same degree that Pluto has been sitting for a few weeks now, having moved back and forth between the end of Capricorn and beginning of Aquarius since early 2023.

  • Whenever several celestial bodies work in tandem over time to generate shifts, transformation and breakthroughs, the only option for us is to surrender and not resist the ride!

It’s perfectly clear by now that this particular ride we're on is tumultuous…

But tumultuous times inevitably open doors for major opportunities.

  • Fortunately, Jupiter, planet of opportunity, is playing a joyful, liberating role!

Jupiter is helping you walk through those doors with zero regrets and great hope…

Jupiter’s current conjunction with Mars and square to Venus and Saturn reminds you to keep consciously manifesting what make you FEEL good, confident and happy.

Create moments in your life for anything makes you smile.

There’s always something to be grateful for!

Blessings and Love,

Tania Gabrielle


Tania Gabrielle is a Wealth Astro-Numerologist, spiritual teacher, author, composer and speaker. She has coached thousands of clients and entrepreneurs worldwide — helping them to design prosperous lives by leveraging the secret numbers’ code in their names, birthday and personal cycles.

Credit: Here

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