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Seduced by Scrying - The Dance of Light on Water

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Scrying, or specifically Hydromancy, is the discernment of prophetic imagery in water.  Practiced in Ancient Greece and by Nostradamus in his prophecies, hydromancy has endured through the centuries. To be fascinated by hypnotic patterns of ripples and waves, and glints of light, while plumbing the depths for meaning, seems to be part of human nature.

Fast forwarding to the present, the use of digital cameras reinvented scrying by placing it under the aegis of ITC or Instrumental Transcommunication. The ITC community, in pursuit of paranormal activity, employs digital recorders for Electronic Voice Phenomena, ghost boxes, EMF detectors and apps. Digital cameras, which capture orbs and other light anomalies, reveal the previously unseen in water swirled in a container. Motivated by living in an area defined by the War of 1812, I share my results at Random Acts of Light and Water. (link to fb page)

My experience with scrying has not been prophetic, as the Greeks described. It seems to be a portal to the past, as if the light reveals what seeks to be remembered. Scrying might be dismissed as pareidolia: to see meaningful images in random patterns or imaginative wishful thinking.  Results are too flaky to submit to historical societies, or might be deemed too subjective for paranormal evidence. Definitive interpretations are few.  A “capture” that leaps out at you, others cannot see. What others’ see escapes you and might contradict a cherished narrative. Don’t let this invalidate your initial response and what speaks to you. It becomes a Rorschach test when shared, but this very mutability gives scrying its beauty and deeper truth.

Like a surrealist painting, a capture morphs through a series of images. Feathers mutate into a gathering of sages or a startling eye shifts into a brooding raven. Amorphous faces ripple through a veil, “through a glass darkly.” Captures from one session may suggest metaphors and imprints from an indecipherable story. At other times, an image is strikingly singular and undeniable.  

It is consistent with mystery that scrying evades consensus or scientific analysis. Water, equated with emotion and the subconscious, is the medium of our collective dreams. As a scryer, remember this message was given to you, and share this gift with grace.


"The Fallen Soldier - His head is thrown back to the L, the light coming from the L. His eyes look upwards, his mouth open with teeth visible. His strong jaw creates a dark shadow. His hair appears pulled back, as if long and tied. A strap crosses his chest, perhaps the blur of an epaulette on the L and the highlight of a cuff on the lower R. Where I live is steeped in the War of 1812, near "Canada's Bloodiest Battlefield" Can you see him?"


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