Mary Magdalene: Honoring the Secret Wish of Your Heart
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- Written by Laura Smith Biswas
- Views: 1091

It is my blessed honor to speak with you this day. I am the Magdalena and I come to deliver a message of hope and love to all of humanity.
At this time of year, in many parts of the world the focus is centered upon Yeshua from Bethlehem, born of Mary and Joseph. The one considered by many religions to be the savior of mankind. While this is an honorable title to be given to my beloved, this title was used to distract the populace from a deeper truth that he himself taught to everyone he knew. The truth that the divine Christ Light or Christ Consciousness resides in all humanity.
It is not a description of his legacy alone. It is of an even broader truth that permeates beyond his lifetime, beyond religion, beyond what it has come to mean for many people. It is a description of love embodied in form. It is a description of those who commit their lives to living with love as the prevailing motivation for all they do. This is, in fact, a template for your world to replicate, as it explores ways to create new societal structures, whether they be in business, government, education, health, or other support services. It does not mean that one needs be a Christian or adhere to any religion at all, it is about a deeper truth that lies within all beings to rise to a higher level of consciousness that serves the greater good of all beings.
When you find yourself wondering what is next along your path, pause and ask what you can uniquely contribute to making life better around you. It does not have to be a heroic effort to save others or start a non-profit foundation. It might be as simple as visiting a neighbor. It might consist of taking better care of your own mental or physical health. There is no love in self-sacrifice. This also needs to be corrected in the understanding of many who follow Yeshua’s path. He did not intend to leave his followers with the idea that they were lighting up the world through their own demise or the subjugation of their wants to others.
Each of you has had the seeds of love placed in your heart and each of them are unique. No two seeds – that we could call your dreams – are alike. They are each waiting to burst forth into form, to be expressed as an element of Source energy itself. For why would it make sense to create the same thing over and over? There is no joy in that. What is far more exciting is for the diversity of expression to find its way out into the world. And when it does, there is a unique experience for each soul to have that informs the collective.
So, allow yourself to take some time, if this is a holiday season for you, to dream. Not the dreams of your parents, society or culture, but attend to your own desires that may have gotten dusty from lack of attention. Let yourself consider what a gift they might be to the world, if you were to allow them to spring forth into reality. And imagine how joyful it might be for you to experience their fulfillment!
This is often a topic that strikes a bit of fear in mankind, unfortunately. For so many have had the difficulty of having others stomp on their dreams as little ones. Or perhaps they have been told over and over that they are not realistic desires. These admonitions were often done by those who loved you, but feared your disappointment or worried about your safety in society in some fashion.
But now, let me assure you that times have changed. Let that little one within you make a wish for this holiday season that you can fulfill by trusting your heart to listen. And once you have listened, you may consider what this desire informs you to do as a first step. You do not need to know all the ways and means by which a dream is fulfilled. That is not your job! You only need to take your part in accepting the creation of its reality, pursuing the thread of inspiration, and offering diligent devotion to keeping it alive with nourishment.
So, allow yourself to dream my dear beloved ones. Let yourself enjoy the unfolding of these new energies in your life that have more potency than you can imagine. Yes, it is just the beginning, but it is indeed a new age, a new time, and a new opportunity to experience yourselves as divine creators in human form. Let yourselves trust this is true and explore, so that you may discover if what I am saying holds resonance within you. If you feel the igniting of a fire and passion to take a chance on your dreams, then I will have counted this communication as a blessing. It is my desire to support you in your dreams and heartfelt desires, for that is how the new world, you all so deeply wish to come forth, will be born.
I stand by ready to assist you as does your beloved brother, Yeshua. Call on us to support your unique unfolding of love, for that is what we are here in service to.
Mary Magdalene
Laura Smith Biswas
Dec 05, 2024
Submitted to by Laura Smith Biswas with written permission to repost her articles, videos, and other content.
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