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Archangel Raphael: The Transition from Power to Peace

Archangel Raphael: The Transition from Power to Peace

It is I Raphael, Archangel of the Emerald Ray of healing, ray of love, ray of hope for all those suffering ailments of a variety of kinds.

And there are many more opportunities in which this light can assist you. Think of it as a tool for bringing things back into alignment. 

So, while it is most common for those who are familiar with me to call upon me for physical ailments or emotional suffering like you have, I am also available and present to assist with distortions of any kind. So, if you have a belief that you are aware that it's not serving you, you may invite me to assist you to clear it from you, to open the door to new thoughts to replace those that are not serving you. And likewise, experiences that leave you feeling uninspired and out of alignment with your true path or your highest good. You may invite my ray of light to assist you to see a path forward, to show you where the alignment is, to love itself. It can show you in a heartbeat an alternative route to find your way back to the truth within you that brings that sense of connection and oneness and clarity in moving forward into the next moment. 

You may even ask, “What are the thoughts that will support me to align with what I am seeking to experience? What will assist me to open my heart to transmute any fears into devotion, to love, into inspiration, into peace?” 

For whatever it is you wish for from the truth of your core, your center, your essence, it is most certainly in alignment with all else that exists. You may also think of this as being in alignment with the divine blueprint for your life. 

For when you feel that sense of purity as you (the channel) do so now, focused without distraction, an expansive peace inside yourself and no other conflicting desires, it feels like truth, does it not? There is never doubt and confusion with the truth. It simply is and rests within your soul with that clarity. So, allow yourself what you often call the luxury of time to feel your way into this sense of what I am calling alignment. 

It will not leave you second guessing your choices and actions. It will let you rest fully in them. Knowing that a choice comes from love, cannot be improved upon. It is complete in its understanding as an expression that reflects the oneness of all things. For when a choice is made from that knowing that all, without exception, are part of the whole, then it becomes salient, clear and obvious what to do. 

There is no dividing the heart. There is no confusion in the mind battling for wisdom. For wholeness reflects all aspects of yourself. When you make a choice for your own life, including, and not with any exception, all must be considered. You cannot step forward with the right leg, without the left and walk forward. You must ask yourself, how do we do this together? And this is the same in your society. 

You do not move forward by leaving others behind. It is not warring with another that you find peace. It is not by deserting those less fortunate that you gain wealth. You invite them to learn and work at your side, to discover what you have discovered, to create wealth of whatever kind it is you hold in your life. And in your differences, I see diversity of expression, of perspectives that are merely (reflections of) superficial wounds, concerns or fears that have yet to be answered. They are never the truth, one (dominating) over the other. In oneness there is always peace. And this is not because they must be the same or differences are not allowed. No, that is not what we are striving for. What we are striving for, while unified in love, is to see each other past the wounds, the cares, the concerns, the fears. To know that we are no different. 

That even when we say we want different things, that is unlikely to be the full story. So, the wise one can invite another, very unlike him or her on the surface, to tell that story. "What has brought you to this moment of fear? What causes you concerns that keeps us from coming together? Our fundamental desires are to live as we wish to do, in peace, but without harming another, without coercion, without force." 

That is the arc of confusion that has clouded so many in your times: that through power, peace will prevail. This is not so. Peace is born from love, which is inherently free, and love will never guide you to harm one another. Yes, it is true there are times when you must take action to stop the harm of another, to set your boundaries in place, because all do not act from a place of love. However, putting a boundary in your life with another is not an act of war, but an act of peace to preserve the self. For love extends both directions, both to the self and to the other.  

So that is, in part, how you will know if you are acting from war or peaceful motivations. Do you seek to place a boundary in your life out of fear or love? This is the essential question that needs to be answered for you to know when you detect fear in your actions or decision making. 

This is the time to stop, to reconsider, to pause, to seek for deeper understanding and connection beneath the surface in order to know that place of peace and truth that I have spoken of, where all is clear. So again, I offer to you the Emerald Ray to assist you with this, to guide you into that beautiful clarity that comes when you have transmuted your emotional fear, your distorted thoughts and judgments, and cleared the way for your actions to be based on love. 

Then you will have a peace like no other time in your life. It is an extraordinary experience to come to know yourself as an unlimited being of light that holds no judgment, no animosity, and no revenge for others. There becomes this quality of pure peace, purity of heart that can guide you through the most difficult situations because peace is all you seek. You do not wish for retribution or punishment or a sense of righteousness over another. 

All that has gone by the wayside and your aim and desire is unification of all that there is. And in that unification comes the awareness that you are never truly separate from those you had hated, judged, found abhorrent, saw as your enemies or felt that harmed you. It is a grand illusion all have entered into in this exploration we have taken to return home, to know ourselves in truth, as love. 

So, when you become angry, frustrated or fearful, remember this. That beneath all exterior appearances, is a brother and sister who is no different than you. That simple remembrance can bring you home to love.  

I am Archangel Raphael. I stand in service to love. 

Laura Smith Biswas 
Nov 11, 2024

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Laura Smith Biswas with written permission to repost her articles, videos, and other content.

Credit: Laura Smith Biswas - Click Here For Bio

Laura Smith Biswas
Laura Smith Biswas
is a bridge between worlds. She links the tangible and spiritual in two key areas - relationships and business.  At the core of all her work is the relationship we all have to love itself. She translates this into practical wisdom to help others experience more love in relationships - whether those are intimate ones or further out in our circles of connection through work.   

Her background comes from diverse areas including business and finance in top global companies, entrepreneurship, shamanic medicine training, spiritual psychology, grief recovery, and more. This wealth of experience and training has resulted in two areas of practice: The Love Mandala for creating greater love and intimacy in relationship and The Leadership Mandala for guiding others to conscious leadership and operational excellence in business. Both are practices that can be found at TheSacredMandala.com 

She is best-selling author of The Cosmology of Love: 70+ Ways to Experience Greater Love, where she illuminates how to identify your top needs in receiving love, specific ways to create more loving relationships and improve communicating love with all the people in your life. Her work serves as a reminder that love isn’t an accidental thing we find, but a sacred co-creative act. She supports her clients to discover what sacred union looks like for them so they can create more intimate and fulfilling relationships.   

She is a serial entrepreneur who loves exploring entrepreneurial models of work that blend sound principles of psychology with strong business fundamentals. She is passionately engaged in leading as an aware, humanistic leader who believes that a holistic model of work is not only engaging but necessary for the highest levels of success. In her leadership coaching practice, she supports clients to create organizations built on these same fundamentals. 

She is a mother of three young adult children and lives in Southern California with her life partner. She holds an MBA from Yale University and a MS in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica.   

Contact info:  
Laura Smith Biswas
TheWaysofLovingQuiz.com Take the quiz to discover your style of love. What are your unique strengths in love and where are your opportunities to create more?   
Read more in the book at WaysofLovingBook.com or AffirmationsofLoveBook.com 
The Leadership Mandala Quiz  Take the quiz to explore the integration of your consciousness and business leadership across key areas such as operational excellence, holistic thinking, self-awareness and culture. 

The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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