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Archangel Michael: Seeing Past the Shadow to Unity

Archangel Michael: Seeing Past the Shadow to Unity

It is I, Archangel Michael.  

I come to offer my assistance to strengthen your field.

Your protective shield is important to what you do on a daily basis. It allows you to stay balanced and centered, to stay attuned to the higher vibration energies, no matter what is brought into your presence to be transmuted.  

As you are engaged with others, shadow energies that are seeking transmutation, will bring up reflections for you to see as needed. When we recognize these reflections, we often judge ourselves for having them at all, when the beauty of this shadow work is that every particle of the shadows present within us, is connected to the vast network of other peoples’ shadows as well.  

So, as we free our portion of this shadow, which is represented within us, it signals, invites, encourages the other elements like it within others, around us, within the greater field to be transmuted as well. 

It is an invitation to the ripple effect that you can experience when you work with one of these parts. For so many of you have had experiences of similar wounding, perhaps for various reasons. And yet at their core is often the fear of unworthiness, of feeling dejected or rejected by another.  

And when these aspects come to understand that they are truly loved, that in freeing them they have done no wrong, but have in some way, shape or form been serving you, and they are free to transmute, to pass through out into another dimension or into the earth to be transformed for another purpose, then they naturally seek to come forward to be transmuted and experience their own change and evolution. 

We are all one. Let me remind you of this. And that is why when we see others who are on a public stage and judge them, we are only judging ourselves. And we can contribute to lifting the egoic tendencies of others, the damaging perceptions that hold so many back from unity, when we approach all with compassion, and a willingness to understand the differences between us come from the necessity of our parts to attempt to try to keep us safe. Then one can understand a person's different choice in the public domain. 

Perhaps if you had had the experience of another's lifetime, walked in their steps, so to speak, you would understand them at a very deep level and have compassion for what they have brought on and projected into the world - that is, in your estimation, unhelpful, harmful even of cruelty.  

So much of what is projected in your world that is hateful, deceitful, harmful on the physical plane, comes from the pure fear of a child who has been lost within itself, who feels there is nowhere to turn, but does so to take control and force their views and desires on others to maintain their sanity or safety. 

So, if you can at the very least approach others who are extremely different from you with the compassion. Imagine how the divine energy of the mother & father, that created all, would hold for them in their development and evolution. See that perhaps they have much to learn, and yet they are still loved and still cherished at their essence, then we could enter into the road of peace between all mankind. 

This is a simple step for all to take that can make a significant difference in your world. And especially at this time of political upheaval in the country in which the channel lives. It's a perfect opportunity to practice this. Hold in your hearts the higher perspective of unity of all beings, unity of all things. It is the truth at the most elemental level and cannot be denied. 

And if you do not understand how to hold this vibration, then turn to yourself and look at the unity within you that you may create through your own practice of love, acceptance and forgiveness.  

This is Archangel Michael. 

Laura Smith Biswas 
Oct 28, 2024 

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Laura Smith Biswas with written permission to repost her articles, videos, and other content.

Credit: Laura Smith Biswas - Click Here For Bio

Laura Smith Biswas
Laura Smith Biswas
is a bridge between worlds. She links the tangible and spiritual in two key areas - relationships and business.  At the core of all her work is the relationship we all have to love itself. She translates this into practical wisdom to help others experience more love in relationships - whether those are intimate ones or further out in our circles of connection through work.   

Her background comes from diverse areas including business and finance in top global companies, entrepreneurship, shamanic medicine training, spiritual psychology, grief recovery, and more. This wealth of experience and training has resulted in two areas of practice: The Love Mandala for creating greater love and intimacy in relationship and The Leadership Mandala for guiding others to conscious leadership and operational excellence in business. Both are practices that can be found at TheSacredMandala.com 

She is best-selling author of The Cosmology of Love: 70+ Ways to Experience Greater Love, where she illuminates how to identify your top needs in receiving love, specific ways to create more loving relationships and improve communicating love with all the people in your life. Her work serves as a reminder that love isn’t an accidental thing we find, but a sacred co-creative act. She supports her clients to discover what sacred union looks like for them so they can create more intimate and fulfilling relationships.   

She is a serial entrepreneur who loves exploring entrepreneurial models of work that blend sound principles of psychology with strong business fundamentals. She is passionately engaged in leading as an aware, humanistic leader who believes that a holistic model of work is not only engaging but necessary for the highest levels of success. In her leadership coaching practice, she supports clients to create organizations built on these same fundamentals. 

She is a mother of three young adult children and lives in Southern California with her life partner. She holds an MBA from Yale University and a MS in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica.   

Contact info:  
Laura Smith Biswas
TheWaysofLovingQuiz.com Take the quiz to discover your style of love. What are your unique strengths in love and where are your opportunities to create more?   
Read more in the book at WaysofLovingBook.com or AffirmationsofLoveBook.com 
The Leadership Mandala Quiz  Take the quiz to explore the integration of your consciousness and business leadership across key areas such as operational excellence, holistic thinking, self-awareness and culture. 

The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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