Archangel Metatron: Receive my Gift of the Merkabah
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- Written by Laura Smith Biswas
- Views: 602

A channeled message from Metatron.
Thank you for calling upon me this beautiful morning in your world to assist, for it is my mission and purpose to bring my gifts, the light, the blessings of the Merkabah to you and to as many as will receive it.
It offers a deep cleansing, to allow the harmony to rise within your field, to bring things into alignment and to energize and power your creations.
So call upon me at all times to assist you in your endeavors of the light, to fuel them with that extra rocket fuel - with a boost, as you can imagine, that is added, to supercharge your creations. Feel within you it's activation. Cleansing, brightening, expanding, and creating space within your field from only the truth of your being. It is a way in which to remove - gently, but clearly and directly, that which is not in alignment with your soul's purpose.
You may pull things in again and again with your thoughts and patterns that require attention to shift and alter, but you can be assured that when you call upon the gift of the Merkabah, it does its job. It clears away the dross. It cleanses. It removes that which is an impurity. And this is not said in judgment. It is spoken in terms of truth. That which is not truth is removed, for it cannot stand in the vibrational matrix of the Merkabah when it is activated.
So feel yourself centered within it, in this vast beautiful matrix and pattern, spinning all around you, extending just out beyond the tips of your fingers, if your arms were extended a foot or two. Feel it all around you, aligning your energies, clearing out the smoke that obscures your vision, and frame you from misunderstandings.
So be careful when you find yourself tempted to pick them back up again remind yourself this is not necessary. They have been removed. They are not permanent. You may choose freely to go forward without them and if you ever feel you have faltered, you may use the Merkabah again to cleanse and align and create that crystal clear clarity that will allow you to see your way forward in life. Relax into this palatable sense and presence of the field of the Merkabah.
Relax into it. Trust what I am sharing with you through this channel, that it is a very real - and tangible in certain dimensions - tool or gift, however, you would like to see that. Made for you. Given to you. Gifted to you. Offered to you freely, to use for emanating your strength, power, and presence of love in the world today. Feel it offer you the freedom - of release of things that no longer serve you - from heaviness, of responsibility, judgment, confusion, darkness, shame, guilt, and fear, regret, any level of self-criticism or harm to yourself or others. None of those are of love.
Your true nature is innately built within you, and it is undeniably, undoubtedly of a nature far greater than what you are able to grasp in this moment. Even if you catch but a glimpse of the power of love that exists within you - you will be empowering your life immensely. And empowering this world immensely. Every moment you come in closer recognition to the incredible loving presence that you truly are - and that this is simply a form in which you have chosen to express that, it blesses all living things, not just people, not just your planet, but all existence. Because we are truly one, connected and journeying together.
I am blessed by your receipt of my gift, for that is what I desire to offer, so each time it has received it as a blessing to me. And you receive my gift as fully as you are able, and your gratitude flows back to me - and then my desire to offer it again increases, and this never ending blessing of giving and receiving - elevating the gift of love that we each are - begins to accelerate. Feel within the Merkabah the expansive nature of, not just the field within it, but yourself. Feel how it unlocks your true nature.
Do you truly understand, you have no borders, no bounds? All possibilities. that are set within your life plan are available to you. You are an immense being of light. Feel that. Let it penetrate your mind, your heart your knowing, your awareness, your whole being down into the root of your base of your spine, into your belly. Feel it in each one of your cells, the recognition that you are so much more than this form. And yet it is beautiful, is it not? When you stop placing judgments and comparisons upon it, it is a beautiful expression of who you are - no matter shape or size, no matter color of your skin, the quality of your hair, whether you have it or not - you are beautiful beings emanating this essence that you are, that is so powerful, you have not even begun to tap into what you may do, in full recognition of it.
So take a moment today to feel it, to acknowledge this is who you are, to let it emanate through your form as a blessing to all. And trust that this is the truth of who you are! Is it not beautiful?
I am Metatron. I thank you for receiving my gift today.
Laura Smith Biswas
Mar 20, 2025
Submitted to by Laura Smith Biswas with written permission to repost her articles, videos, and other content.
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