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Shifting Seasons And Time…..


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As the deep freeze of winter’s grip begins to slowly thaw and springs first brave flowers thrust their heads above the frozen dirt stretching upward for the warmth of sunshine, one can’t help but sigh a great sigh of relief to have finally gotten past the darkest moments of winter. New life awaits now as the days become longer and the cold begins to recede further in our memories and the light begins to brighten up the darkness that has lasted so long this year. If spring flowers like the crocus can birth themselves up through the snow to grace and encourage the world to rejoice, so too can we birth our selves into a new world and shine our own lights to brighten up the darkness that has been smothering humanity. 

One can’t help but feel the call going out right now to rebirth ourselves, to reach out and change ourselves and change the world. We must not be afraid! The greatest gift we can give ourselves is to trust the process of what is transpiring. Rather than fearing the collapse of everything going on around us, instead let us welcome it. Realize that the old ways of being must die away in order to make space for the new to be born, for new laws to be made, new ways of being in the world to be established for the good of all. It is just as natural a process as the crocus rising up through the snow announcing spring is on its way!

So many different situations are unfolding around us where the old ways are being torn down simply because they no longer work, no longer fit into the new world being created by us all. It is a time of great excitement to become aware of these changes creeping in, not a time to pull back back in fear. What we are witnessing is nothing short of a miracle. The world is changing moment by moment. We are watching the old and outdated paradigm imploding into dust. We see the political foundations crumbling and the politicians clinging desperately onto what was rather than embracing what will be. As they try over and over again to implement old strategies to keep control one can only shake their head in disbelief that they would think these strategies would still work on the constantly awakening people of the world. Do they seriously think we cannot see what is going on? Do they not feel the surge of power the people are gathering up as more and more awaken and realize the truth of what has taken place for so long now? It is time they surrender to this shift.

Spring is soon to explode forth in bright colors and warmer temperatures and we too must explode forth and reinvent ourselves. We must concentrate on peaceful thoughts and stretch our hearts open wide enough to let in the whole world. As the dark ones continue to beat their war drums in an attempt to create another war to supplement failing economies, we must turn our attentions away from this old game being played out and devote our attentions to peaceful ways of being in the world despite what goes on around us. If we desire peace and freedom and a loving world, then we must be that ourselves. Our intentions spread outward and pick up momentum. WE ARE the change we wish to see! And so a new season approaches and tonight we set our clocks ahead to welcome it in and as we do this, let us make space for new ways of being and thinking so we can each be a major part of creating our new world. Everything is fresh and alive. Let peace explode from your hearts along with the flowers of spring….

Blessings to us all,


Credits: oneworldrising.wordpress.com


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