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Remember The Power Of The Voice
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- Written by AndEl
Dielle Ciesco
If I could share 500 words to inspire, this is the important wisdom I'd want to pass along to others...
We take our ability to speak for granted every day, perfecting our misuse of a tool with the power to transform our world.
Each of us came here to stand for something; we came with a message to share--a song to sing. But the voice is a terribly wounded channel. We learned from a very young age that expressing ourselves was something to be controlled and censured. Many of us heard the message to "shut up", were told we couldn't sing, or that we were too loud, too inappropriate with our exuberant joy.
Instead, we've learned how to manipulate others with our words, to bend our truth to the will of others, and to swallow the most vulnerable of our expressions. We've seen such behaviors modeled and even praised while the reverse... speaking up, daring to be truthful, asking for what we want directly, singing just because it was our joy... has been judged as selfish, taking up too much space, even villainous.
Recovering our True Voice is essential to bringing balance back to this topsy-turvy world, beginning with our inner world. We can learn to use "yes" and "no" as clear tools. We can learn to be more direct. We can speak up and speak out, even while shaking in our boots.
So how to we go about reclaiming the power of the voice? We do this by bringing awareness to the 10 Gates of Sound:
The Vocal Channel
1) We first become aware of the physical tools of the voice. We simply bring our attention to our tongue, our throat, our vocal chords...
The Breath
2) We then shift our awareness to the breath, the carrier of sound. We come to understand its power to break up stagnation and congestion.
Letters and Words as Program
3) Next we begin to pay attention to the energy of letters and words, cleansing them of the programming that was thrust upon us.
Letters and Words as Programmable
4) With awareness, we begin to see how the words we use create our reality. Our words then become our own.
5) This changes the stories we tell, which no longer espouse the voice of the victim, but rather that of the hero... impeccable, truthful, and victorious.
6) We develop our ability to listen on all levels, not just to exterior sounds, but the sounds within us and the sounds that arise from other realms so we can honor all levels of guidance.
The Science of Vibration
7) This teaches us that as vibrational beings in a vibrational universe, we are never immune to the vibrations that surround us.
Vocal Play
8) We free our voices playfully, exploring their potential through song, toning, poetry, or any form of expression that brings us joy.
True Voice
9) We can then begin to excavate our original message... the one we were born to deliver. We bring something fresh and original into the world.
Rainbow Light
10) So purified, we break free of the restrictive structures which have dampened our light so our bodies retain and radiate more light than ever. We become rainbows, fully expressed.
Do you understand the power that awaits in your voice? Commit to freeing your True Voice; allow yourself to be a purified channel of light and an instrument of the Divine!
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